Thursday, September 18, 2014

Where To Stop Apologising?

Hello Kenya, Indonesia, Ukraine, and Hong Kong and welcome to the blog...and despite the melodramatic title there's really only one apology to make, and that is to regular availees of this 'ere blog because I committed the 'deceit by omission' thingy by recently saying I wasn't running for Councillor when I'd already decided to run for the position of Mayor...(not according to The Border Watch-Ed)...ah yes, my good friends at TBW...

According to TBW I am a "last minute nominee"...(well how the hell would they know?-Ed)...exactly...and even if I had notified them, would they have run it?...Editor Jason Wallace told me directly in late July 2013 that they (TBW) would not be printing anything on my behalf 'even if you run as a candidate in the September 2013 Federal election' (paraphrase but close to a quote)...I regret that I didn't get that in writing but whatevs...several people have already stated to me that they cannot wait to see how TBW and the local ABC handle dealing with me as a candidate, particularly the ABC who have very strict criteria for ensuring equal coverage for all candidates...(omg, that's why you've done this-Ed) no, that's their problem they've created for themselves and has nothing to do with my decision...

(So you're saying that your not looking forward to engaging with local media in a manner that by it's very definition will unavoidably be all up in their grill 'n' shizzle?-Ed)...ah well now, I didn't say that, what I said was that it is not part of my decision...utilising the position of candidate to promote issues I consider important, that is/was a part of said decision...(oh, you're not looking to engage appropriately in an uncorrupted and balanced democratic process to address serious community issues?-Ed)...indeed, well summarised...(you bastard-Ed)...

My primary decider was as has been for several years now...I am aware that a number of senior public officials and leading community members feel they have the right to discuss/denigrate/dismiss me at volume at their little soirees, particularly re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and yet don't have the common decency to contact me and hold me personally to account...(well you know why that's because they know that if they try and tackle you verbally, personally, and try and argue out the realities they want to deny-Ed)...and the one they're promoting, namely, Nick Fletcher is the problem...(indeed, all of that combined, and they know that they're not just going to 'lose', but they're going lose massively and to someone they consider beneath them-Ed)...

Only this Monday 15th I was at Council to grab my Candidates Info/Nomination Pack, when I happened upon a fellow Mayoral candidate...(only he didn't know it at the time-Ed)...indeed...they stated to me 'I thought you were doing the right thing at the 2010 State Election and I defended you to all those who were being critical'...(really? where was he then in 2010 because I didn't hear one word-Ed)...indeed...but anyhoos, that's my primary motivation, to engage with the issues and offer these people the opportunity to hold me to account...

Given the things I've had to say about the absolutely outrageous conduct of Mt Gambier City Council on this 'ere blog, it is absolutely encumbent of me to make myself publicly available and to engage in the appropriate processes appropriately...

Mount Gambier City Council - The Game of Cronies:...but first I'll just finish apologising to availees for that use that rather knackered ol' self-promotional justification, I have had people urge, indeed insist, that I run for Councillor but, as previously explained, I ruled that out as a pointless exercise given the Liberal bloc that controls Council...I'd be stuck with 1 vote in 10 against a phalanx of deeply compromised cronies who are likely to vote against something just because I support it, whilst I'd be stuck often trying to address the rank corruption of appropriate processes, the rank nepotism, etc, with that 1 vote, and unable to do this 'ere blog...

(I'd really like to call you a delusional egomaniac for thinking that you're such a galvinising force, but, well, I've seen it for myself-Ed)...indeed...and up against all that with not a hope, and effectively silenced as well...I don't have the energy to spend 4 years arguing 'til I'm blue in the face with a room full of people who will be colluding for each others borrow an analogy made to me, it's like a basketball team rotating players off the bench...the faces change but the team stays the same...I prefer the 'different wallpaper, same wall' analogy, but given the cyclical nature of what's happening with Council, the team/interchange bench thingy works better...

I sortta' apologise to the majority of candidates in the upcoming Election, in that I'm obviously talking about the current Council, with the equally obvious exceptions of current members previously posted, I also consider that not everybody on the current Council is an absolute disaster, it's obviously the controlling interests that are the problem...(wow, you sure love a bitta' statin' the bleedin' obvious don'cha?-Ed)...tell ya' what I really love, pretentious half-wits who write grammatically and punctuationally correct slang...(you do realise that you're talking about yourself, what with me being an imagined literary device 'ndall-Ed)...orrr let it go will you...

My basic campaign strategy/slogan is as provided to the Electoral Commission, for publication on their paperwork/website/whatevs..."I believe that I have already demonstrated my commitment to the betterment of Mount Gambier."...(sweet-Ed)...       

Council Meeting 16/09/14: was another glorious display of self-congratulatory bastardisation of appropriate process with the recently added Aboriginal flag half hanging off the wall...and nobody did anything about it...I damn near went over to fix it myself but decided that the sight of a large angry hippy going up to the front of the Chamber, effectively behind the Mayor's/CEO's/whatevs bench, that that could possibly have been misinterpreted...(ah man, can you imagine? Nick Fletcher gets up mid-meeting and walks up to the front of the could that possibly go wrong?-Ed)...indeed...

At one point during the discussion of Solar Lights on the Rail Lands, a gentleman I don't know stood up in the public gallery and tried to say something...Mayor Perryman immediately cut him off, glaring at the man and angrily stating "you're completely out of order", and mumbled something about not talking from the was an inglorious display of contempt and disrespect from Mayor Perryman...I can only assume that there was quite some history between the 2, and/or Stevo...(maaate-Ed)...knew what the guy was trying to say and didn't want it aired...

(Perhaps he was going to say something about what a ludicrous idea that Solar Lights are anywhere let alone where base supply is available and in the context where bright lighting is essential in providing ample security in a public space-Ed) mean like wandering around up the back of the Blue Lake in dim Solar Lighting that could cut out at any point...which brings me to the number of electricity blackouts that have been happening around Mt Gambier, but that's for another post on energy production, distribution, etc.

This was followed by the usual bizarre Conflict of Interest debasco and Nepotistic shenanigans neatly combined when us public were 'Excluded' so that Council could vote on the infamous Main Corner Commercial Kitchen lease...and Cr Biddie (Tietz) Shearing left the Chamber with her COI but I didn't see Cr Lee who owns a restaurant or Mayor Stevo who owns a motel with a restaurant and was one of the two original Tenders for the Main Corner facility, I didn't see either of them leave...(and wasn't the successful Tender for the Main Corner Cr Des Mutton's son Lachlan, handed the ratepayer funded facility for free?-Ed)...indeed...but that's just fine...  

(I'm Very Confused-Ed) so big fella'?...(well we've sent troops/jets/whatevs, etc, to the United Arab Emirates ready to be involved in whatever it is we're going to do in Iraq, and we've already supplied a bunch of stuff to Kurdish peoples/forces, etc, and nobody knows what exactly we'll be doing and how long we'll be doing it for, but the Liberal government is saying this is a $500m operation-Ed)...but how can they put a price on it if they don't know what we're doing or for how long? and does that $500m include the stuff we've already done?...(well exactly-Ed)...oh right, yes, I see what you mean... 

(And apparently they're going in barefoot or wearing thongs or somethin' (and thongs is Oz for flipflops, not g-strings)-Ed)...not with you...(well PM Tony 'Charge!' Abbott has mimicked the USofA-Ed), didn't see that coming...(indeed, but they've said 'there'll be no boots on the ground but we'll be standing next to local forces to advise them, whilst carrying guns'-Ed) we're sending armed troops to stand actually right next to people who are in a war, but we're not sending troops into a war?...(that makes as much sense as anything else I've heard on this issue-Ed)...

I completely reject the farcical circus...(ah, Sow Strayan Parliament, yeah?-Ed)...indeed...that unravelled today re the Marine Parks issue and 'No-take Zones'...I absolutely support any genuine environmental protections, but the Labor Marine Parks legislation is more about drawing circles around large chunks of ocean to pander to/manipulate/whatevs ya' wanna' call it, the Adelaide based bleedin' heart middle class Greenies...(of which you used to be one-Ed)...used to be?...any genuine science, necessary conservation measures, etc, are lost behind this agenda...

I completely reject turncoat Martin Hamilton Smith's vacuous stunt crossing the floor back to the Liberal Party he betrayed weeks after the March 2014 state election, knowing full well that his equally poisonous and treacherous colleague Geoff  Brock was about to sell-out the very Regional communities he claims to represent, not least of all as the Labor Minister for Regional Development, by backing the Marine Parks Plan...good ol' democracy SA style...more tomorrow......

(Well at least the critically endangered Seagrass beds along the Adelaide coast that are the 'nursery' for many species, including I believe the iconic King George Whiting, Seagrass beds that are under massive pressure from heavily polluted stormwater run-off and other pollution issues, recreational over fishing, etc, at least that important ecosystem will be saved-Ed)...ah yeah, about that...(oh no your kidding, they're not protected-Ed)...nope...(I s'pose because it's Adelaide's recreation area and we can't have that compromised now can we...same way that Labor sold the entire South East Forestry Estate but kept the bits of forests around Adelaide, openly stating that it was 'Adelaide's recreation area'-Ed)...indeed, go Team Adelaide...(don't you mean Team SA?-Ed)...that's exactly what I said...

Tomorrow: By Popular Demand - The Banana Lord Rides Again

As best I can I'll try to clarify exactly what's happening re the SAPol 'Raidy thing', the bizarre Banana Lord legislation, etc, etc...(good luck with that-Ed)...yep...

Here is a photo of that snake I saw a couple of weeks back...forgot it was even on the's an Australian or Lowland Copperhead (Austrelaps superbus)...that's it's head just to the top right...lovely little snakes with beautiful colouring, that are venomous but very shy and will flee if possible, and will do that defensive sideways strike like Red-bellied Black snakes of more Northern climes in SA...the 2 snakes are very similar and often mis-identified as the other...I know I did at explained to me there's effectively a line across SA through the Murraylands, etc, where it's cooler climate Copperheads South, Red-bellies to the North, basically operating in the same role in their respective ecosystems...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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