Saturday, September 20, 2014

Say My Name, Say My Name

Hello Italy, Singapore, the Netherlands and the USofA... and welcome to the blog...and this week I heard my name mentioned twice, albeit whilst being described as a 'last-minute Mayoral nominee', on the ABC Radio and WIN TV...(if you say your name 3 times do you magically materialise from the ether like Beetlejuice?...the movie not the star, spelled Betelgeuse-Ed)...

Apologies for no post yesterday but I was out most of the day and of course I no longer have a laptop to work on because it was grabbed by the Fuzz...(that sir, is a very old joke used in exactly the wrong context-Ed) you're suggesting that it's a perfect analogy for the raft of Labor stooges/former Ministers appointed to Boards over the last month or so...(actually no I wasn't, but I'll give ya' that one-Ed)...Boards that are apparently all going to be axed...(apparently-Ed)...except of course for Kevin 'Makin' Bacon' Foley (former Labor Treasurer and largely responsible for the disastrous position the state is in) he's now running the Motor Accident Commission...

(Yeah, but that's just to get it organised for sale so that Labor can pocket the $500m+ MAC Fund, built up over decades from peoples registration charges...that's our bloody money thanks very much-Ed)...well old joke at play in exactly the wrong context re what's best for the people of South's yet another Forestry Sale debasco, flogging off critical, profitable state enterprises so as to be able to fling cash into the Fiscal Abyss of their own creation...(wow, but what's the bad news?-Ed)... 

I'd just like to kick-off with the extraordinary pantomime played out in Sow Strayas's Parliament Thursday 18th Sept re the Marine Parks legislation and the abject betrayal of Regional communities by the Member for Frome Geoff Brock...on the night of the the March 2014 state Election, former Labor Treasurer Kevin Foley openly stated during TV coverage that 'we've got Geoff Brock so we've got the Election'...(but how could he be so confident with alleged Independent Bob Such still holding the critical vote?-Ed)...perhaps he was as confident about Dr Such's support as he was about Mr Brock's...

(Fair enough...and what has happened with Bob Such?-Ed)...I think he just went on some further Sick Leave, possibly open-ended I Dr Such's electorate remains completely irrelevant because their vote didn't count in deciding the government either...(huh, welcome Seat of Fisher to living in Regional SA-Ed)...mmm, good point well made...that is if you are saying that Regional SA is irrelevant to the Adelaide-centric Labor government...(well apart from the bits that can be dug-up, chopped down, just generally sold-off, irrelevant, yeah-Ed)...or have a shreckin' Wind Turbine jammed on it...(well quite-Ed)...

And now their elected Member isn't representing them in Parliament either...and on that point I would thank our local Liberal Member Troy Bell for his efforts to gain information for me re the Banana Lord and Club Go Go Bananas stuff...(any luck?-Ed)...I take him at his word that 1) he has made these enquiries, and that 2) no-one wants to touch it and that he cannot even get some-one to give him an 'off-the-record' guesstimation/observation/consultation/whatevs because, and these are my words, because the legislation is so farcically unworkable that ain't no-one don't want not nuthin' ta' do with it...

Whilst I may be a Mayoral candidate, that does not preclude me from expressing my absolute contempt for Geoff Brock as being every bit the vacuous, self-serving, motor-mouthed, rhetoric-spewing disaster for Regional SA that he has already defined himself as being...I would fully concur with the ABC caller who asked that Geoff never ever be put to air ever again because they never ever wanted to hear him again, only I'd rather he be relentlessly badgered, harassed, jostled and generally held to account for what he has already done to betray South Australians in the 6 months since the election...(you mean beyond the betrayal of supporting Labor in the first instance-Ed)...indeed...

And he has this week also supported Labor putting through their 'Firefighters Compensation Bill' that excludes Country Fire Service volunteers, a bill that Geoff mate supposedly completely opposed going into the March 2014 election...(in the same way he supposedly completely opposed the Marine Parks Bill?-Ed) exactly the same way...(so a complete lie then-Ed)...absolutely, a complete and utter lie from a habitual liar...and good ol' Labor apologist alleged Prof Clem McIntyre of Adelaide Uni was on the ABC bleating about the emotion and affect on poor bloody Mr Brock...(unbelievable-Ed)...

Don't Worry Your Pretty Little Head: because yesterday (Friday 19th Sept) on ABC Radio our charming PM Tony 'The Mad Monk' Abbott was asked to address the concerns raised about proposed new 'Anti-Terrorism' legislation being introduced in response to 'Islamic Fundamentalism' with the justification that 'this is the greatest threat we've ever faced'...(what about WWII where we had the Japanese fleet steaming South and their soldiers in New Guinea, all headed for Oz, dozens of bombings of Darwin and surrounds, Japanese subs shelling shizzle in Sydney Harbour, etc, what was that?-Ed)...well exactly...

(And what about the Red Tide of Communism that we apparently had to stop in Vietnam and Laos and Cambodia, whether they liked it or not?-Ed)...indeed...and I'm sure there's a scything hilarious parallel/irony/whatevs to point out given that Sydney Harbour will soon again be full of Japanese subs because we're going to buy a dozen thanks, preferably in white if you've got them...and I repeat that, if we must have submarines, we should purchase second-hand submarines from the USofA and develop an industry re-furbishing/re-fitting them...

And who else but themselves do the South Australian Labor government and the SA SubCorp have to blame for losing this contract given the sub-standard, vastly overpriced that even then goes over budget product that they produce...and I don't apologise for that pun...(well, everybody else I'd assume-Ed)...sorry what?...(I'd assume they blame everybody else-Ed)...oh, right, yes...regardless of the rank hypocrisy of the Abbott Liberal government in spewing rhetoric about Aussie jobs and then buying overseas, SA Subs have played their part in their own demise... 

Getting back to the point, apparently current Preventative Detention Orders allow Oz authorities to 2 weeks 'detention' without charge, but there's supposedly 'no powers to interview detainees'...these 'new powers' will supposedly allow for that to happen, and critics/commentators are identifying this as 'the right to torture, and in an ABC interview yesterday I heard DJPM Tones asked the direct question 'does this new provision allow for Oz authorities to torture suspects...(who by definition don't have to be have been charged with anything-Ed)...indeed, and he went off on some shreckin' waffle but never said no...

The Australian government is giving itself powers to snatch Australian citizens off Australian streets and detain and torture without charge, and short of rape and/or murder, with absolute impunity...and you'll excuse me if, given that I've been in a decade long pitched battle with Liberal and Labor as I try to get a "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher charged, etc, and both major Parties continue to act to cover-up those abuses and effectively protect that paedophile teacher, that I get a little twitchy and paranoid when I hear about this sort of stuff...

And of course at any point in time I can look forward to SAPol, also absolutely complicit in the St Martins Cover-up, exercising their absolute and unaccountable 'closed-loop' power to march into my home, again, and politely tazer me to death on my own loungeroom floor...and there'll be an SA Coroner's report in a coupla' years, maybe, and it'll be all like, 'ah, yes your Honour, the perpetrator proceeded to assault my baton with his bollocks, before my officers were forced to apply their tazers, 157 times'...'sounds a little excessive, Sargeant?'...'ah, he was a hippy ya' Honour'...'oh, then may I commend your officers on their professionalism and restraint'...

I Don't Do This For My Health:...I do it because it makes me feel slightly better than not doing it...(man I hate it when you completely contradict yourself whilst carefully explaining a vastly complex issue-Ed), thankyou, I think...anyhoos, for example, Tuesday 16th September I lost just over 3.5kgs, roughly the same amount I lost when SAPol raided my home back in May...barely ate, lottsa' coffee, 3 trips to Council...(3 trips?-Ed)...lodged my nomination at approx 0915hrs, back at 1600hrs for the Ballot position draw, and then again at 1800hrs for the shreckin' Council meeting...

(So the Agoraphobia stuff is better then?...I meant to ask you about that as it relates to potentially being Mayor and having to front public meetings, etc-Ed)...fair question Ed and one that obviously was a considerable part of my considerationings re nominating...I don't know if I'll ever be 'better' because everytime I leave the house I run into people who avert their eyes and scurry away, but that's the difference because they used to abuse me, etc, and I have proven to all, myself included, that this is what I am good at and this is what I should do...ain't nuthin' but a Thang... 

Tomorrow: Stuff With Chips And Salad

If there's a draw at the International Boutique Beer and Cider Championships, do they have a decider?...(is that meant to be like a joke or something?-Ed)...just trying to break it up a bit ya' know, so it's not just disaster after bastardry after bastardrous disastery closely followed by a casual reference to the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...(well when you put it like that-Ed)...I just did...(okay, dude, sorry, just joking-Ed) I'm sorry for being so snappy, it's been a very long week...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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