Tuesday, September 9, 2014

The Latest Banana Lord Stuff

Hello and welcome to the blog...and today I'm just going to break it up a bit and do that concluding Rail Lands Retail Agenda tomorrow, not least of all because it's now 4 months...(to the day?-Ed)...almost, plus one, that 2 SAPol Anti-Corruption detectives from Adelaide very politely 'raided' my home and seized my laptop because I had written something on this 'ere blog about the Banana Lord...

Regular availees will remember that I've been forced to find another nomenclature, the Banana Lord, for the state Authority that I probably can't name because that would identify them...(well that's what names are generally for-Ed)...indeed...and again I still have no idea specifically about this, nor what it is exactly that I've supposedly done nor what it is I'm supposed to do now...(and it's not for lack of trying-Ed)...

But First: the recent case of an alleged 'Assassination Plot' against 2 Sow Strayan judges and a SAPol officer brought back many pleasant memories for me...(of course it did-Ed)...because the husband judge (they're married) was/is Mr Rice whom is the person/Court officer/whatevs that I and another parent spoke to by phone from lawyer Bill DeGaris's Chambers in 2006...(ahhh, that Mr Rice-Ed)...indeed, and he stated that they (the Court) didn't know whether our action against the Lutheran Church re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up was a 'class action or a group action or whatevs'...

(But how can a case be 'in Court' before it's decided what sort of action it is?-Ed)...no idea, all I know is I was sitting there being asked by the Court what was happening with our case...(and DeGaris?-Ed)...don't know...we basically adjourned after a few minutes so that this could be sorted by DeGaris et al, and within 3 weeks other parents had been manipulated and threatened into dropping the case...(but how can a couple of people, a clear minority in this group, how can they just put it all in their names and 'close' a case involving numerous others?-Ed)...no idea, you'd have to ask Bill DeGaris how and why he did that...(did that in collusion with Labor lawyer Tim Bourne-Ed)...indeed...

But it gets better...(of course it does, how could it not, it is you after all-Ed)...gee thanks...because Judge Rice was the magistrate that I ended up in front of twice when local lawyer Chris Ryan tried to sue me...(oh my god, is there a local lawyer you haven't clashed with?-Ed)...mate, I'd never even used a lawyer before coming to Mt Gambier in 1997/98...(fair enough-Ed)...and now there's a string of metaphorically mangled legal weevil's in my wake...but to answer your question, a couple...

When I self-represented and proved Unfair Dismissal against the Gambier Hotel/Matthews Group in the Industrial Relations Commission in 2000-02, I twice went to lawyers for advice, and Mr Ryan was the second of those...he grossly mis-advised me and I nearly lost the remaining $5,400 (from an original $20,000) I had already won, and I told him to shove his bill, so he sued me...and so we wound-up fronting Magistrate Rice...and of course they knew each other...(of course they did-Ed)...but Mr Rice said it was irrelevant...(yay-Ed)...

Mr Ryan claimed to have lost my written file and, when changing computer programs, to have also lost my account file...Mr Rice questioned why the bill was so relatively low given the amount of work Ryan claimed to have done...I thought 'great question, I'll be able to argue this and win', but when Ryan faltered and couldn't answer, Mr Rice said 'I'm sure it's because you lowered your bill because you were concerned for your clients welfare and finances' (paraphrase but damn near a quote)...and Ryan went 'orr yeah right'...(dead set?-Ed)...mate, could you make this shizzle up?...(no, I guess not-Ed)...but it gets surprisingly better...

Then Magistrate Rice, having carefully coached Mr Ryan through his lies, found against me, effectively because I admitted that yes I had been to see Mr Ryan...(well that's atrociously corrupted but hardly surprising-Ed)...indeed...well how's about this then, I didn't pay again, got dragged back to Court again, and bingo it's Mr Rice again...(I don't like where this is headed-Ed)...and it's exactly the same run-through as the first hearing...as though scripted...Ryan re-claims to have lost all of my files/accounts, again he can't explain the 'low bill', and shreck me dead Mr Rice again coached him from the bench 'you were concerned for your client, etc, etc, blah, blah, blah'...deadset, it was a spookily exact replay of the first hearing...

This time even the Court clerk was clearly uncomfortable as Mr Rice openly directed Ryan through his/their case, again Mr Rice found against me, and then I was trying to object when Mr Rice just got up and turned to walk through the door immediately behind his chair, pausing only to say angrily to me "just pay the money and get on with your life'' before slamming the door...Ryan scooped up his paperwork and scurried out, exit Court left, and I and the Clerk were left standing there looking awkwardly at each other...I never paid not squat and never heard about it again...and that is my experiences of Judge Rice...

Which segues beautifully into the title of my new reality show, indeed one of the several alternate titles for this 'ere blog...it's one of those 'People's Courts' thingys, only there's a special guest Magistrate who has a/some pronounced, defined, diagnosed Mental Health issue/s, say for example someone like me...and of course it perfectly encapsulates me, this 'ere blog, and how I conduct myself on this 'ere blog...(so what's it called then?-Ed)...oh right sorry, yes, it's called Judge Mental...(nice-Ed)...yeah, every week neighbours, friends, estranged families, etc, come on and argue about the futon that their ex allegedly stole whilst I yell at a potplant in the corner...(sounds like a winner-Ed)... 

Speaking Of Winners: I apparently can't, so I've had to resort to using the pseudonym The Banana Lord...and thusly here we are...and I still have no idea where that is exactly despite twice writing to The Banana Lord and also to SAPol asking for specific direction, the return of my "seized" as "evidence" laptop, etc, etc...this included the questions about whether I can even talk to a lawyer, my family, etc, and on top of that, all even though I haven't actually been charged with anything...(it's all completely ludicrous-Ed)...it gets better...

The initial response from The Banana Lord, to specific questions about 'their' legislation was that,
     "...this is a matter for the South Australia Police...I am also unable to give legal advice and 
      therefore cannot answer the questions...they are matters Mr Fletcher must consider upon
      advice given to him by you."
(So your lawyer has written asking if they can even talk to you, and the response is 'you tell him'?-Ed)...pretty much...and sorry to be so vague, but there's nought I can do right now other than err on the side of caution...I will get this sorted soon I hope and then post the full letters...

The lawyers also note that this issue has also been placed on the public record by Mt Gambier City Council at their May Meeting with official Banana Lord Approval, and again asks am I allowed to therefore discuss what is in the public domain, remembering of course that I originally made this all happen with my original 'complaints/reports' to then local member Don Pegler and the Ombudsman...what has happened since then is simply a Fascist Debasco (debacle/fiasco)...

SAPol now states that the matter is apparently no longer with either the Anti-Corruption Branch or the Limestone Coast Criminal Justice Unit (as per their first letter), but is now with the 'Prosecution Services Branch', where *** is "adjudicating the file" and;
     "...will advise if and when charges are to be laid, or a determination that charges will not
      be laid. The assessment of the laptop may be vital to determine this. 
      If charges are to be laid police will serve your client with a summons to attend the Mt 
      Gambier Magistrates Court.
      At this time the laptop will not be returned, it is to be examined to ascertain what if any
      evidence can be obtained from this computer."

(Evidence? the 2 Anti-Corruption detectives from Adelaide came to your home because they knew it was your blog and where you live, they stated it's about *The Banana Lord* stuff on your blog, stated "you've done this" re the legislation but then couldn't explain exactly what that was, and took the laptop and left without charging you with anything...what the shreck needs to be 'adjudicated' or frickin' 'ascertained'?-Ed)...indeed...    

So, multiple lawyer appointments and letters, etc, later and I'm none the wiser...well perhaps not none the wiser, but certainly hardly progressed...and to my mind that's the whole point, make the whole thing un-workably complicated with a raft of undefined threats looming in the background, and all completely shut-down by ludicrous 'Secrecy Provisions'...and the implications are drastically concerning, eg, when the lawyer has written asking do I need written permission to talk to my family, etc, the Banana Lord hasn't written back saying 'don't be ridiculous, of course he can', The Banana Lord writes back giving permission...

(Oh My God...that means that 'yes' you do need written permission to talk to your own family, etc, re something that you haven't even been charged with, because of The Banana Lord legislation-Ed)...yep...and even that's not defined properly, eg, what does "friend" mean in the Social Media age? can I go on Face-ache and sign up a gazillion 'friends' and discuss it with them?...the whole thing appears farcically unworkable...

I repeat that the legislation states that no-one may ever discuss/report/allege/whatevs *bananas* because The Banana Lord may possibly look at that *bananas* at some point in the future, or that having looked at something, no-one may ever discuss it...this is of course a long way from over...(other than it can't ever go to Court because the legislation is such a sweeping, undefined farce-Ed)...indeed...but there'll be more posts on this I'm sure...but...

Tomorrow: Back To The Rail Lands

More of the stuff from this weeks deceits and propaganda from Council re the debasco they've unleashed on the Rail Lands...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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