Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Just Some Random Bits And Pieces

Hello Bolivia, Brazil, Phillipines, and Argentina, and welcome y'all to the response to the oft asked question, no, I don't know what's wrong with me, but that's okay because apparently there are plenty of people in town who do...(if only they'd say what it is-Ed)....well apparently they do...(just never to your face?-Ed)...just never to my face...(ahaha-Ed)...ahaaa...and that was the sort of joke in yesterday's title declaring it's me, I'm here, and I'm a genius...

It's a play on the Oscar WIlde quote thingy when he was asked at a Customs desk if he had anything to declare, and he apparently responded 'nothing but my genius'...and my joke about 'go forward slash his tyres' is a play on the letter that St Martin's Principal John Alexander put in the school newsletter (2003?) re rumours, etc, that included a biblical quote that was a very thinly disguised entreaty to Lutherans to come and hassle us parents and get us to 'see the error of our ways'...apologies for forgetting to explain yesterday...

Local Government Elections: by definition/default/whatevs but hardly by design, will be prominent in this 'ere blog for the next couple of months...(orrr, a couple of months?-Ed)...gee, thanks for your support...(hey, don't get me wrong, I fully support your decision to appropriately engage in the formal processes, just, you know, a couple of months? really?-Ed)... and I wasn't surprised to see fellow Mayoral aspirant Leon Rigopoulos in today's The Border Watch, nor Councillor nominee Steve Paleokastiritis last week...

(Is TBW running candidate profiles?-Ed) idea, these were in the Letters To The Editor section...(are those letters correctly 'Authorised', etc?-Ed)...not sure, there are references to this in the Handbook, etc, but I don't personally really think it's particularly important...and according to the Australian Press Council TBW can do whatever they like, so I ain't gunna' waste my energy on it...remember at the 2010 State Election when Frank Morello was writing press releases for candidate Don Pegler, and Sandra Morello his wife was printing them verbatim in TBW under her byline as being actual articles...(ha! how corrupt is that?-Ed)..well apparently not at all...

(And isn't Frank 'The Ghost' also running for Councillor?-Ed)...apparently...and as a Country Arts SA employee he is exempted from exclusions of Council employees from LG Elections...(that was my exact question-Ed)...I don't think I have to say anything more about Frank Morello's bid for Council because his connections are obvious, eg, with The Border Watch as former Editor and husband of 'reporter' Sandra Morello, with former local member Don Pegler, and that means Rory McEwen, etc, etc...thick as thieves...

Quite Pissed Off: to read (but thanks still for sending me that stuff) about how Wind Turbine 'opponent' (Dr) Sarah Laurie is suffering a renewed attack on her personally from pro-Turbine clowns like alleged Prof Simon Chapman...(is he actually pro-Turbine or does he just enjoy slingin' abuse at people like Sarah Laurie?-Ed) idea, just an idiot lookin' for somewhere to happen as far as I'm concerned...availees will appreciate my sense of solidarity with Ms Laurie given the character assassination I myself have been deliberately subjected to in an attempt to cover-up the St Martins case...

And I don't attack Mr Chapman for his disagreeing with my opinion/position/whatevs, it's how he goes about it, particularly as he's an alleged intellectual...his shrill, emotive, entirely unscientific attacks on people who genuinely believe that there are health problems associated with Wind Turbines, problems that have never been formally studied apart from dodgy bit-piece attempts to discredit and dismiss these concerns, and those studies that have been done, eg, Acoustic Testing are dismissed or ignored...

Regardless of what you think about the science, or rather lack of, it remains an un-contestable reality that hundreds of these monstrosities have been erected in SA and there are multiple plans for many hundreds more, all without appropriate testing...just this morning on ABC Local Radio was another long interview with Russell Marsh of the renewable Energy Industry lobby group the self-titled Clean Energy Council, with Mr Marsh furiously defending the Renewable Subsidies that Turbines desperately need because they're so grossly economically inefficient...

(And was the rest of it one long waffle about how Renewables are bringing down energy prices?-Ed)...absolutely, so you heard it then?...(only all before, over and over, constant rhetoric about lower prices, rhetoric that flies in the face of the reality that SA has astronomical electricity prices, and they only ever go up-Ed)...well quite...sorry availees to go at it again after only doing this yesterday, but this is the crassly deceitful propaganda being spewed into the local media...(and not one call or message read out to counter Mr Marsh's extraordinary claims?-Ed)...not that I heard, but I could have missed it...

I further note that I contacted the ABC's 7.30 program and Four Corners yet again recently, via their own Interweb pages, and left my 'comments', and I received an automatic 'thanks for your email' from Four Cormers on August 7th 2014 but nothing since, and 7.30 didn't even respond...(well that's hardly a surprise is it...the ABC is openly complicit in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, particularly the Adelaide office, and most particularly 7.30 SA-Ed)...indeed...

It's symptomatic of my life and a sad, sad reality that Simon Royal of 7.30 SA is just another senior Adelaide journalist with whom I have personally, repeatedly discussed the St Martins case...(and provided personal documents-Ed)...indeed...and include in that number former producer Patrick Emmett, of course David Bevan and Matthew Abraham, Sandra Winter-Dewhirst, and also of course the various senior ABC personnel, including apparently their 'legal peoples', as covered in this 'ere blog...

The Divine Reg Nelson:...omg, Beach Energy's Reg Nelson, fresh from his arrogant, angry spray last week at people opposed to his company's plan to come ploughing into the South East and Frack it all up for everyone, well Reg now reckons they've discovered a secret Aquifer that only they know about...(is that even possible?-Ed)...anything's possible...for me it just confirms that they don't really know what they're doing and cannot guarantee squat...I know nothing about mining, but I know that when you drill a shaft through umpteen different strata, Aquifers, etc, the driller is creating an artificial weak point, creating an unnatural fault...

(Absolutely...and you can fill that shaft with as much steel pipe and cement and shizzle as ya' shreckin' want, fill it right up, please, because the outside of the shaft remains a created space into which Nature will make it's in-roads...up, down, sideways, whatevs-Ed)...indeed, but most likely 'up'...and I note that Uncle Reg has failed in everything I've seen/heard from him to acknowledge that the previous drilling around Penola that he so loves to refer to as being proof that Fracking's just fine...(just fine-Ed)...even though he knows it's a completely different form of extraction...(extraction-Ed)...well that drilling has left a legacy of decaying bore holes...

And these decaying bores are wearing away around the outside of the steel casing as surface water is eroding the Limestone...and this is an escalating problem because some erosion quickly becomes a sump which rapidly increases erosion and so on as the problem spirals upwards...(or rather downwards-Ed)...well quite...

Forest Industry Advisory Board: is apparently one of 105+ Boards about to get the chop even as they hand down their first report...(geez, and isn't that a stunning study of obviousational observationings-Ed)...well quite...'we need to make more wooden shizzle' does it also say we need to burn wood to create electricity?-Ed) mean 'bio-mass'?...(well that's what 'bio-mass' means, so yes that's what I mean-Ed)...probably, and there's plenty of 'Pulp Mill' stuff,'s all a bit bloody pointless when we've just sold-off the rights to log allocation...

Last weekend I watched The Neverending Story...and it bloody well does...whatta' rip off...

Tomorrow: Stuff

(I'm thinking of branching out into more mainstream media, TV I'm thinking, probably production-Ed)...oh yeah? anything 'on the horizon'? you know, 'in the pipeline'? some exciting new concept?...(yeah, I've been working on my Reality cooking show-Ed)...well that's nuthin' new...(yeah 'tis, it's all seafood and you have to go catch it all yourself first-Ed)...ah, so it's like one of those fishing shows and a cooking show combined?...(yeah, sortta'-Ed)...that is a bit gotta' catchy title? gotta' have a catchy title?...(absolutely, that's the best bit-Ed)...and it is???...(oh, Master Baits-Ed)...charming...

Written and Authorised by Nick Fletcher, 16 Kooringa St, Mt Gambier, SA...cheers and laters...

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