Friday, January 31, 2014

Just Another Day, Just Another Post

Hello and welcome to the blog...must admit not quite sure where I'm headed post wise today because I'm still coming down off the plateau of anger that Liberal MLC Rob Lucas hoisted me on to with his dead-eyed denials and soulless refusal to act (previous posts)...and yet another unrelated but no less bizarre conversation that I just had earlier...(apols for changing title after posting, my bad).

But First: in all the confusion I didn't properly cover the City Council resignation/retirement stuff...apologies and more tomorrow...also the latest Rail Lands stuff as promised...(promise?-Ed)...and a confession of sorts re a more deliberate omission that when I spoke to Mr Lucas the local Liberal candidate Troy Bell was the third, well, spoke...(ahaha-Ed)...

I deliberately asked Mr Bell to be part of that 'conversation' because I have referred to the St Martins issue only in broad terms to him, and I wanted him to experience the reality...suffice to say that Mr Bell barely contributed because he was quickly, inevitably left behind as Mr Lucas and I discussed issues of which he (Troy) was previously unawares...and for that reason I do not blame Mr Bell for what he has inherited.

Despite what the Liberal Party has done, I still consider that Mr Bell is currently the most genuine hope that Mt Gambier has, and out of respect for him...(and his unfortunate inheritance-Ed)...quite...out of respect I have contacted Mr Bell to let him know that I'm blogging about the conversation and relative issues and the fact that he is now fully aware re St Martins...    

What happened on Wednesday 29th January 2014 with Mr Lucas is the physical manifestation of the irrefutable reality that the Liberal Party is every bit as complicit in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up as the Labor Party, the Lutherans themselves, SAPol, the Teachers Registration Board, etc, etc...everybody knows and everybody's covering it up...this is what we are.

Just for the record: we're talking about the deliberate, calculated, extensive psychological, emotional, and/or physical abuse of an entire class of 7 year old children by their 54(?) year old male teacher Glyn Dorling, committed in the classroom for a period of 5 months starting day 1, term 1 in 2002, and continuing on a daily basis until parents forced his removal on the June long weekend 2002.

Glyn Dorling was relentlessly manipulating, bullying, harassing, and denigrating the 7 year olds in his care, with a clear view to making them compliant with the physical abuses he was committing against many of them...Flinders Child Protection Service openly described Dorling to me (August 2002) as "a text-book grooming paedophile".

You'll note that nobody's telling me outright that the abuse didn't happen...(well apart from the Lutherans-Ed)....true...(and the TRB-Ed)...not quite, they refused to take action "on the balance of probabilities"...(ah yeah, that's right, Glyn Dorling openly confessed to what he was charged with, blamed the children, and the TRB said 'yeah we agree'-Ed)...sad, sick, corrupt...moving on...and that I have posted again and again documents, etc, re St Martins, and that after a few haphazard attempts to have posts pulled down and some more "Defamation Threats', these posts remain. 

When it comes to the discussion now, no-one's trying to say the abuses never happened, rather it's all lies, denials, and 'there's not enough evidence'...for shrek sake, what did the TRB look at for 21 months that they ultimately got so wrong that a major parliamentary Inquiry was established?...and why have police been able to avoid appearing at these Inquiries?...surely their definitive investigation back in 2002 is the critical proof that nothing at all happened...(oh you mean the 2002 'investigation' where SAPol failed to even interview Dorling, let alone charge him, and then dumped the case without even telling parents-Ed)...yeah, that's the one...

And all other authorities are aware of this deliberate failure to investigate which is why they refuse to call SAPol to give evidence...(except the TRB who claim that SAPol "refused to appear"-Ed)...yeah, but how can you believe anything any of these people have to say...they just lie as and when it suits them, and when you back them into a corner over their lies, they just stop responding knowing full well that nobody is going to hold them to account.

And something else Rob Lucas kept bleating at me in excusing the Liberals failure to do anything about St Martins and in refusing to act now was 'we're only in Opposition'...rubbish...the Liberal Party is a bloated carcass of incompetence and fundamental irrelevance that has done nothing to hold Labor to account for anything...for example, nothing the Liberal Party has to say about the South East Forestry Estate Sell-off and/or the Adelaide Oval malarkey is anything but opportunistic hypocrisy.

That Sell-off went to immediately benefit the South Australian Cricket Association when Labor payed off nearly $90million in SACA debts, and both SACA and the SA National Football League are run by senior Liberals.

Pantomime Time: as Premier Jay Weatherill and Labor pull the most obvious stunt imaginable and even as I type it, there's Jay on the ABC (1400hrs) spruiking his own superness...'there's absolutely no doubt who runs the Labor Party' and 'the backroom deals and the days of the faceless men are over'...(hey that was your line, that this whole thing is an absolute construct designed to try and separate state Labor from the poisoned chalice of federal Factional faffing about-Ed)...well exactly...

Minister Micheal O'Brien announces early this morning that he's going to quit the safe Labor seat of Napier to allow Right Faction leader Don Farrell to run after he failed in the Federal election...Ray Jay goes straight on the ABC and publicly threatens to quit...Don backs down and says he won't run but Micheal says he's quitting anyway...and then Jay's straight into it about how he's the man...'oo, look how I'm in control and how I stick up for SA'.

This is a massive con to try and suck the oxygen out of any criticism re the factional control of Labor, and try...(but fail-Ed) promote Jay as the man in control as is the tenant of Labor's entire presidential style campaign...Labor have to focus on Jay because everything around him is a disaster, and they will attack Liberal leader Stephen Marshall rather than trade policy barbs...and Jay's little tantrum about how he's running the show, etc, just on the ABC is proof positive...and this is the sort of game that Labor is prepared to play with the electorate only 6 weeks from the election...and Jay yet again on the ABC...

When I first heard this earlier today I thought that the 'I'll resign' bit was about Jay bailing-out with justifiable indignation, but the moment I heard that Don Farrell had immediately backed down, it was  obvious that this was about distancing Jay For SA All The Way Today from factional brawling whilst promoting himself as the man in control...and it all happened so fast that I couldn't even blog it before the pantomime's over and we're straight into the glowing self-reviews.

Tomorrow: The Year Of The Horse

 (Aren't you a Horse sign under the Chinese Horoscope?-Ed)...Fire Horse actually...(oh-Ed)...yes, oh...I don't live my life by this stuff but it's unnervingly accurate...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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