Wednesday, January 22, 2014

ICAC Clears Pretty Much Everybody

Hello and welcome to the blog...apparently there's no need for me to blog anymore, particularly about Mt Gambier City Council, because the Independent Commission Against Corruption has checked it all out and everything's just peachy, honest...(well that, or the ICAC is as rabidly corrupted as the people it's supposed to investigate and sanction-Ed)...yes, well.

But First: Yay for me because today marks one year of The Mount Gambier Independent...(no?-Ed)...yep, well actually yesterday, but a year...385+ posts across one whole year...yay.

I note that as a result of that state's ICAC, the New South Wales Liberal government is moving to cancel contracts re the Hunter Valley Coal licenses awarded as part of the corrupt dealings of former Labor bullyboy, I mean power broker, Eddie Obeid...(those contracts have been cancelled on Monday-Ed)...oh South Australia, the ICAC can't find the elephant sitting on their lap.

I refer to the 3 recent posts re this letter and how it excuses everybody whilst calling me a 'complainer'. Dated Monday 13th January 2014, I received it Friday 17th January 2014, but the date is not as important as the timing...the letter was sent in the week that the Old Hospital Demolition is completed...the ICAC has waited until the demolition is over and then said everything's dot pointing the 7 sentences of the ICAC letter (attached).

1) Wording is critical. This letter supports MP Don Pegler and the Ombudsman as acting correctly, and what they do is make "reports"...but me, having written to the appropriate people (as above), I have made "complaints"...(so why aren't your 'reports' to the above people reports? became aware of specific acts of malfeasance and reported them...why are they "complaints"?-Ed)...because "reports" infers correctness, credibility, and authority, but "complaints" is just some idiot having a whinge...(not just some idiot, a very special idiot-Ed)...ta...

Note the use of "Complaints" in the letter's 'title'...again, this is used to stigmatise everything that follows, to cast it in a specific light.

 2) Don't identify and/or address the issues but loosely identify those 'investigated' just enough for those people to be able to be excused of anything and everything. How many people, even in Mt Gambier, would know who Councillors and the former CEO actually are? This just gives Council and Greg Muller the opportunity to be excused specifically by the subsequent declarations about "no evidence".

And make it all about me. This is exactly what Council CEO Mark McShane did with his secret report about me released through The Border Watch - exonerate Councillor Ian Von Stanke but not state what for, and lots of 'Nick Fletcher complained, then he complained some more, then he complained about everybody, but he's wrong about everything.'

I am aware as fact that several other people contacted Don Pegler's office about the Old Hospital Demolition Contract, but that cannot be acknowledged because that would give these "complaints" credence whilst proving that it's not just me whinging about the corruption rampant in Mt Gambier City Council...and again, I haven't made "complaints", I've notified the appropriate authorities of actual events...

3) "Complaints" again, that then become "allegations"...again language designed to further undermine the credibility of what is being discussed/reported and move the discussion away from investigating actual events that have actually happened, to making these events a construct of my opinion unsupported by factual evidence. I've 'alleged' nothing, I've stated the facts as I have witnessed them.

I reported the gross nepotism and insider trading of the Main Corner Project, eg, Mayor Steve Perryman and Councillor Des Mutton's son being the only 2 Tenders to run the facility, with it going to Lachlan Mutton for free...and the $350,000 that then CEO Greg Muller misappropriated from that project...and Mayor Perryman excusing himself from the Demolition vote citing a 'Conflict of Interest' re Accommodation with a Tender applicant.  

Note the 'stepping-down' in credibility from "reports" to "complaints" to "allegations". The letter starts at 'reports' and ends at 'allegations'.

4) Again my "allegations"...(all of them-Ed)...indeed...have all been "carefully investigated by my office under my direction", 'my' being Commissioner Bruce Lander. So everything has been thoroughly dealt with at the highest level...(well they're high alright-Ed)...ah, come on Ed...under the watchful eye of the boss...couldn't get a more comprehensive investigation than that...(well he would have had to have a controlling, hands-on role in the 'investigation' to make absolutely sure it went exactly where he and his employers, the Weatherill Labor government, wanted-Ed)...indeed.

So dismantle my credibility by referring to factual recounts of actual events as  "complaints" and "allegations", and then build up the supposed credibility of the alleged investigation.

5) I spoke to the ICAC twice to organise a meeting, and we met at Metro Cafe for less than an hour on Wednesday 23rd October 2013...They claimed to be already aware of Mayor Perryman's COI declaration in the Council Minutes and I suggested they might check his phone records, but I don't recall them taking many if any notes, there was no formal statement, nothing...and that was it...that was the investigation. I don't know who else they spoke to and I never heard from them again until this letter, received Friday 17th January 2014.

6) Again with the "allegations" and surprise, surprise there's "no evidence"...not nuffin'...(but those 3 things you stated in point 3, those are actual events that actually happened-Ed)...yep, that's the concern...these are some of the things that the ICAC has supposedly investigated and found to be absolutely just fine...

This is appropriate, ICAC sanctioned behaviour from Mt Gambier City Council, Mayor Perryman, and Greg Muller...according to ICAC, rank nepotism, insider trading, and theft are all ok.

7) Close the shrekin' file...what a joke...ICAC has given a public, official green light to unrestricted corruption in City Council...(oh, so it's just business as usual then-Ed)...nice.

This letter is a farcical joke from a laughable government run agency, doing the government's bidding, and now fully involved in the rank corruption of Mt Gambier City Council and by direct association the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...this is your ICAC that's going to sort everything out. 

I'm not done with these clowns yet, but that's enough for today, and so...

Tomorrow: The Wind Turbines Stuff

And probably some other stuff as well...I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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