Friday, January 24, 2014

Rail Lands and Bike Lanes

Morning y'all and welcome to the blog...and a big shout out to our illustrious leader Tony Abbott for selling Australia to the world via the G20 Summit in Switzerland...(I thought that we were already selling China, Qatar, Singapore, Canadians, Americans, etc, etc-Ed)...that was going to be my joke...and I love his work about 'we need big governing, not big government'...(wow, a 7 word catchphrase, he really is expanding his vocabulary-Ed).

Unfortunately, the subtext of what he was saying could be quite fairly interpreted as 'there's a bit too much Democracy for my liking'...(you bloody hippy-Ed)...get stuffed, that entire speech was one glib catchphrase after another, and the sub-text was about hacking up Social Security and other government supports for business, etc, constantly referring to 'free trade' and how big business is going to save us all...(fair enough-Ed)...

But First: in reference to the article in yesterday's The Border Watch, Thursday 23rd January 2014, Ready-made bike track concept - Candidates eye disused rail corridor for potential cycling attraction....about how state election candidates Liberal Troy Bell and current Member Don Pegler agree that this would be a great idea...and I concur...great idea and not before time because...

Heeeyyyy! That's My Idea: (and several other people's-Ed)...well, quite, but still, heeeyyyyy!...which fat bastard has been repeatedly blogging about putting a bikelane/walkway along the Rail Easement through Mt Gambier by simply bitumenising between the tracks as they are now, thus providing safe East/West access right across town and avoiding compromising the Easement and the cost of replacing any infrastructure...(well that would be you-Ed)...damn straight...and furthermore, to utilise the unused easement between here and Bordertown as a Tourist attraction right through the South East.

I express my indignation on behalf of all those of us who have been calling for this 'plan' ever since Council was 'gifted' the Rail lands by the state government way, way back in late 2004/early 2005...calling for this as part of a Parkland...a Parkland that should already be well established, not another Council deceit that will never happen...(you mean the fake $10million Parkland Concept Plan that Council suddenly announced and launched in November 2011-Ed)...exactly...a lie then, a lie now...never going to happen.

(Given that a small group of vested interests operating through/with/as Council, treat that site as their own personal property do you think that that 'gifting' was the pay-off for senior past and present Council members apparent support for the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up?-Ed)...I have allowed myself that are of course referring to former Prime Minister Julia Gillard's statements when announcing the Child Abuse Royal Commission in November 2012...(exactly-Ed)...

("Acts of omission" and "those who have averted their eyes"-Ed)...averted their eyes, bollocks...does that list include those whom I've explained it to at length, in detail, often repeatedly, across a decade...(I think we've made our point-Ed)...every time.

Bicycle Tourists: love Australia because it's so flat...imagine the potential for a safe traffic-less bikeway/walking trail right through the South East...(that could go all the way through to link up with the Great Southern Walk near Portland-Ed)...brilliant Ed...a cycling/walking trail 300km+ from Bordertown to Portland...and today's letters section in The Border Watch (Friday 24th January 2014) is chockers with letters about exactly that sort of system of trails and tracks.

Bottomline, I don't care who gets it done so long as it does...this would be a major attraction for cycling tourists and I believe encourage many to try such an adventure when they can do it on 250km+ of designated track sans traffic...I can honestly see it becoming a family adventure to Cycle the South East...and if rail returns, just shift it along side if usage warrants.

(And I thought you hated bicyclists and wanted them banned from public places, etc?-Ed) come on, you're being mischievous...what's got into you today?...(I'm just feeling a little bit chipper, that's all...forget all the associated bullshit coming across the counter, our effort on Tuesday with the ABC was, well, hugely cathartic-Ed)...indeed...but I'm still not cool about that young woman getting caught in the middle...(fair enough-Ed)...anyways...I reckon I've blogged all this stuff and have been saying it for years, including the link from Bordertown and down...and what's more...

Tourist Train: to Penola is just something else that City Council deliberately killed off with all the usual bullying, harassment and aggression that typifies such Flat Wicket Bullies...mighty tough when the power is all with them, not so brave when someone stands up to them...(like you for example-Ed)...for example...killed off to facilitate the Rail Lands Retail Agenda, killed off along with a centralised Bus Terminus and an all-weather music Amphitheatre with sheltered plaza, etc...(why though?...the Tourist Train could have run from the Sheds just West of the main Rail lands site-)...maybe, don't know, no facilities or parking?...just telling it as it was told to me.

On Tour: Minister Assisting the Minister for Infrastructure (? I think, sorry) Liberal MP Jamie Briggs is visiting the South East to look at Drains and associated infrastructure, and is going to Pt Mac Donnell to check out the Federal investment in works down that way...but not one bloody word from him about rail...(nice segue-Ed)...ta...and meanwhilst, across the border...

Off With His Head: be what they sayeth at ye olde Victorian Labor Opposition after Liberal Emergency Services Minister Kym (?Kim) Wells went to the Australian Open tennis while fires were burning in the Grampians, etc...(he didn't?-Ed)...apparently so...(what a prick-Ed)...language Ed...and so did Minister for Sport Mr Delahunty (?Delahunte - sorry) but he was there in an "official capacity".

Local Government Association: Acting President Lorraine Rosenberg (?spelling) wants either party/government to come up with a Regional Plan...I'm not getting into this one today...but I will tomorrow, because it segues beautifully into...

Tomorrow: Fracking Protest at Penola

Went, talked to some people, heard some stuff...tomorrow...oh, and spoke to a couple of people who apparently are reading the blog, or at least bits of it...hilarious...tally-ho!

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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