Thursday, January 9, 2014

The Rail Lands Again, Nearly

Hello everyone and welcome to the blog...and I'd like to say that this post is going to conclusively conclude the issue of what Mt Gambier City Council is doing on the Old Rail Lands in the centre of town, but no matter how long I look at this there are a couple of things that just don't fit...

But First: how hilarious that senior Liberal Warren Entsch has none too subtly insinuated that the reason his colleague Cory Bernardi is so rabid about gays...(and pretty much everyone else who isn't a married white man-Ed)...indeed...but re the gay-hate stuff, is because Cory is himself gay but just can't deal with it, won't admit it, etc...again, only an insinuation, but still hilarious.

The Naracoorte teacher pornography case has just resurfaced, with effectively no action against the teacher who will remain an Education Dept employee...(you're shrekin' kiddin' me?-Ed)...wish I was, he has just been "moved away from teaching"...and allegedly the Teachers Registration Board is investigating his 'registration'...(the TRB?...what a farcical joke-Ed)...and the former deputy principal is also allegedly under some sort of 'investigation'...I'll cover this Tomorrow.   

And (just before 7.30am) on ABC Local Radio, Stuart Stansfield has just 'promoed' an interview with an un-named local mayor re the Local Government Association improving relations with the state government...and I'm predicting that this will be Grant District Council Mayor Richard Sage launching his election campaign for the 15th March 2014 state election....more laters...back onto the rails...

In previous posts I have repeatedly and comprehensively outlined and I believe proven the Rail Lands Retail Agenda where-in Council has pursued a major Retail/Commercial development on the ORL since being 'gifted' that site by the Rann Labor state government in late 2004/early 2005...and that the site was re-zoned to 'City Centre' in 2008/09...(and that you finally got Council's Daryl Sexton to admit that CC means Retail/Commercial-Ed)...indeed...and that the Retail/Commercial re-zoning cannot happen without state government approval.

I believe that I have also proved that the RLRA has driven Council to lie through their collective teeth over and over and over again in trying to explain why nothing at all has been done on that site before late 2013...they have regularly cycled through a series of false excuses about alleged contamination, the Deed, the Rail Easement, no funding, etc...round and round, lie upon lie...including the November 2011 song and dance about the alleged $10million Parkland Concept Plan, complete with 'public media launch' and big expensive display...and every word of it an absolute lie, every cent spent on that 'PCP' wasted on a deliberate deceit of ratepayers.

The RLRA has dominated planning and development across Mt Gambier for a decade, eg, Bunnings/Penola Rd, the Lady Nelson Bus Shelter, etc...again I consider that I have proven these points via the various previous posts on this issue, and again I am quietly confident in stating the debate is over, this is exactly what's happening...and I maintain that everything that has transpired on that site in the last few months is absolutely and unwaveringly in pursuit of the RLRA...and subsequently every Council statement that refers to 'a parkland' is a wanton lie...but hang on... 

Goooooaaaaaaalllllllllllllllll!!!!: Only far better than I imagined...(let me guess, the World Cup's a financial disaster for millions of Brazil's poorest citizens as squillions gets burned on one-off stadia and associated infrastructure but not public transport, Regional development, etc, in an exact mimicry of what's happening in South Australia where the South East Forestry Estate was sold and the money burned on the ludicrous Adelaide Oval while Regional and/or Mental Health and Disability and Court Services, etc, etc, are getting axed and manufacturing collapses-Ed)...great rant, but sorry no...

Goal as Stewie quotes (at about 7.35am) 'a Video Message from Richard Sage' he received about how the Local Government Association wants to/needs to work with the next state government...(may I?-Ed)...certainly...(Goooaaaallllllll!!!-Ed)...and cue Richard to spruik how local government is an integral part of state politics and must concentrate on working well with the government of the day, blah, blah, blah.

When Stuart asked if the current Labor government weren't particularly good now, was there 'room for improvement', etc', Richard was very non-committal even apologetic...and given that currently Gail Gago is Minister for Food, Regional Development, Forestry, Women, and a couple more portfolios, Richard again defended Labor saying that 'I think they're departments run by heads with lots of other people and that she's doing the best she can' (paraphrase, but the actual interview might be available on ABC website). 

And then the question about the issue underpinning this whole interview when Stuart stated 'it would be remiss of me to not ask, are you running in the state election?' (paraphrase)...and I was thinking 'here we go, Sage is about to announce his candidacy', but Richard baulked, shied, and stammeringly veered away from the question...he wouldn't say yes or no...hilarious...(oh, it's better than anything we could have possibly hoped for-Ed)...indeed...

Richard dodged and swerved, "ah it's one of those things" and "time will tell" and 'there's a few things to get sorted', etc, and when asked if he would run as an Independent, he seemed to say 'yep' but then said something about 'making that decision'...I didn't exactly follow what he was saying because he mumbles so much and on my little radio he can be hard to understand...all I can definitely state is that he was asked outright whether he was running and he flatly refused to answer...(who does he think he's fooling?-Ed) idea mate, no idea.

Let me give you a hand are running in the March 2014 state election and everyone knows it...Richard Sage is the only person who isn't absolutely convinced that Richard Sage is running at the 2014 election as yet another alleged Independent candidate running with Labor party support...the farcical carry-on this morning is an insult to the collective intelligence of the electorate and absolutely defines Richard Sage as a politician...he cannot even be honest and forthright about whether he's running.

And this is the exact flim-flam that Don Pegler ran in 2010, constantly self-promoting from his position as Grant Mayor whilst refusing to declare, refusing to admit his agenda, and then right at the last moment running as an alleged Independent...(all because he failed to get Liberal preselection which went to Mt Gambier Mayor Steve Perryman...hilarious-Ed)...

I've said it before and I'll say it again now, whatever was happening 15-20 years ago, for the last decade under Rann/Weatherill Labor, Mt Gambier has been controlled by the Labor Party via 'stooge' pseudo-independent candidates emanating from the deeply corrupted Grant District Council...that's Rory McEwen and Don Pegler...and here comes the latest incarnation, Richard Sage...(you're absolutely right about the collusion between Grant District Council and Labor, but I have an alternative theory about Richard's candidacy-Ed)...pray do tell...

(Well, it is just a theory, but isn't the Palmer United Party shopping around for candidates in all SA seats for the 2014 election?-Ed)...oh my god, this is Palmergeddon!...( of yours?-Ed)...I've not seen it used but I'd be surprised if someone somewhere hasn't...and I take your point but I still believe that Richard's involvement is purely Labor/Grant Council collusion, to be followed by a 3-way preference shuffle with Don Pegler and an 'official' Labor candidate.     

And TaDa! another post down and didn't get the Rail Lands stuff finished...again...sorry...but we're getting there...(very, very slowly-Ed)...yeah sorry...

Tomorrow: Rail Stuff and Child Abuse Stuff

(You sir, are a 2 trick pony-Ed)...what about Wind Turbines?...(3 tricks-Ed)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...stay well and laters...

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