Monday, September 15, 2014

Shenanigans And Bananas

Hello and welcome to the blog Germany, the USofA, France and the still just United I understand it the Scottish Independence referendum in a couple of weeks is still slightly skewed toward a 'No' vote and therefore Scotland remains as probably/possibly a member of the United Kingdom...(sweet baby cheeses, what are they gunna' call the UK if it ain't U?-Ed) idea, but I think that is one of the lesser problems because there are issues of Economy, Defense, etc, and naturally countries like China are not huge fans of any talk of succession...

Back here in Sow Straya it's the last day for nominations for Local Government Elections coming up in November...(actually I think it's noon tomorrow, Tuesday 16th September 2014-Ed)...ah yes, my bad, tomorrow noon...(you know, according to The Border Watch last week, there's apparently 6 Mayoral nominees and only the same number of Councillor nominees-Ed)...good point...what happens if there aren't enough candidates to elect a full Council?...does there need to be 10 Councillors?..(or what if nobody votes, say, as a silent protest about the gross incompetence of a series of Mt Gambier City Councils, and there's no votes cast? or more likely, nominees don't get enough votes each to be elected?-Ed)...

Well I have heard talk of people not voting at all to try and scupper the whole Council, as you've described Ed, but I think it's basically a fall over the line set-up in as much as you just start counting who got the most First Preference votes and then go down the list to the 10th least voted for and they are the 10th Councillor...according to the LGA Interweb site, Acting Deputy Mayor Penny Richardson was elected 10th on only 200 votes...(that's still more than you got-Ed)...true, but I didn't actually really try to get elected at that stage, it was mostly a St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up protest thing off the back of the Protest Candidate thingy I did at the March 2010 State Election...

As to what would happen if no-one voted, I've no idea...interestingly, I couldn't find any mention of the handballing of votes from one candidate to another after reaching a requisite 400(?) votes, as apparently happened in Mt Gambier in the 2002(?) Local Government Election, but I'll continue to research that one...(maybe it's a Preference Allocation thingy or whatevs-Ed)...dunno'...and unfortunately my limited Interweb skills allow the possibility that I just didn't look in the right places...

Deadset Fell Off My Chair: when SA Labor (Renewable Energy?) Minister Ian Hunter stated in an ABC interview that Sow Straya, indeed Straya, must get huggy with those fugly great Wind Turbines and the Renewable Energy Targets...(and the RE Certificates and the $10billion Clean Energy Finance Corporation one assumes-Ed)...didn't hear them mentioned specifically (missed a bit) but we'll take it as a given given that he was givin' Turbines and all involved includin' 'imself great big medals because everyone's apparently "kicking big goals"...(but none of that's particularly surprising, so why the tumble?-Ed)...

Well, he opened with a spray at the Federal Liberal Party, accusing them of 'stacking' the 'Inquiry' that recommended a 'Review'...(or was it a 'Review' that spawned an 'Inquiry'?-Ed), you're right, the Warburton Review that produced a report that recommends we make the Earth flat to help combat Climate Change, in that it lumps all 'Renewables' into one bathtub and then chucks the whole lot, tub'n'all, out of a closed window...(yeah, what's wrong with a bit of Solar, Geo-thermal, etc, it's not all about bloody Turbines ya' know-Ed)...right on...but that's still not what floored me...(no?-Ed)... was Minister Hunter's observation that the Rann/Weatherill Labor government has helped with 'attracting foreign investment', much of which is now apparently at risk due to the Liberals shanking ol' RETsy, that Labor has done what it can to facilitate more Turbine 'investment' including having "reduced the regulatory burden"...(which in actual reality means the rank and definitive Fascism of the Wind Turbine Legislation introduced in October 2011, and further modified since, that removes any and all opportunity to oppose and/or Appeal any Turbine Development Approvals -Ed)...right on...but I've covered this at length in previous posts, so...   

And I don't know exactly what happened about PM Tony Abbott's statement about the new Iraq 'campaign' being over by Christmas, 'for a few months', but it may be that it was a report actually making reference to his earlier statements re supplying Kurdish forces, and from there how that has now expanded, and expanded in a wholly un-defined and therefore very concerning way...and one side says PM Abbott has fulfilled his promise to spend a week each year in an Aboriginal community by setting up camp in Arnhem Land, yet another says that he's done exactly that, camp, but not actually in a community, and then a third opinion stating that this showed a favouritism for that area and people, and perhaps he should have gone to New South Wales, etc...

And what was the very low altitude fly-over today at 0945(?) in Mt Gambier when 2 jets went East-West sortta', in staggered parallel, and then 20 seconds later 3 in a very tight V formation went kinda' South-North at a similar altitude?...coulda' been 5, coulda' been 2 twice and their mate joining them...I was in town so therefore unfortunately looking straight up into the sun and couldn't tell you much more than I think they were F-18s but as for markings, etc, no idea, they were only brief silhouettes...

Noel From Mt Gambier: was just cuttin' crook on the ABC (earlier)...go you good thing, a real earthy sounding bloke stickin' it to the man saying when it comes to housing affordability/sales/whatevs, don't listen to governments, bankers, builders and agents...(apparently he's part of/a member of the Citizens Electoral Council, but I'm not sure exactly who they are-Ed) neither...Google it...and something about how in the 1950s the average home cost the equivalent of 1 year's average wage but now costs 11...this followed Mayor Steve Perryman's interview, saying that everything's great, if you don't count the drop in sales, drop in new home approvals, low median house price, etc...

(Yeah he's right that unemployment is the critical issue in home affordability, or to be more specific, strong employment creates certainty that encourages lending and  spending, etc...he was also right that people are more likely to be renovating, etc, rather than building another house-Ed)...and these combined have all but pulled the rug out from under the Housing/New Homes market in Mt's one thing to try and present the glass as being half-full, but not appropriately addressing harsh realities can be ultimately self-defeating...

The Banana Lord Update: remains pretty much where it was last time, but I'd just like to make the point, yet again, that I have made extensive appropriate effort to get accurate information that explains why my home was raided and my laptop "seized" as "evidence", but I wasn't charged with anything, even though I was verbally told I had transgressed the Banana Lord Legislation...extensive effort via a lawyer who had to write to ask if they were even allowed to talk to me...and yet here I remain wholly at a loss to explain even to myself what it is I have done...

When the lawyers wrote to the Banana Lord about being allowed to even talk to me, or more specifically if I could talk to them, it was also asked 'is Mr Fletcher allowed to talk to his family and friends for advice and support?'...(mate, the fact that these questions are even being asked is a massive concern, let alone that this bollocks is going on and you haven't even been charged with anything-Ed)...let alone that I can't even name the State Authority involved, because that in itself might, might be an infraction, but no-one can tell me that either...(ludicrous-Ed)...

But I note that in the first lawyer's letter it's asked 'can Mr Fletcher talk to a lawyer and his family and friends?', and the response was,
     " is a matter for the South Australian Police...I am also unable to give legal advice and 
      therefore cannot answer the questions that you have raised in your letter. 
      I think they are matters that Mr Fletcher must consider upon advice given to him by you."
                                                                                         The Banana Lord   July 14th 2014
...(well that's not very helpful-Ed)...indeed...

But in the lawyer's second letter, there is a specific request to be able to discuss these Banana Lord issues with my family and friends, and talking to a lawyer is not specifically mentioned...and this time the Banana Lord responds with written permission for me to talk to my family;
     "In accordance with (the relevant Act and section) I authorise Mr Nick Fletcher or a legal
      practitioner acting for Mr Nick Fletcher to publish, or cause to be published, information the
      publication of which is otherwise prohibited by (section of Act) , to such persons as is 
      necessary for the purposes of advising or assisting Mr Fletcher in relation to the current
      investigation and/or prosecution  of Mr Fletcher in relation to an alleged breach of (section of
     Act), or to a person listed below:
          * A member of Mr Fletcher's family;
          * A friend of Mr Fletcher; or
          * A medical practitioner who is providing care to Mr Fletcher."

(So it appears that the Banana Lord is acknowledging that you do actually need his/her/their written permission to talk to family and friends, but with regard to the lawyer part of it, acknowledging that is the case without actually identifying it specifically, "or a legal practitioner acting for Mr Nick Fletcher"-Ed)...well spotted Ed, written permission even though I've not been charged...(and what happened to it being a police matter?-Ed) idea...with any of it...nobody has any idea, with any of it...  
And just for the record, I really don't appreciate having to frig about with stupid pseudonyms like the Banana Lord but I simply don't have any choice...I'm not trying to be a smart arse or smug prick or any other sort of self-satisfied piece of anatomy, it's what I'm advised I should do...more tomorrow with,

Tomorrow: Back Onto The Rail Lands

With your guide Graham Greenwood from The Border Watch...this article deserves, nay demands a post all it's own...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...  

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