Tuesday, September 23, 2014

I Am Me And I Live Here - Declaring My Genius

Hello Aotearoa (New South Wales I mean Zealand)...(is that a wisecrack about how many Kiwis live in Oz, particularly 'round Sydney?-Ed)...well it wasn't anything but a genuine typo until you pointed out that it is a rather neat little mistake that encapsulates a socio-political reality...(whatevs-Ed)...and also howdy to, Ukraine, Argentina, and Germany and welcome to the blog...

Apparently I jumped the gun on the Spring Equinox 'cos apparently it's today at noon...whatevs...also apologies for spelling 'Poland' with a small 'p' yesterday, all sorted now...today I'll start with my own position as a Mayoral candidate...just received some documents from ECSA (Electoral Commission SA) re the Local Government elections and immediately ran into the dreaded phrase "A person must not publish..."...(ooo nasty, what with the troubles you've got us in with the Banana Lord stuff-Ed)...'I've got us in'? 'I've got us in'? why is it my fault?...(because I'm a fictional literary device, remember?-Ed)...damn you...

But Ed has a point...it is the 'cause to be published' stuff that is apparently the problem with the Banana Lord or rather the problem I have re the Banana Lord...so I've been through the LG Candidates handbook and it refers to electronic media, and spoke to the ECSA who sent me a link to the LGA Interweb site and Circular 23.6 Digital Media in Council Elections, and I went through that...(and the stuff ECSA sent you-Ed)...yep, and that stuff...(so that's cleared things up then?-Ed)...clear as mud...

I think it's saying that there are clearly gaping loopholes around issues of 'fact and context', but that there are also 2 specific criteria, namely that you have to put your name and address and authorise yourself on everything you publish...(does that mean every post or just the blog in general?-Ed)...I don't know...(and what about the various statements of fact that you've made re Council issues, assorted Councillors, etc, before officially nominating, many of which have since apparently been officially refuted and/or denied? where do these comments lie re 'fact and context'?-Ed)...I don't know...(can you, for example, discuss Councillor Von Stanke coming to your home with that threatening letter several years back?-Ed)...don't know...

(Do you now have to go back and put the appropriate notifications on each and every post?-Ed)...don't know...every post links to the blog and I've left my name and address on a number of documents I've used, and I put my name to each and every post...(yes, you do do that don't you...and SAPol Anti-Corruption certainly had no problem finding you-Ed)...exactly...and I'm not trying to be facetious here because I truly don't know exactly what they're saying when it comes to a blog and neither do the people I've spoken to, none of whom are lawyers though...to err on the side of caution I'll start putting my name, address, and self-authorisation on each and every post...     

Feedback: about running for Mayor continues, and stemming directly from that stuff I thought of something myself, namely, my belly-aching about the back-stabbing and personal denigration that has been levelled at me for over a decade...(well what do you expect? you get involved with the moral-less scumbags of Sow Strayan politics and ya' wanna' complain about it? suck it up buddy-Ed)...my point exactly...(sorry what?-Ed)...I have by necessity become used to existing in a paradigm where abuse and criticism are the norm, off the back of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...

It is not a glib and flippant observation mired in melodramatic exaggeration that I have become most comfortable in a room full of people who hate me, because that's the way I've been forced to get used to functioning...(fair enough, but what's that got to do with chowing down a bowl of cement powder with a water chaser-Ed)...my turn, whaaa?...(what's that got to do with your need to harden the shreck up?-Ed)...ah yes, I see, nice...the point I'm making is that I was subjected to abuse, denigration, character assassination and vilification for years before I got specifically political, and I and other parents were (continue to be) openly attacked as the only genuine problem at St Martins...(fair point-Ed)...

For years I've been mercilessly slandered behind my back in exactly the same cowardly manner that 'Dick Stretcher' came on to this 'ere blog and tried...(and what a debasco that turned out to be-Ed)...indeed...it did nothing but confirm everything I'd already been saying...(perhaps they're scared of you, you are quite a large angry hippy and not everyone gets and/or believes the 'pacifist' stuff and/or would even know-Ed)...fair enough, but what am I s'posed to do? even when I'm calm and polite, which is 99% of the time...(indeed, just ask Rory '1%' McEwen-Ed)...classic...then people get even more twitchy...ah the bells, the bells, but I'm the Frankenstein, not Dr F...(nice mixed metaphor, I like it, I'm going to use it-Ed)...

For years I've been attacked, usually behind my back but not always, as being a disreputably unstable, lying, rumour-mongering troublemaker, a descriptor openly promoted by the Lutherans, former local Member Rory McEwen, certain members of City Council, SAPol, the Crown Solicitor, etc, etc...all of these good and godly people stampeding past the reality of the abuses committed at St Martins by teacher Glyn Dorling in 2002 (and previous years), charging past that to sink the boot into that bastard Nick Fletcher...and then when the worm turns and starts writing his own blog and spelling out the realities it's still all like 'boots on for a hippy-kickin''...

I re-iterate...confronting the abuse that has been levelled at us parents but me in particular, abuse conceived and perpetuated to cover-up the gross abuse of a class of 7 year olds, confronting all of those abuses, that is the primary motivation for me becoming involved politically...(I thought it was the St Martin's abuses-Ed)...indeed, that's what I'm saying, the one spawned the other...abusing me/parents has been a guilt-assuaging exercise mired in the pro-paedophile corruption of the Lutheran Church, SA political parties, SAPol, the Courts, City Council, etc, etc...to address the realities of St Martins I/we've had to dismantle this extensive and thorough campaign of denigration motivated by denial and corruption...

The un-challengeable reality is that I got 'political' to address 1) the abuse already being heaped on me as merely a parent trying to get something done about 2) the abuses committed against my child and dozens of others...(fair enough-Ed)...and in that context I have had the right to write what I think thoroughly beaten into me...(go big fella'-Ed)...and as arrogant and dismissive as it may sound, this LG Election is just the next chapter in the saga of the Monster of their own creation...(go you good thing-Ed)...

There's some stuff that has just hit the mainstream SA news about a farmhouse near Jamestown in South Australia's Mid-North where it is alleged that 2 Adelaide children Joanne Ratcliffe and Kirste Gordon were held after being abducted from the Adelaide Oval back in the 1960s...unfortunately, some weeks ago I received several messages about this case, and when I see a SAPol officer standing there at a press conference saying 'nerrrh, people are ignorant...nothing to see here' it very much conflicts with what I've been reading about a dormitory like facility where many children were taken, there to be abused by paedophiles, some of whom flew into the local small airport...

Not my story, this is stuff that's been sent to me and I held it until it came up in the mainstream media, but what I've seen/read is very different to what is being portrayed in the media...what has been sent to me outlines not one perpetrator who died more than a decade ago, but an organised paedophile ring using a farmhouse to keep children, and may include murder of some of those children as well as Joanne and Kirste...I openly acknowledge my abject cynicism when it comes to SA authorities, but I know who I don't believe about this stuff...

And just to round out the day our charming Premier Jay Weatherill bangin' on about $5.5billion of 'Renewable Investment' thus far and another $4.5b more to come, and 1,000s of jobs, and blah, blah, blah, and the plan is Wind Turbines absolutely everywhere as Ray Jay sets SA's Renewable Energy Target at 50%...(oh my god, and most of that's Turbines?-Ed)...everywhere...and he made the ludicrous statement that he reckons they look elegant and have the same visual impact as a farmhouse on the top of a hill...(what, a 120m high farmhouse? a farmhouse with huge swooshing blades? in a line of dozens across every ridgeline in the state?-Ed)...yeah, exactly, that sort of farmhouse...   

And the Wind Alliance people have jumped right in there with yet more of these simply ludicrous statements about how Wind Turbines have lowered wholesale electricity prices...(but even if it is true, that doesn't take into account the massive taxpayer funded subsidies for Turbines, nor the reality that retail electricity in SA is now second most expensive on the planet-Ed)...I know, I know, don't tell me, tell them...

And Jay's also happily spraying praise for the great work he's done axing any Board that has the word 'Regional' anywhere in the job description...a full list of these Board cuts and/or changes is available on sa.gov.au and search Boards or whatevs...it includes Boards that have been 'reclassified' as not government Boards, eg, numerous HACS (Health Advisory Councils) across the Riverland and Mid-North that may even be replaced by private entities..JayDubbaya specifically mentioned saving Multicultural and Ethnic Affairs that he just appointed his former Education Minister Grace Portolesi to...basically it looks like exactly what it is, cutting the Regions loose whilst saving their mates new jobs they just gave them...(bastards-Ed)...to a man...but I like to be fair so...

An Interweb Site I've Created For People Whom Hate Me:...www.nick'sabastardsogo/histyres...(that sir, for someone whom is such an Interweb ludite, is actually quite clever...take you long?-Ed)...no, just was doing the sa.gov.au/whatevs site address thingy for finding those lists re Boards...(oh yeah, forgot about that-Ed)...and from 'forward slash' the rest took less time than to type it...in my brains and things the words go round and come out thusly...(you're a freak, that's what it is-Ed)...I'll have the croutons... 

Tomorrow: And Then This Other Thing Happened

(Of course it did-Ed)...I am Nick Fletcher and I live in the Housing Trust suburb of 16 Kooringa St in Mt Gambier and I authorise this 'ere blog and all who sail in 'er...(perhaps you should do it properly, just in case-Ed)...ok, ok...

Written and Authorised by Nick Fletcher, Kooringa St, Mt Gambier...cheers and laters...(cheers and laters-Ed)...

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