Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Mo' Stuff From Yesterday

***apologies that yesterday's post was lost, very weird...saved just fine, etc, but then when published just dumped 3/4 of post...following bit is what was left...again, apologies because I have no idea why it would save ok then erase part way through publishing...(are you being hacked or something? SAPol has your laptop and could be changing stuff/stopping stuff/whatevs-Ed)...possibly, but equally likely I lent on the wrong button or something stupid like that...maybe it was just the Interweb connection dropping out, again, at exactly the wrong time...***

Hello and welcome to the blog and I'm so excited...(me too, me too-Ed)...only one more sleep until nominations open for the November 2014 Local Government Elections...again I can only say that I'm not running for Council because it would be/is a complete waste of time that would only compromise my 'ability' to discuss/expose the rank Council corruption that has all but rooted Mt Gambier...(is that the 'ínternal confidentiality' stuff that would deny you opportunity to comment on issues-Ed)...partly...

Call Me Paranoid: because, yes there are many restrictions on Councillors discussing Council business, but I'd reckon it's a done deal for a goodly chunk of the current 'Vested Interests Bloc' to just cruise back onto Council...(ah yes, and then you'd be not just stuck with a useless vote, but denied the ability to discuss most if not all of it-Ed)...exactly...quickly, I'd just like to tidy up some loose ends from yesterday...

We (Australia) have plans to send SAS (Special Air Service) troops to 'protect our aircraft' that are dropping supplies to the Kurds in North Iraq (*again apologies for this sweeping generalisation of peoples and places)...(um, actually we're not dropping, we're landing, after going via Baghdad-Ed)...ah, that would explain the SAS, secure the landing strip, protect crews, etc...(yeah, but this is 'boots on the ground' that we are apparently not going to do-Ed)...exactly...(whaaa?-Ed)...  

This is the problem with our darling PM Tony Abbott's habit...(dare I say it, the Mad Monk's habit-Ed)...yes, yes you dare...(his habit of trampling the truth on the way to his ideological happy place-Ed)...indeed, say whatevs leading into the September 2013 Federal Election then just do whatevs afterwards, and if the 2 conflict then it's all just whatevs...(what a versatile word is whatevs, so much more emotive than utilitarian ol'  'etc' don't you think?-Ed)...um, yeah, whatevs...

There's also the whole impression that PM Abbott is mad...(you can stop there-Ed)...keen to get us into an armed conflict...please excuse my usual stupidity of language because it's chillingly unfunny that The Mad Monk looks hell-bent on committing Aussie soldiers, pilots, etc, and wherevs/whatevs/whyevs/soonas... 

There is no avoiding the many often very unpleasant ironies and/or contradictions apparent in this situation where, for example, we (Australia) are genuinely engaging in Humanitarian Aid when we provide and/or are the conveyor of arms to people in Northern Iraq so that they can protect themselves from an invading force, and in doing that have become allied with Iran...(yeah, the idea of supplying arms being HA because it supports people in defending themselves from slaughter, that is a very contradictory irony-Ed)...

And within that develops the discussion about Saddam Hussein being a Western Ally against Iran and his persecution of the Iraqi Kurds without Western intervention...yet now we have an obligation...and the same momentum carries 'us' toward allying 'ourselves' with the Syrian government...and in Ukraine I wouldn't know whether to believe the Western government's version of events as generally opposed to Russia's...(all I know is that there are many people unwittingly caught up in all of this because it's happening where they live-Ed)...

It's all very depressing     

And I hope you enjoy the latest book launch you're paying for at the Mt Gambier Library (tomorrow night) let alone the subject matter...

***and back to today...please revise all references to 'today', etc...***

The launch is for a photographer's work/book about the Tom Brinkworth cattle drive from Queensland into northern New South Wales as covered previously in this blog...this relatively minor event punches my buttons on so many levels...1) the outrageous running costs of the Library in general as exacerbated by these after-hours events and issues of access given there's no public transport outside business hours because Council refuses to provide any funding, etc, etc, and 2) the whole cattle drive thing, all as per previous posts.

I don't begrudge this photographer her obvious enthusiasm, but Tom Brinkworth self-identified this in an ABC interview as being an exercise in saving him money...instead of paying trucking costs to get the cattle quickly to the empty feedlots in New South Wales, where he'd have to pay for feed, he walked them through drought stricken country effectively stealing locals limited and meagre feed options...a millionaire literally walking all over others to save himself a few dollars...(you gotta' love that-Ed)...I do...

And there is clearly no act of crass manipulation and deceit, or bureaucratic bastardisation of appropriate process that is beneath Mt Gambier City Council who have last night held the frequently announced Aboriginal flag raising Ceremony...(what? I didn't hear/see that advertised-Ed)...well that's because I don't think it was, I reckon  it was tucked away quietly in the August 2014 Agenda but not publicly advertised...(would that be to avoid public scrutiny and/or attendance?-Ed)...possibly partly, but whatevs, it's absolutely a complete piece of self-serving bastardry...(but I bet we'll hear all about it now in the media-Ed)...

Absolutely, it'll be front page of The Border Watch and all over the ABC, etc...and bingo, here comes that perpetual public slug our charming Mayor Steve Perryman on ABC Radio praising up Council for the great work they've done in flying the Aboriginal flag in the Council Chambers...(what?! it's only taken this bastion of white boys to September 2014 to engage in one of the most fundamental displays of respect, displaying the flag, and they're congratulating each other for what has still taken nearly a year to organise since they graciously ordained that it be so...arseholes-Ed)...well quite...

And remember of course that this very same Council voted down the Aboriginal Flag issue only 2-3 years ago, and oh my god Stevie has just mentioned that as well, casually mentioning that Council voted down displaying the flag before going straight onto his spiel about how much Council respects Aboriginal people...(yeah, I'm sorry but if I hadn't heard that for myself I'd struggle to believe it-Ed)...it is really quite extraordinary and absolutely offensive...

(How was it then?-Ed)...don't know, didn't go, just another one of those situations where I honestly felt that my non-attendance was the most respectful thing to do...(that's pretty sad man, and I'd love to be able to disagree with you, but, I've been at some of these things and seen the whole dynamic and I agree sometimes it's the right thing to do-Ed)...anyways, I don't need to go to some crass Council stunt of self promotion and sickening self-congratulation billowing their particular brand of screaming hypocrisy, let alone one that is another crass manipulation of Aboriginal people...

And I know that the Aboriginal people I know know that I don't have to go to some sickeningly slick show to show them the respect they already know I already have...(go you good thing-Ed)...
City Council has called another 'Special Meeting'...(didn't they do one last week to ram through the ludicrous Solar lighting around the Blue Lake?-Ed)...yep, sure did exactly that...and last night it was another unadvertised 'Special Meeting' for the Aboriginal Flag...in a continuation of their rank bastardisation of appropriate process that I'll collectively call Rank Corruption, Mt Gambier City Council has held 2 'Special Meetings' since their final official meeting of August 19th 2014, firstly to ram through the Blue Lake Lights...(lunacy-Ed)...and now the Aboriginal flag issue...

But wait, Stevo ain't finished yet because this is apparently 'an occasion that offers hope about the future'...(whatta prick!...I'm sorry, no wait, no I'm not, whatta' prick that he would stand up at the NAIDOC Week launch some 2 months ago and deliberately deceive with carefully chosen half-truths designed and delivered to give the impression the Flag was already being flown, and then do this the day before the Local Government Election caretaker provisions kick-in-ed)...and that's the point isn't it...

This is not about equality or respect or anything other than a bunch of crass, stupid, selfish white boys manipulating a deeply serious issue to their own best advantage...(are you suggesting that Council has done this right at the last minute purely as a means of creating a vehicle for self-promotion ahead of the LGA elections?-Ed)...no, I'm not suggesting any such thing, I'm stating it as fact...that's exactly what this is about...this is not about respect for Aboriginal people, this is a crass political stunt from City Council, themselves always and in all ways a pack of crass political stuntmeisters, a bunch of buffoons sans genuine respect.

And as always with my posts the couple of decent Councillors get mucked in with the other idiots and there's nothing I can do about that, but I do apologise for going off track from the Rail Lands stuff, but this announcement of the Aboriginal Flag Ceremony de-railed me a little...please find attached again the recent piece from Mayor Perryman about not engaging in 'public events for electioneering'...

Tomorrow: The Latest Rail Lands Propaganda

Again apols for troublesome postings across the last couple of days...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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