Thursday, January 23, 2014

All Sorts Of Stuff and Some Nonsense

Hello Belarus, Malaysia, Canada, and the USofA...welcome to the blog...and again thanks for the feedback and support...particularly from the ABC...(you know sarcasm is the lowest form of humour?-Ed)...sure, but I'm being absolutely serious...what happened yesterday has raised a few chuckles and prompted others to observe that Stuart Stansfield's extraordinary response was indicative of the reality of who was at fault.

As observed to me, his little performance in throwing me out before I'd spoken a word, followed immediately by threats to call the police, etc, is very positive feedback that he at least is freakin' right out...and given that it was clearly a prepared strategy he had received instruction on conducting, his 'vested interest mates' who gave him the job, are equally dis-eased.

How Piss Weak Am I: that I feel genuinely bad for the poor young woman who got caught in the middle of Stuart's un-hinged carry-on, and in that context I apologise unreservedly to her...but as for the rest of you...particularly Beardy the Clown...if I thought you had the faintest idea what you were talking about I'd still think you're an idiot...(yeah, I noticed you shaved your beard off-Ed), that wasn't a beard, I just hadn't shaved for a few weeks...(sure-Ed)...

(And didn't Tim Gerritson dive for cover the moment he saw you come in-Ed)...indeed, just another ABC employee who knows all about the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and suffers from 'Fletcher Conscience' in that me simply being there confronts him with realities he'd rather not acknowledge and the truth about what he hasn't done. 

Beyond that I'd like to congratulate myself for handling the situation all but perfectly...I never swore or even raised my voice, everything that happened was Stuart unravelling...and when he 'called the police' I didn't flee the scene in fear, I stood there and waited, quietly confident in my truths.

We Tried: to save a small kitten that was hit by a car at the Bay Rd/Lake Tce intersection yesterday but it passed away before we got it to the Sturt St/Crouch St vets. I thought it was a dead bird with a wing flapping in the wind and it wasn't until we were right there that it was obvious as a badly injured cat. I stopped in the middle of the road just 'above' the intersection and thankyou to the bloke who stopped just behind my car to stop other cars running me over.

My child insisted that we go back and door knock but there was no-one home in neighbouring residences. It may have been a feral cat (no collar or microchip) but it also may have been someones family pet. If you know of someone in that area who has lost a small brindle kitten, could you please direct them to the vets.

WHY?: did I see a Mt Gambier City Council truck taking large chunks of rubble apparently from the Old Hospital Demolition site via the back road (?Keenan Dve)? I only saw one myself but allegedly there have been several. Is this Council removing 'Contaminated Waste' as per the exclusions from McMahon's Tender/Contract? Is this yet another example of City Council fudging the numbers to suit their own purpose by hiding 'Project Costs' in other areas of Council's budget as they did with the Main Corner Project?

Is this part of the entire Tender Process deceit where Council included a company who had effectively already withdrawn and then chose McMahon's (over a local company), citing how cheap they were, yet there were major exclusions in their Tender meaning there were effectively different Tenders? This 'removal' is no doubt a separate cost that will not appear on the final 'Demolition Cost'.   

ICAC Fallout: Not for City Council though, or I would suggest any Local Government body...I am aware that Member for Mt Gambier Don Pegler also received a 'close the file' letter because he has provided me a copy...ta...and it's only 3 lines long...(sorry? mean 3 paragraphs surely-Ed), 3 lines saying exactly the same as the letter to me but even sans any detail about what the alleged investigation was actually about.

I appreciate that Mr Pegler has provided me this letter as being part of an appropriate process but I have included it below because the only person, organisation or authority actually mentioned is...(no, no, let me guess...a large, angry hippy-Ed) letter is further evidence that the ICAC has no intention of addressing the gross corruption it claims to have investigated, but rather is wholly subscribed to the 'Nick Fletcher's a whinging bastard' strategy...

(So you're suggesting that the ICAC is not just a vacuous waste of time and taxpayers money that is entirely compromised and fundamentally corrupted but is acting deliberately to attack you  and discredit you...don't you think that's being a tad paranoid and more than a little narcissistic?-Ed), not one bit...look at the issues I've covered in this blog and there is a clearly defined strategy to avoid the issues and mangle the messenger...and it's failing miserably.

As you can see it 'refers' to Mr Pegler's "report...arising from a complaint made to you by Mr Nick Fletcher"...(oh gord, not that idiot-Ed)...indeed, not one word about the issues or the people supposedly investigated, just more 'Nick Fletcher complains and makes allegations and he's wrong, wrong, wrong'...more on this later.

Council Bullies: I recently heard the story of a family who lost their business and home as the result of the behaviours of their Council. This sorry tale has all the elements; deceitful and aggressive conduct by the Council involved, and promises of support and resolution from the appropriate authorities that have dissolved away to unanswered emails, etc. Sorry to be so vague on details but I promised to not discuss this case further than this, but I have invited those involved to come onto the blog...hopefully more to come.

Too Little, Too Late: Current Labor leader Bill Shorten has expressed "regret" that Labor dumped thousands of single parents off their support payments and back onto the ludicrously inadequate NewStart Allowance...I'm sure those thousands of generally single mums are absolutely thrilled that Billy's sorry and now the stress and pain and suffering caused will all go magically away...(to be replaced with Unicorns and buttercups-Ed)...indeed.

Ngarkat: Perhaps it's just because it's a just such a memorable name that it seems like every year that a fire gets started in the Ngarkat National Park and then spreads out to burn neighbouring land. ..(it's not every year, but yes quite often-Ed)...and the usual concern is that the fuel load in the Park is not properly  managed...these are concerns I share but re the Lakes Area here in Mt Gambier.

Channel 7 Today Tonight ran a story (Tuesday?) about the proposed/approved Palmer Wind Turbine Industrial Estate that showed a local landowner who had declined to have Turbines on his land, costing him several $100,000 in subsidies/rental. More on Turbines tomorrow.

Say Cheese: The airwaves are awash with the news that the Warnnambool Cheese and Butter takeover race is effectively run and now finally won by Canadian company Saputo who have established a 50.7% and therefore controlling interest. Murray Goulburn are reported to have withdrawn their bid.

Pardon the scatter gun approach today but I just wanted to get some things covered.

Tomorrow: Wind Turbines and Fracking

Welcome to the New Limestone Coast...Fracking pollution in every Aquifer and massive Turbines as far as the eye can see.

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters.

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