Saturday, January 18, 2014

ICAC At A Joke With No Punchline

Hello and welcome to the blog...and might might not be right but right I still might be, and there's no celebrating here because me being right confirms all that it is that I claim to see...(I hate it when you talk such gibberish yet make perfect sense-Ed)...cheers...I take no pleasure in being right - that there is nothing more corrupt about a state than when the supposedly Independent Commission Against Corruption is at the heart of said corruption, but not to attack and resolve, rather to assist and re-enforce.

And before you go off about 'oh, what's he goin' off about now' please read the attached letter from said ICAC...and if you haven't read my previous posts re ICAC, it's instigation and operation, please read those too...if you've read those posts you'll appreciate that whilst my opinion is purely that of a layperson, not a lawyer or such, it is an opinion based on a wealth of experience.

But First: the extraordinary news that the Sturt Country Fire Service brigade...(you sure it wasn't Upper Sturt?-Ed), I think it's just Sturt...wherevs...their CFS unit is so underfunded by the state government they will be doing fundraising to get the $250,000 they need for a new/additional water a week that Premier Jay Weatherill pork-barrelled his little heart out ahead of the March 15 election by suddenly reversing funding cuts to the Surf Life Saving organisation (for shark patrols I think) plus announcing approx $6million extra, approx a doubling of current funding.

(Perhaps the CFS should operate politically and get all up in their grill and shizzle with some emotive advertising and governmentally embarrassing grandstanding and push for a couple of million-Ed)...absolutely, but it ain't going to happen...I believe that Greg Nettleton's position at the head of the CFS is entirely compromised (previous posts re Wind Turbines) and he's not about to kick up about anything...(well possibly, but it would be a good look for whoever to suddenly announce $X for the CFS-Ed)...absolutely, I'm sure both Labor and Liberal will chuck the CFS some promises of funding.

Basically I don't believe a word of it anyway...2 months out from an election, sudden reversals of cuts and shiny new funding are Poppycock and Balderdash...speaking of which.

In previous posts I have covered my concerns with the corrupted instigation of said ICAC, put in place only a year ago by a definably pro-paedophile Rann/Weatherill Labor government, and then only under extreme pressure after flatly refusing to do it for a decade...I re-iterate, it is ludicrous to the point of lunacy to believe that Labor were ever going to institute a genuine organisation that might potentially...(I would suggest inevitably-Ed)...mate, not even accidentally hold them to account for their own corruption.

(Although it has been suggested to me that perhaps some piss-pot Council from Pigs Knuckle, Arkansas, and let's face it, that's what Mt Gambier is to Adelaide's politicians...well that was exactly the sort of soft, mid-range target that the ICAC would pick-of to try and gain some credibility back in The 'Burbs of Adelaide-Ed)...I concur, I also considered this...and I re-iterate that there is clearly a far more important issue at play here and I believe that issue to be the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up.

And behind that it's Apple Cart and Gravy Train time on a slow boat to economic and environmental Armageddon...(would that be a Gravy Boat then?-Ed)...indeed, with an Apple Cart source if you will...(ah, witty Wilde, witty-Ed)...actually I retract the slow bit, because it's happening at a definably accelerated rate...(and isn't 'Armageddon' a bit strong-Ed)...not at particular, how the fiscal imperatives predicated by gross financial mismanagement and malfeasance manifests as environmental detromentallings...(whaaa?-Ed)...we gort no cash laddie, so we're garn ta harv ta dig t'all up, t'all of it I tell ya'...(and again I hate it when such trite tripe makes such sense-Ed).

No you don't, you love it...I am certainly not suggesting I'm in the same league, but it is the definitive and insightful statement cloaked as farce that I love so much about Monty's in all comedy really, but those dudes were a certain group in a certain time and place and The Life of Brian is definitive in it's comedic encapsulation of the human experience...(ditto-Ed)....but I digress...  

When it comes to this corruption bollocks, all I have to offer as evidence is everything I have already written...(wow, heavy man-Ed)...every document I've posted...(right on-Ed)...every Defamation threat I've stared down...(testify-Ed) short I stand by everything I've written in this blog, and when I'm wrong about anything I apologise...(and if you're not?-Ed)...well that's everything else isn't it...(get down-Ed).  

If, sorry, when the South East Aquifer gets contaminated by the chemicals getting pumped underground by fricking Fracking at Penola...doesn't matter if it takes 2 years or 20 to leech to the surface, it will devastate the 'clean green' product created utilising that water source...and that's Mt Gambier's drinking water too...and economically we are lurching backwards at speed toward a fuedal class structure sans democracy...(bloody peasant-LE)...ah Lord Edward, speaking of which, we're organising a bit of sport later, a spot of peasant shooting...(don't you mean pheasant ma' boy?-LE), I know what I mean...(ahaha, bloody good show...tally bally ho-LE)...baaaaaaaa...sorry, I digress... 

I would ask that you read the attached letter and think about it for just one day in context with the various politicians and/or lawyers letters I've excoriated in previous posts...just one day before I shred this letter too...but please, dissect it yourselves before,

Tomorrow: Ferreting About With Weasel Words - ICAC AAJWAP Part II

Not being able to find evidence of the rank nepotism and corruption at play in virtually everything Mt Gambier City Council does, is equivalent to being eaten by an elephant...(in a room-Ed) a room, and saying 'I can't see any shrekin' elephant'!...(well one would imagine, having never been inside an elephant, that one wouldn't be able to actually see it because it's likely very dark-Ed)...witty I'm sure and a lovely segue into Weasel Words... 

Please find attached a short but definitive work in the fine political art of Weasel Words being the letter I have just received from the ICAC re some of the issues I have raised in multiple previous posts. The ICAC have chosen to "close the file" so as best I can tell, their vague yet omnipresent 'guidelines' about 'don't discuss nuffin' about nuffin' or else!', no longer apply...(guidelines? my experience they look like very carefully worded threats-Ed)...indeed.

Just wait until tomorrow, I'm really going to go to town on this puppy...(that doesn't actually sound too good-Ed)...actually, it doesn't does it...but you get the picture...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog..cheers buccaneers and laters..

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