Monday, January 27, 2014

Australia Day Reprise

Hello Poland, France, Canada and Ukraine...morning and welcome to the blog...and for those whom are unawares of the premise of yesterday's post, sorry I didn't explain it properly...yesterday (January 26) was Australia Day when we commemorate the arrival of the English First Fleet in Sydney, New South Wales...(Sydney or Botany Bay?-Ed)...good question...I think Captain Cook 'officially discovered' Australia at Botany Bay and the First Colony was at Sydney Cove/Harbour...but don't quote me.

As has been inevitably the experience of 'discovered peoples', Aboriginal Australians have suffered terrible injustice and virtual genocide...(I think 'genocide' is a little extreme-Ed)...hardly, even if you set aside the individual violence and massacres, etc, as late as the 1960s even into the 1970s, in our lifetime Ed, it was ratified government policy to 'save Aboriginal people from their Aboriginality'...(well that is a fairly crude and basic summation of the policy, but I concur-Ed)...this resulted in what is now collectively described as The Stolen Generations.

I know people, reasonably intelligent people, who genuinely believe that the 'Fair' in our national anthem 'Advance Australia Fair' refers not to equality or reasonableness but to skin colour, relative to the Stolen Generations and White Australia policies...I don't know whether there is a specific document or memo or whatevs that they are referring to, or whether this is just opinion expressed as fact...something else to check out...yay...     

Just Joking: about doing another post entirely re the Independent Commission Against Corruption and what a farcical display, etc, re their alleged investigation of the Mt Gambier City Council. Apologies if I missed it, but I'm not aware of either the ABC Local Radio or The Border Watch covering this story yet.

Also apologies because I haven't yet replied to either the ICAC or the Office of Public Integrity or the Ombudsman...(just do one letter and send it to all 3-Ed)...yeah, yeah...but I have been in contact with local Member Don Pegler's office and as posted he had already provided me a copy of the ICAC letter to him...(about some bastard called Nick Fletcher who is apparently a 'Complaining Alledgor'-Ed)...well apparently...which reminds me that Mr Pegler did leave a phone message though I haven't spoken directly with him.

Fracking Ads On ABC Local Radio: in the same vein as the rabidly pro-Wind Turbine coverage I've covered in previous posts, continued on the Friday morning of the Penola protest (24/01/2014) with Stuart Stansfield reading out a statement from Beach Energy about the super-dooper mega casing of the drill hole and how this entirely removes any chance of Aquifer contamination...(excuse me, Bollocks-Ed) that your considered geo-scientific opinion or just opinion based on the undeniable reality?

(You carve it up any way you like, but I've heard several ABC 'interviews' with Beach Energy, and this statement read out Friday, and they have been the most un-journalistic, pro-Fracking propaganda infomercials it has ever been my displeasure to have unceremoniously pissed into my ear...)...whoa, whoa Ed, usually it's me getting pulled up by you...(sorry, I just don't appreciate the gross bias of the ABC Mt Gambier-Ed)...yeah, I'm gettin' that. 

Is It Worth It?: For all my bellyaching about The Border Watch and ABC Mt Gambier I have always started from a position of believing in their importance to the local community, and that said position is one of responsibility and should be defined by objective reportage, particularly with the ABC...and instead we get the crap and propaganda and pro-government infomercials from government employees, eg, Grant King operating as both the Regional Development Australia and Health Advisory Council rep, repeatedly interviewed by ABC Mt Gambier as an 'independent opinion'...

Which segues nicely into a reminder to self that the Court case involving Mr King/RDA and 'parties respondent', has apparently possibly concluded...but I don't know to what I'll have to check and find out what I can...(and blog it?-Ed), scribble it on a piece of parchment with a blunt crayon, slip it into a bottle, and drop it off the cliffs at Cape Northumberland, the Southern most point of South Australia, 35kms from Mt Gambier...(sorry, what?-Ed)...yes I'll post it if I can find out.

But back to booting the ABC about their bare-faced functioning on behalf of government and big business...not only do the ABC Mt Gambier constantly run these infomercials loaded with 'Dorothy Dixer' questions that are designed and asked to provide the interviewee a solid platform to pursue their own agenda, they then heavily edit or outright block any dissenting opinion...again, I've covered this explicitly in previous posts.

I note that there was an extended period where I was 'unofficially banned' from talkback radio and whichever ABC Mt Gambier announcer would read out a small part of my message and make a point of mentioning my full name...(particularly Stuart-Ed)...indeed...and I have noticed this strategy of plausible deniability applied to others, where a caller is put to air, gets 8-10 seconds into it, and is then abruptly thanked and cut off.

And behind all this bullshit looms the hideous visage of...(a hippy?-Ed), St Martins...(that was my second guess-Ed)...if senior ABC staffers like Stuart Stansfield and Stan Thompson's personal positions are more important to them than the morality of what they are involved in as key players in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, then that is for their conscience...and may it haunt them half as much as it does me...(even if you have to do it yourself-Ed)...exactly.

But when they choose to attack me as part of their self-excusing, their collective assuaging of guilt, well then that just ain't going to fly...and the same curse on The Border Watch as far as I'm concerned...the gross manipulation of the debate, the glaring omissions, the bias, the lies, etc, etc, and blaming me when their dodgy journalists get caught being dodgy...for overall making me the problem...

Apologies, I'm venting I know, but what hope when the upright citizens are the ones who are the problem?...I wish I was the problem, it'd sure make me a lot happier if I was absolutely wrong about pretty much everything I've blogged...but I'm not...and I do constantly review my own position starting from a point where I think 'I'm wrong' and then working back towards the unfortunate realities...(so much drivel yet so poignant-Ed)...and back to the ICAC stuff...

What hope for stopping Fracking at Penola and a guaranteed contaminated Aquifer...(I believe the main Aquifer is called the Dilwyn-Ed)...if you say so...a forest of Wind Turbines, responsible management of the sold off Forestry Estate, balanced and considered development, genuine environmental considerations re basically anything, etc, etc...what hope for any sense of justice when the body specifically created to address public official corruption is so corrupted?

I greatly appreciate the feedback re the ICAC stuff and the sense of bewilderment and disbelief being expressed...and again it's not me that people don't believe, it's the complicit and collusive conduct of their elected officials and the bare-faced, clumsy, and ultimately failed attempts to point the blame at me.

Stopping here due to narcolep.................(ahaha, I see what you did there-Ed)...yeah, that 8hr nanna-nap the other day when I was crook has really stuffed my sleep rhythms...ah, such sweet triviality.

Tomorrow: Resignations From Council

I deliberately didn't name these people in previous posts out of respect for their privacy, but now that it's been in TBW I can say what I think...what I really think...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...(whatevs-Ed)...

P.S...just caught Fire Alert for South East on ABC re school closures tomorrow just announced by Education CEO...(Tony-TH)...Tony...(nnnHarrison-TH)...Tony Harrison...Kalangadoo, Glenburnie, Beachport, Naracoorte, and numerous others...ring or listen to the ABC or ring the Education Dept...good luck.

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