Friday, September 5, 2014

The Palm Before The Storm

Hello and welcome to a very brief scan-and-paste post because I feel that, given how scathing I've been on Council re all of the so many issues re the Rail Lands Retail Agenda...(and the lies they've perpetuated and manipulated to defer doing anything other than what suits/serves the RLRA-Ed)...and the horrendous cost this has had on Mt Gambier...(and all things we all wish you'd merely imagined rather than witnessed-Ed)...indeed...

Well, having done all of that...(and then some-Ed)...and then some, I feel that it is incumbent of me to offer the un-edited 'opposing view', purely in the interests of balance and accuracy of course...(you honestly think that people are going to believe that-Ed)...yeah, why not?...(because you're 'style', such as it is, is to put something up and then give it a meteoric rollicking about it's metaphoric bollocks-Ed)...

I respectfully insist upon the reality of the Rail Lands Retail Agenda...respectfully insist because I consider that I have proven the facts beyond dispute...(well you can dispute them, just not disprove them-Ed)...well then instead you run a parallel, opposing dialogue about what great work Council is doing on that site, etc, but never directly engage with the facts as per the RLRA...(because they're irrefutable-Ed)...that's the great thing about facts...

(Yeah, I can see how trying to explain the plethora of deceits and  associated planning debascos (debacle/fiascos) and dreadful economic damage, that refuting all of that might prove a task un-mastered-Ed)...nicely put sir...(indeed I'd suggest it'd be like trying to push a hill of shit up a barb-wire canoe-Ed)...ummm right...please find attached today's The Border Watch Friday 5th September 2014 front page and related page 12, all re the Rail Lands...

For comparison I have also attached the front page from Council's November 2011 $10m Parklands Concept Plan, that has apparently been "tweaked" down by $6m...on other posts I've already provided just some of the many pages of Retail/Commercial Expansion that Council are still pursuing, namely the RLRA...

Apart from specifically mentioning the one million dollars, count them, $1m for more shreckin' pavers...(but they won't be all grey-Ed)...well neither are the ones in the Main, they're grey with white salt stains and brown mud stains, already stained coming off the pallet, and assorted accumulated stains because they're light grey concrete...ludicrous...apart from mentioning that, I defer to what it is I consider already proven on this 'ere blog...damn it, no I can't...I'm going to have to Part II this a bit,

Tomorrow: Where Does It End?

(Well the beginning is an end but I'm guessing that's not the 'end' you're looking for-Ed)...indeed...

For those whom have already read this stuff today in TBW, enjoy an evening off (it's 2022hrs here)...and oo, nearly forgot, Watch Out For Your Dogs, saw my first Copperhead snake just up by the Water Tower lookout on Wednesday 3rd, 2 metres from the path, lying in damp grass in the shade, on a 16C day...I went to the exact spot where I saw one back in May (as posted) and bingo, photos, put up tomorrow too...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...  

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