Friday, January 17, 2014

So Tired...Must Blog...

Hello France, Aotearoa (New Zealand), Slovenia, and yet again this weeks no.1 'availee', the United States of America...there's a prize waiting for you at reception just as soon as I have a reception...and a prize...welcome one and all to the blog, have you come about the croutons?...I know this sort of 'drive you bat-crap crazy' stinking hot weather goes on for weeks in various parts of Australia and around the world, but 3 nights sans respite is enough for this little hippy...has the Duchess arrived yet?...penguin...

And it's not the heat so much, it's the lack of sleep, I'm absolutely out on my feet..and I don't envy  people who have to work outside in the heat, and then can't sleep because of the heat...or are fighting any of the dozens of bushfires at the moment...I know that there have been many heat stroke/exhaustion incidents already because basically the CFS volunteers just get to the point where it's inevitable...even best management practices can mitigate only so much...I'd be rooted after 3 days's only been 4-5 days and I ain't fighting fires.
Ironic Segue: but hardly hilarious to see the Country Fire Service head Greg Nettleton earlier this week listing off the number of fire-fighting aircraft headed to South Australia to help combat a number of fires right across the previous posts I've covered Mr Nettleton's clearly pro-Wind Turbine comments about how aircraft aren't really that important in combating bushfires, therefore there's no issue with Turbine development and fires in and/or around them.

Happy To Be Wrong: or at least sort of about 1) World Cup/Olympic infrastructure spending in Brazil. Caught bits of 'Palin in Brazil' (BBC/ABC TV) and apparently there has been a small fortune spent on transport, eg, in Rio de Janeiro the Underground railway and a massive cable car that connects the largest favela (ghetto) to the main part of the city...but still in other cities stadia are getting built purely for the Football World Cup whilst public services are sortta' wrong...

(But wasn't there recently rioting in the streets of Rio predominantly about the spending on the Games instead of public transport, particularly buses?-Ed)...true, it was, but as recent as this series appears, it may well have been filmed before the riots...and I think Mr Palin tends to be quite 'glass half full', focusing more on how things have improved, eg, he discussed ongoing gang violence but in a context of how much things have improved...

Whilst I think he's quite genuine, I wouldn't blame a person more cynical than I for thinking this has the potential to be a 'crack papering promotion' ahead of the upcoming International events, ie, it's cool to come to Rio because we have these trains and all the gangs live a ways over there...that's purely theorising, but there's no question that this is exactly what's happening in Russia with the impending Winter Olympics in Sochi.     

Just this week there was another 'shoot-out' between police/security forces and alleged terrorists in the Caucuses, this time in Dagestan...and again reported on Al Jazeerha via SBS TV The Journal (?I think)  Network but barely mentioned in the 'Western Press' as is generally the case with Chechnya and other parts of the Caucuses... 

And 2) in an ABC interview yesterday Mr (?) of (???)...(whoa, too much information-Ed)...yeah sorry, I think he was from SA Power Networks but he could have been a govenment rep...but he was calmly downplaying power outages across the state affecting thousands of homes, and started out saying everything was fine before slowly listing off a few hundred here, a few hundred there...there were various reasons but "load-shedding" wasn't one of them...perhaps the system isn't quite as dodgy as it was a few years back when "shedding" and other outages contributed to over 100 deaths.

Approx 10,000 homes were without power at various stages, and whilst there have not been any deaths specifically attributed I note however that there have been 100+ admissions to SA hospitals and an interview with a senior SA Health and/or Royal Adelaide Hospital rep stated that "some deaths" are expected...

(You know, it's actually a very clever strategy really-Ed)...what is? load-shedding?...(no, the other measures that the Rann/Weatherill Labor government have implemented to protect the electricity infrastructure in South Australia-Ed)...sorry, what strategy, I wasn't aware of any strategy...(yeah, where they've made electricity so expensive that people just aren't turning on their air-conditioners therefore reducing demand therefore protecting the system-Ed)...hilarious, not.

Cheesy Grins: all round at Saputo as Bega Cheese sells it's shares in Warnambool Cheese and Butter to the family run Canadian dairy company for approx $70million, moving Saputo much closer to a controlling interest...they now have approx 45% which means that the deal is pretty much done even though the involvement of Murray Goulburn is still a critical issue...(so it's sort of done but still not quite-Ed).

Naracoorte High School: case is set to crash back into the media so I'm just going to mention the ABC interview with the 'framed for pornography' student where he stated that he had actually stopped pursuing his case because of the continuing failure of the Education Dept to address his case appropriately, eg, not returning phonecalls, emails, etc...making him apply for the documents about him after saying they would be supplied, etc...

I have shown via this blog Premier Jay Weatherill's recent behaviour is undeniable in ignoring, lying, denying, lying by denying, obfuscating, then more lying, before supposedly dismissing...hello Jay...and still not a word about Naracoorte in The Border Watch...(well they've all got so much to lose over the St Martins Lutheran Scholl Child Abuse Cover-up...that'd be my guess-Ed)...yeah, maybe, but they did print that stuff a few months ago about the local teacher and the headmaster...

Enough for today and apologies for not delivering promised post...and again not tomorrow because something just came up, so...

Tomorrow: ICAC At The Joke With No Punchline

I have just received a letter stating that the ICAC have investigated my complaints about the Old Hospital Demolition and the Main Corner and "No evidence has been located..." and therefore they've 'closed the file' and there will be no action...(you're shrekin''s right there, albeit in corrupted form, in the Council minutes Mayor Steve Perryman stating that he had a Conflict of Interest re Accomodation, and the Main Corner stuff is right there on the blog as well...I thought you said they read the blog-Ed)...that's what they told me.   

Corrupt is what corrupt does and South Australia is absolutely corrupt and St Martins is the mutual motivation that any of them need...and I'm sure it's an absolute coincidence that ICAC close their 'investigation' the week that the demolition is completed...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...unless you're the ICAC, and then you can just get stuffed...

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