Monday, September 22, 2014

Just Stuff That Annoys Me

Hello St Lucia, Japan, Poland and Indonesia...hello one and all and welcome to the blog as we slip past the Spring Equinox...(in the Northern hemisphere one assumes it's the Autumn or fall Equinox-Ed)...indeed, the day when light equals dark across the planet...(and thus Nature restores the balance-Ed)...whatevs...sun up, sun down, little world goes round and round and yet here we remain...(oh look out, it's Capt Happy again-Ed)...

Yeah, I can only not apologise for talking my way through the truth again with the resultant (hopefully) outrage it's been a long week even without the Mayorshipness stuff...and what with Labor Education Minister Jennifer Rankine dismissing the Liberal's idea of a Children's Commissioner with investigative powers because 'it's unnecessary'...(yeah, 'cos everything is just going so well in the Education Dept-Ed) 11 years after the notorious 2003 Layton Report spewed out Recommendation 1, a Children's Commissioner, Labor are blocking exactly that...

Also this week PM Tony Abbott publicly endorsed Medical Marijuana...(sorry, what?-Ed) heard, and not just that, supported the immediate introduction, stating that the overseas clinical trials should be considered adequate investigation of the realities of the positives MM can provide...(wow-Ed)...I know...and this in response to Right-wing Radio Shock-jock DJ Alan Jones writing to him and running interviews and numerous stories, etc, in support of MM...(I, I, I think I'm losing my mind-Ed)...yeah, fantastic isn't it...

Correctly done this is a massive win for Chemo patients, those with some epileptic conditions, can help patients with wasting diseases maintain their appetite, etc, etc...unfortunately the Tasmanian company Tasman Health Cannibinoids is still moving to New South Wales because of the failures of Tassie parliament to get it's shizzle together...    

And as always I can't help a wry smile throughout the week when I hear all these local goodly godly people praising each other up about the great work they do caring for the sufferers of Mental Illness, embracing the broken and outcast for their trauma and suffering, for the wonderful acts of charity and Christian morality, yet I see none of it in my life...(me neither...what I see is a bunch of people saying 'that bastard mental person Nick Fletcher making trouble like a bastard mental person'-Ed) it's not just me then...(well technically yes it is just you because I'm a fictional literary device of inclusion...but no it's not just you-Ed)...

In my life I see a man who has fought quite literally tooth and nail for 12 years to have action taken re the gross abuse of a class of 7 year old kids, and has been deliberately, repeatedly, openly vilified, and denigrated and threatened and harassed and abused and generally used as a whipping-boy by people who appear to feel it is their god-given right to attack me...(and other parents-Ed)...well yes, those other parents who also have tried to get action against the "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher, Glyn attack me whilst/to continue protecting the paedophile teacher...

Feedback: as always is appreciated, and some think it's a good idea I should to run for Mayor, others not so much...(and plenty don't give a damn and/or wouldn't know-Ed)...fair point...some I've spoken to said they don't really care because they feel it is pointless, it doesn't matter who's on Council because Council ain't gunna' listen, never has...(yeah, and I've spoken to a couple a' me peep's who just don't care full stop-Ed)...indeed...

Just to quickly re-iterate, and to use that ol' political classic, several persons advised me to proceed in a Councilly direction, but I said all like nuh-uh and stuff, that'd totally suck ços' I'd be all like stuck in Council as 1 vote in 10...(isn't that by definition 'decimated', as taken from the Roman thingy of executing 1 in 10, and as it relates to the decimal/metric system of today?-Ed)...well spotted Ed, indeed it is...I'd be effectively 'decimated' whilst trying to deal with a Liberal controlled majority, and completely compromised by Local Government 'laws' re criticising and/or discussing issues re Council...(and all that powerless complication further compromised by a hostile local media-Ed) you're gettin' it...

So, I'd be stuck with an effectively worthless vote on a Council I couldn't hold to account in the ways I try to do now...(he means this 'ere blog-Ed)...damn straight I do...and that's a big part of what set me on this road to running for Mayor...I have no illusions about my chances as I have no illusions about the campaign of personal denigration that will come my way from people who are terrified of facing what it is I might say, people who cannot front me with their scorn and derision because they know it's a whole world of factual metaphoric hurt that's headed their way...       

Just a quick flash back to yesterday and a couple of things that I'd like to emphasise...firstly, if availees have not had a chance to listen to the Beach Energy (Reg Nelson) interview please try because I cannot adequately describe the disdain and vitriole spewing from young Reg as he denigrates people whom I know are just genuine people trying to protect their communities and environment...(to me it's a clear indication that Reggie is suffering in 'is jocks re Fracking at me it says that those people are really pissing him off-Ed)...and hooray for them...

Uncle Reg's comments about how opponents are being funded by powerful lobby groups, as extraordinary as they are coming from a Mining executive, would seem to come from a very different man to the one whom only 6 months ago was all about charm and public consultation, etc...(well not quite, because he was always quick to jump on opponents, but now he's getting specifically nasty about people related to the Penola based opposition-Ed)...fair enough, but it does seem like the pressures gettin' to Super Reg...

Can I just say, forget you Reg, come down here with your bullshit and abuse to bugger up our Aquifers with ya' greed and bastardry, and then abuse those genuine people who stand up to your government sanctioned monopoly...(forget you pal-Ed)'s one thing to be emphatic and enthusiatic and even a little evangelistic, but when you deceive people with such transparent lies about what sort of gas extraction you're doing, and then follow through with abuse when it doesn't all go your way, then you can expect a fair chunk of forget you right back atcha'...

Secondly I'd like to re-visit the re-attached The Border Watch article re the paving...after the extraordinary 'Council didn't buy the sweeper to do the pavers, they bought it to do the pavers' statements, I note the last bit that tries to casually explain away why Council has laid $1m of stained, mismatched ugly grey concrete pavers right up the Main Street...the question continues to be asked, 'who related to Council is getting paid a fortune for those bloody pavers?'...

Thirdly I apologise to the person who insisted the Fake Lake 'in' the Rail Lands was probably 10 feet deep and I said like "nah and stuff, it's about my head height"...but I was wrong...just in driving past and with a big digger in it, etc, it looked deepish, but I stopped by there on the weekend and had a walk around, and the bloody thing's at least 8 feet deep, 6 feet where the overflow cut-outs are, so 1-2 feet of mud with 5-6 feet of water over it, and then 2 feet of perfectly smooth concrete...if I fell in I'd struggle to keep my head above water and could only just touch the lip with an up-stretched arm...

This is a deadly drowning hazard...if someone, anyone, falls in, they will be trapped like a spider in a bathtub...bizarrely this point has been made by Council (attached TBW article) who have approved, financed, and built this farcical waste of $700,000, then turned around and said 'yes, we have to put a fence around it'...(and have built right next it a 'nature playground' to get the kiddies onto the site-Ed)...indeed, build a deadly drowning pit that will have to be completely fenced off, and then build a playground right next to it...may I be so very wrong, but it's a guaranteed recipe for disaster...
And good news from PM Abbott that I'll only have to give up 'a few' of my freedoms in the name of security, a security that I don't have anyway apparently because in literally the next sentence he stated that he can't promise no attacks on Aussie'll excuse me if, given that I've already had my home raided and I can't even name the government authority that relates to, even though I've not been charged, you'll excuse me if in that circumstance I get a tad concerned about how my rights and freedoms are about to be further curtailed...(fair enough-Ed)...
Tomorrow: Back To The Local Government Elections...Yay

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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