Sunday, September 7, 2014

Latest Bignell Forestry Interview

Hello Italy, Netherlands, Macau and Poland and welcome to the last I'd like to get to the Rail Lands Stuff from a coupla'  days ago when I lost a post to the Interether WebCloud thingy...but one sentence in and it's already not looking good because there's my mate Mayor Stevo amidst a report about how Council is going to ratify it's latest Financial/Future/WTF Plan for Mt Gambier...***which is why this is now Thursday 4th's post and I've actually already done that Rail Lands stuff yesterday as a separate post...please excuse some synchronicity issues as a result***

***&*&...sorry,'s actually now Friday 5th September, howdy to y'all, because I bumped this post twice for Rail Lands then the ICAC's third time lucky...***&*&

**&&*...and now it's actually Saturday.....**and now it's Sunday 7th September...and a Happy Fathers Day here in Oz...(does that make it 5th time lucky-Ed)...super sorry no post yesterday, had a spectacular day working hard in the garden, and if you've seen my garden you'll know that means a little bit of effort, then I had some delicious half-price/useby Kangaroo steaks, and promptly fell asleep on the couch...and slept 6 hours straight, which hasn't happened since I was 'Raided' by SAPol back in May 2014 and I had a few days down, sleeping 15/16 hrs a day...moving on**

(Is this the 'Plan'...sorry...I tried to say it without laughing...the 'Plan' that '6oo people participated in and is the bestest Public Consultation in the history of forevs' it that one?-Ed)...a little heavy on the sarcasm for my liking but yes, that's the one...yesterday morning (Wednesday 3rd September) Stevo...(maaate-Ed)...maaate, Stevo mate was on the ABC stating that Council would "ratify" this plan 'at their next meeting...(hang on, with the Local Government Election nominations opened on Tuesday 2nd, doesn't that mean that Council is in 'caretaker' mode and therefore cannot pass/ratify/whatevs anything?-Ed)...

Good question Ed, because I believe you're correct and that they are supposed to be stricken by Electoral Impotence and Constitutional Constipation, but I make the point that Council constantly tramples appropriate process in their relentless stampede of Nepotistic Planning, and Conflicts Of Interest, etc, and mere legislation/propriety/whatevs ain't gunna' hold 'em back not nuthin'...beyond that, it's also possible that they'll be able to do this due to some gaping loophole...whatevs...and oingo bingo even as I look there's the gaping hole driving itself onto the tee...(loving the golfing metaphors-Ed)...thanks, well it is apparently all about the Golf Club...

Under 'Conclusion' on page 43, Council is apparently allowed to do 'Business As Usual'...which means anything they've been carefully maneuvering into place for the last year, eg, this latest Fiscal Debasco...(oh yay-Ed)...  

A Swing And A Miss: by at least 2 people trying to get appropriate information off Council...and I apologise that I missed this earlier, but at their August meeting Council 're-leased' the Blue Lake Holiday (Caravan) Pk (where I lived for over 3 years) to the Queen Elizabeth Park Trust, attached to the Agenda under Motions With Notice...also attached are 2 submissions that outline the writers failed attempts to get information from either Council or the QEPT and concerns that the profits from the Caravan Pk are effectively going to the Blue Lake Golf Club, not to the entire Mt Gambier community as is intended/expected/whatevs...

(Oo oo, thats what I meant to point out, from yesterday**-Ed)...what?...(the Sow Strayan ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander went with a bit of the 'whatevs' in his thingy in The Advertiser as covered in yesterday's** post...and I quote, "...with different people, motivated by greed or power or whatever..."...greed/power/whatevs-Ed)...yeahhh...anyway, these letters are available on Council's Interweb site right at the end of the Agenda for Tuesday 19th August 2014, pages 42 onwards...

(This all sounds very familiar-Ed) should, because it was Councillor 'Swervin' Merv White whom I ran into, at the Golf Club, when he was head of the QEPT and they leased the Caravan Pk where I was living to the Marion Park people from Adelaide (2000?)...(yeah, yeah, and they wanted to kick you and the coupla' other couples out because they wanted all cabins, no permanents-Ed)...quite right...(and Swervin' told you to stop causing trouble and just get out-Ed)...hilarious...and here's Council receiving specific requests for information and/or requests to delay the process and ignoring all of it...

(But they say that no-one, wait, I've got it here, page 43, and I quote-Ed),
     "The submissions received from John Kirby and Douglas Mullen provided no specific objection
      to the leasing of the BLH(C) Park property, but raised concerns with the non-provision of the
      QEPT financial accounts, the QEPT compliance with the Objects it's own Constitution/Rules
      and questions with the (financial) operating activities of the QEPT."

Weasel words from Council, " specific objection to the leasing..." a layperson I'd consider questions about where the money goes, is it going there legitimately and lawfully, and requests to delay the vote re those issues and failed requests for relevant critical information, etc, I'd consider that 'objections'...(well that's because they are collectively one long objection-Ed)...indeed...just Mt Gambier City Council sealing off more nepotistic deals prior to the 2014 Local Government Elections...

I think you missed this because you were so angry with the whole 'Children's Charter' bollocks-Ed)...ohhhh thankyou for reminding me...It takes a village...(did you see it reported where a local surgeon used that phrase when he got his award for services to the Liberal Party?-Ed)...wasn't that for services to surgery/community/whatevs, but not actually the Liberal Party?...(you believe whatever you want to believe champ-Ed)...anyhoos, further into this Council's explanation of the 21 year lease they make the point that they, being the next Council after the November elections, will appoint the new QEPT Trustees...(after it's already been leased?-Ed)...after it's already been leased...

Harsh Analogy Warning: because I consider Council's standard Operative Mode is as 'Caretaker' because they are dealing with the gutted remains of Mt Gambier, the lifeless corpse of the once vibrant city, a gutting that Council itself is largely responsible for with it's rank nepotism, wholesale corruption, relentless bastardisation of appropriate process, and incompetence...(now say what you really think-Ed)...alright, f...(whoa whoa no that's ok we'll leave it there-Ed)...    

Just on the ABC Local Radio News**: Mt Gambier Mayor Steve Perryman stating that Mt Gambier needs to be ' more welcoming, accepting, etc'...(this from the petty thug who tries to harass and intimidate and pick fights with people in public meetings-Ed)...well not 'people' so much as me...(fair point, but I think we've seen enough of Stevo's work over the years to see him for the little sociopath that he is-Ed)...fair point yourself...and dear availee, you'll have to excuse me if I only have to hear Stevie's dulcet tones and I think just one thing...

St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, Stevo Mate: me old China, Cobber, your, Stevo, mate, are the Mayor who has helped cover-up the gross abuse of a class of 7 year old children at St Martins...the Mayor covering-up Child Abuse who became the state Liberal candidate covering-up Child Abuse, then when he failed at that in truly mediocre fashion, returned to being the Mayor who's covering-up Child Abuse...and it's a family trait...(now that's a bit harsh-Ed)...I'm referring specifically to his mother Cheryl Perryman...(ahh yes, she who was (in 2002) and still is a senior St Martins staff member-Ed)...that be her...

Yes, Mrs Perryman, whom I hold personally responsible for a goodly chunk of my Agoraphobia because it was/is largely as a result of the incidents of public abuse in the street, in the supermarket, on the bus, etc, that she and other charming Christians/Lutherans/whatevs felt they had the right to subject me to, not least of all and repeatedly in front of my child...(and don't forget the snubbings, you know, where she'd plough past with her Lutheran nose in the air-Ed)...ah yeah, scowling at me without looking at me, it's not easy to do but she managed...

And I'd just remind Mrs Perryman of her statement made at the front counter of St Martins in June 2002 that she was "glad that it's not me" that had to go up to the classroom and deal with "text-book grooming paedophile" (Flinders Child Protection) teacher Glyn Dorling, "glad" it wasn't her because she was "scared of him"...and yes that is a specific quote of a statement made in front of several parents...and it is the nature of fish-bowl small town life that I cannot leave the house without running into these Lutherans.  

Treasurer 'Smokin' Joe Hockey reckons we will never be intimidated by terrorists...(good on you Joe...fresh from 'we need a fleet of massively expensive BMW armoured limousines for the upcoming G20/whatevs meeting'-Ed)...oh yeah, thanks for reminding me...not Aussie cars mind you, Beamers...not the Holdens usually purchased, bloody BMWs...(wasn't Joe recently humiliated for his ridiculous, callous, and very insightful comments about how 'the poor don't have cars'-Ed)...well it was going to be Rollers but because of the Debt and Deficit Disaster we are all suffering from, it's only luxury Beamers...(so what about the rest of the time when PM Tony Abbott's tooling about on his bike?-Ed)...don't know, don't care...

Shawing-up The Numbers: in Victoria where the hardcore Christian politician and 'ex-Liberal' Geoff Shaw
has returned to parliament after his 3(?) month suspension for ripping off his 'entitlements', and straight away Libs Premier Dennis Napthine has tried to have him expelled from Parliament permanently, but Labor didn't support the motion because they're having far too much fun watching Geoffo root it up time and again for the Libs...(but Shawsy, maaate-Ed)...maaate...(Shawsy's rooting it up for everyone in Victoria, not just the Libs-Ed)...well exactly...(perhaps Mr Napthine needs to 'vet' his members a little better-Ed)...indeed, and I'm sure he'd love to 'fix' Geoff Shaw...(nice, 'cos Dennis's a vet, yeah?-Ed)...yeah...

Finally, Forestry Minister Leon Bignell was on the ABC Local Radio again explaining that the $25m Forestry Investment Fund or whatevs the hell it's called, was always going to be done in 2 phases, $15m first year and now $10m more...and I've just handed an envelope to Ed that contains the name of the mill that Leon will repeatedly mention/praise in this interview (for you playing at homes it's NF McDonnell, but don't tell Ed) and that mill's whole new plant and 15 jobs, and stopping all the logs going overseas and using more here...(seriously?-Ed)...oh yeah, all the new jobs at NF McDonnell and how "amazing" and "tremendous" it is/they are...

Then there was a whole bunch of crap about how well haulage companies are doing...(taking our logs to Portland for export-Ed)...exactly...and the ForestrySA 'Voluntary Redundancies' were finished and no more loses and 'no they weren't forced redundancies, they were happy'...(bollocks, they were 'Redundancy or Sacking' deals-Ed)...and blah, blah, praise NF McDonnell again, waffle and bollocks, all done in the inimitable Neon Leon style...apologies that due to extended shambolic post and lack of energy, but I cannot go any further with Bigger's Whoppers (his lies)...

And the envelope please, and I only heard it twice, but twice again in the absence of any other, again, after the 6 specific mentions last time, and it says...(hang on...opening it...NF McDonnell and, how do you do that?-Ed)'s a gift...

Tomorrow: The Rail Lands Reprise Again Reviewed 

Oh, and just hilarious that Liberal MP for Barker Tony Pasin was in TBW on Tuesday 2nd September and Biggers...(Leon 'Which Party Am I Pretending To Be Today' Bignell?-Ed)...yeah yeah, Biggers, he's on the ABC that morning doing yet another ABC 'Dorothy Dixer' interview that counters what Tones says...clearly Biggers got a whiff and rushed in these new 'grants', or Tones knew they were coming and tried to get in a late gouge...whatevs...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog, cheers and laters...

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