Monday, January 13, 2014

City Council Announces Rate Drop

Hello and welcome to the blog and day 3 sans FC...humour me please in my reminiscent indulgencings but I remain deeply upset about finally losing that old rust-bucket...I spent an hour yesterday tidying up the driveway, hedge, etc, where it used to sit, and that gave me plenty of time to stew and steam about how close I came to having a beautiful, classic old FC Holden as my 'daily driver'...and all of the misery and suffering that took that from me.

I make no apologies for being totally overwhelmed and consumed by the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and I maintain that the FC stuff is entirely symptomatic...I almost envy those parents who know what happened but turned their backs on their own children, and even those who turned on us...even such weakness and failure must be better than what I've been much happier my life had I been able to just turn my back on it all?...(I guess we'll never know-Ed)...

(And I can only turn you toward your own observationings that for whatever reason one ends up doing 'the right thing', doing the right thing is not always about being happy, indeed some of the things that must be done are the most challenging and cause the greatest distress...happiness simply isn't a relevant issue-Ed)...thankyou Ed, that does help...

There's no question that my inability to turn my back on the St Martins Issue has cost me dearly and had a devastating effect on my personal relationships, particularly with my child...I deliberately stayed right away from their high school because I was concerned about the impact and stigma of being my child...and what about what my child has been put through trying to deal with a terribly traumatised father deliberately targeted and Pariahtised by the Lutherans, the school and the community.

This is why I'm so angry with the shrekin' Lutherans like Cheryl Perryman, Mayor Steve Perryman's mother, because of her outrageous and abusive behaviour toward me in front of my child...gord only knows what those lunatics and/or some of the other parents were saying to and/or around him when I wasn't there, but Cheryl repeatedly snubbed me and/or abused me in public, including right in front of my child. What does that tell my child about their father when a senior and supposedly respected person from their school behaves like that toward me?

Can you imagine if I bailed up Steve Perryman in the street and in front of his children abused him about what a corrupt little piece of work he is...(but he is-Ed)...that's not the point...(and he deserves, nay has earned every bit of abuse that comes his way-Ed)...well yes but...(and you were getting abused by senior Lutherans like Cheryl because you were trying to do something about their paedophile teacher-Ed)...true, but...(and those prick's didn't hesitate to use your child to try and hurt you...remember? they threw you out of the school in retaliation-Ed), I hadn't forgotten...perhaps that is a bad example, but I think you get the point...(yeah, fair enough-Ed).

I also remember that the school replaced "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling with hard-core Lutheran Deputy Principal Eloise Brigden-Anderson (June 2002) and she was seen repeatedly 'de-programming' the kids of various behaviours, and within 2 weeks her close personal friend Karina Rigali was employed from outside the school and had the exact same children in the same room for the rest of 2002, and then again in 2003...(and Dorling never returned...not to St Martins anyway).

It has always been my belief (and has been confirmed to me) that this repetition was a deliberate 'de-programming' technique to normalise and dilute the experiences of the first half of 2002, ie, overwhelm and bury the memories of early 2002 with 18 months of relatively normal experience and memory with the same kids in the same room...this was not about helping the children, this was solely about burying the truth...but I digress, again, sorry...(no, that's cool...I can see why you might-Ed)...Council Rates...

Council Rates: What is there to be said about the farcical pantomime of Mt Gambier City Council's 'Budget Consultation Process' that I haven't already covered in various posts?...(well, you haven't covered the latest load of codswallop on the front page of The Border Watch-Ed)...indeed, that is why we are gathered here today...(super-Ed)...

"Rate Rise Trimmed": says the front page of TBW Wednesday 8th January, followed by a series of numbers that simply cannot be believed...Council has proven time and again to be fundamentally incapable of producing reliable, accurate, and honest information and/or numbers and these numbers are no different...
     "Mount Gambier City Council has trimmed it's projected rate rise next financial year from
       6.9pc to 5pc following a review of it's long-term financial plan."

(Hang on, didn't Council make a big song and dance in July 2013 about not going to 6.9pc, instead stating 6.1pc I think it was, and then profusely congratulated themselves for listening to the public and considering the economic climate and blah, blah, blah-Ed)...exactly...what sort of economic management is this?...even by their own numbers, by their own admission, they've gone from demanding 6.9pc, down to 6.1pc, apparently back up to 6.9pc, and now magically pluck 5pc out of thin's a joke..

(Yeah, yeah, I remember that Graham Greenwood did a whole piece about it in TBW...wait, I've got it here somewhere...somewhere...arr, here we go, "Council listens then acts to bring in a fair city rate rise."...blah, blah, blah, "The rate was set at 6.1pc", blah, blah, blah...we covered this in a previous post in July 2013 I think-Ed) on Ed, spot on...

And then a whole barrel of tripe about how Council's going to deliver an "overall operating surplus over the next 10 years"'s an absolute nonsense...Council is haemorrhaging over $2.5million annually just on running the Main Corner and the Library, with almost zero return...(doesn't help that they've virtually given away the Main Corner/Town Hall to Councillor Des Mutton's son and his mates-Ed)...well quite.
I've attached the main TBW article below rather than go right through it, but I will make the observation that Council, by it's own admission, has in 1 year taken Mt Gambier's debt from $10.455m to "approx $15m" my calculation that's a 50% rise in one year...and again this is what they're confessing to so I'm quietly confident that a legitimate, legal Audit conducted by a competent, independent Auditor would find that number to be markedly higher.

What I don't understand is why this massive piece of local news went unreported in TBW until 08/01/2014 given that it was ratified at Council's full meeting December 17th 2013...I note that this sudden rate plunge Report is currently "open for public consultation" and I urge everyone to get hold of that 'Report' and check it out...and I've also picked up a number of other glaring discrepancies like the sudden re-emergence of the covered swimming pool issue...(oh you're joking aren't ya'?-Ed) of the issues which I will cover,
Tomorrow: Back To The Rail Landsssssss 

(Oh boy, do something new why don't you-Ed)...sorry but the Rail Lands Retail Agenda corruption looms large in this new 'Report'...and I'll do some other stuff too...(gee ta-Ed)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog and it's hot, damn hot...cheers and laters...

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