Saturday, September 27, 2014

600th Post Of Bike Words And Stuff

Hello and welcome to the blog...apologies for no post yesterday but long day, spent largely away from home including driving to Portland and back (220kms) and of course no laptop to work on, SAPol still have it...also went round and round in very small circles for days trying to prepare a polite CV for the Community Action Sustainability group re their material re the Local Government Elections...(how's that coming along then? he asked mockingly-Ed)...just swimmingly...

So Embarrassment: that I couldn't work out my new 'word document' program and had to just send CAS an email and then forgot to save myself a copy of my own email, after days spent trying to climb down off my high-horse, knobble my hobby-horse, retrieve moderation from the expired equine floggin' of relentless bloggin' and yet still say what I feel needs to be said...(well I think you do just fine, really I do, but I get the idea that it takes a bit to pull back given the momentum, dare I say it style, that this 'ere blog has-Ed)...cheers...

600th Post: is a bit of a guesstimation given various 'no post today's', etc, but never-the-less a perfect opportunity to respond to a comment recently left on the blog re Bike Lanes...(it really stuffs you up doesn't it when people are polite let alone nice to you?-Ed)...the cheap-shot answer is that I'm just not that used to it I guess...(fair enough-Ed)...but truly I feel obliged to be polite if people are to me and indeed it's my natural disposition...what really gets to me is when people say they trust me and/or rely on me...  

Someone else placing their genuine trust in me is a guarantee of reciprocated trust and commitment...deadset, when I commit I make the Terminator look like a temporary try-hard...people have politely noted that I can be 'rather intense'...(damn straight-Ed)...this is the stuff I've covered re why I don't attend some (many) functions, given that me just walking into a room can drastically alter the tone and the mood...and it ain't all bad...

Particularly with the Child Protection stuff I sometimes startle myself as to how strong I've been, continue to be...and within that the beautiful irony that for all I've the trauma and sense of failure and subsequent mental illness, etc, it is suffering born of strength and suffering bourne of strength...(whaaa?-Ed) is because I have been so strong in standing my ground despite what I've suffered for it that I suffer for it, and I manage to bear that massive burden because of that same strength...strength creates that which it helps endure...

(I will never grow tired of berating you about how annoying it is you constantly write absolutely contradictory statements that encapsulate perfectly the deep and abiding 'insanity' that is your greatest strength, you're just not normal people and it takes 'just not normal' to be able to do what you do-Ed)...ta' Ed...and whilst I do like to bang on 'bout how everybody hates me think I'll go eat worms', I would like to thank those who increasingly have worked past the 'Nick Fletcher's a crazy trouble-making bastard' stuff to the 'Nick Fletcher's a crazy trouble-making bastard, but he's genuine, and he's right'...

Also a perfect time to re-iterate that, whilst I'd prefer to be 'self-funded' rather than on the Disability Support Pension, and a home-owner rather than a Housing Trust Tenant, none of this dulls my keen sense of gratitude and appreciation that for all our faults and failings I live in a society (and hope to continue living in such a society) that seeks to support all of it's peoples...and so it is that I crash headlong through my personal gratitude to my personal and I believe collective National shame re the treatment meted out to Aboriginal people...I'm not ashamed to be white, but I'm deeply ashamed about how we as the dominant culture continue to treat Aboriginal people...

First peoples, First Nation, WWI and WWII heroes in Europe but not recognised as human back in Oz, their country, until 1966, etc, etc, and this week there's been a lot of stuff about the official Constitutional Recognition of Aboriginal peoples...I do not understand this even as a concept...our Australia is Aboriginal country stolen with poisoned bread and velocitous lead and we are in their country to their great detriment... Aboriginal people are Australian people, end of story...clearly my layperson's understanding of the Australian Constitution  has not enlightened me as to the section that specifically dis-counts Aboriginal peoples as being Oz citizens...

(I'm no Constitutionalist traditionalist either but I think it's about the fact that Aboriginal people are not specifically referenced therefore considered excluded...but I agree that it's a white-boys argument about achieving white-boy gaols regardless of how it affects others, particularly Indigenous peoples-Ed)...I was just stunned to hear former Liberal Minister Amanda Vanstone on ABC/BBC Radio interviewing a former Keating Labor government Minister (name?-sorry) with Mr Minister rancidly vilifying Aboriginal people for all of 'the advantages they enjoy for being Aboriginal'...(deadset?-Ed)...I kept waiting for the bit where I realise that he was being completely facetious and sarcastic, but it just never came...absolutely atrocious...

This was on Radio National...whatta' bloody disgrace...I thought I'd tuned into the Opinionated Rascists Hour only to realise that yes I a different story elsewhere it was explained how one WWI Aboriginal soldier was having his pay intercepted by authorities and taken when he sent it home to his wife and kids, and consequently the children were taken off the 'destitute' mother...I wept, like a child, tearing-up again now...what an absolute disgrace, and I don't give a forget that it was 100 years ago, it's just wrong, so very, very wrong...

I note that North Sydney Council is fighting back against the Mayor and Local Government Minister who claim that the entire Council is "dysfunctional and unwholesome" and are trying to suspend it...the Councillors claim that it's a confected conflict to justify/allow this move, possibly to remove opposition to some building developments...whilst I can't second guess each and every player, it appears to be effectively a different problem to Wangaratta Council in Victoria who have already been suspended...won't go into it here, but there's plenty on the Interweb...

 Apologies that I haven't actually got to the 2 things I wanted to cover today, namely the Bike Lanes stuff and my little day trip to Portland, but please excuse the indulgence of a little self-reflection for this 'ere the 600th post...(600 posts, 155,000+ views, hilarious-Ed)...indeed, but today's loss is gainage for...

Tomorrow: Bike Lanes and Portland

Please find attached a beautiful sunrise, just for the hell of it, that had this really weird rounded cloud hangin' in the middle there...and 2 photos of the Vally Lake, taken from the Nelson Rd as I returned from Portland yesterday...they're unfortunately not as clear as the actual event, but as that cloud pushed across Mt Gambier it appeared to be billowing out of the crater...this happens not infrequently as the wind sweeping over the lip drags cloud down into the Valley Lake crater, but this really looked like an can sort of get the idea I hope...

Written and Authorised by Nick Fletcher, 16 Kooringa St, Mt Gambier...cheers and laters...

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