Sunday, January 19, 2014

Ferreting About With Weasel Words

Good afternoon at approx 1445hrs ACDST (Australian Central Daylight Saving Time) and welcome to the blog...and call me Warren 'cos we're garn' ferret'n'...(whaaa?-Ed)...we're sending the ferrets down the hole after the know, ferreting...(ah, hence 'call me Warren'-Ed)...absolutely...and because I'm referencing it again today, please find attached the same letter as yesterday's post.

But First: I will cover the Penola Fracking  and Lake Bonney Wind Turbine issues tomorrow, so hang in there if you're keen to see them...oh, and some Rail Lands stuff...I would also like to acknowledge the dozens of volunteer fire fighters who have exhausted themselves across South Australia and Victoria in the past week...(some of whom have had to be hospitalised-Ed)...indeed...and reports that hundreds more civilians have been hospitalised across South East Australia, with authorities predicting dozens of directly related deaths over the next few weeks. 

And again last week, Country Fire Service units assisted Metropolitan units to combat yet another fire at the Wingfield dump north of Adelaide. I re-iterate that I fail to see why volunteers should not be covered by insurance as are their professional very much reeks of the 'who gives a rat's about the Country' attitude that defines the majority of South Australia's state parliament.

Poppy Crops and Balderdash: 1) Once a sole preserve of Tasmanian agriculture, Opium Poppy crops are now being grown on the mainland...this being for pharmaceutical applications, eg, morphine...not sure where it was exactly and they certainly won't be advertising it I wouldn't think, but one assumes it would need to be in the South East climate area.

2) Absolute balderdash coming out of the state Independents this week, bleating about how the Liberals (currently Opposition) need to 'treat me right baby'...including an ABC Local Radio interview with Member for Mt Gambier Don Pegler where he was asked 3 times whether or not he'd accept a Ministry to support a particular party, etc...'oh no no, I'm here to represent the people of Mt Gambier, blah, blah, blah' (paraphrase)...I didn't catch where interviewer Stan Thompson identified from which party Mr Pegler would be accepting said Ministry.

Balderdash all round...this interview was a vehicle for Mr Pegler to try and plead his alleged independence in a situation where he is actually 100% Labor stooge, operating as a pseudo-Labor candidate, elected on Labor preferences, after a long and definable history of collusion between the Labor party and Grant District Council...Independent my hat...and for the Independents to complain because the Liberals are targeting their seats...

How's about you allegedly Independent clowns do a little less apologising and promoting for the Labor party, and a little something, anything really, for the people in the electorates you claim to represent...and  don't get me wrong, I think the Liberals are a right pack of shreks as well, and any apparent 'support' I might display for them starts and stops with Troy Bell, and even then, strictly in the context of the current candidates for the seat of Mt Gambier...(that is quite specific-Ed)...

Having said that, I must acknowledge that a senior citizen I know lives in Independent MP Bob Such's electorate in Adelaide's southern suburbs, and thinks that Mr Such is pretty good as far as his own electorate is concerned, if somewhat less enthusiastic about his role as a state politician...but I digress...

Fretting About The Ferreting: not really, I just liked the title...I believe that anyone who has read the relevant posts will not need to have it spelled out to them, and indeed I've identified it many times, but the attached letter from the Independent Commission Against Corruption is chockers full of Weasel Words, full of carefully worded insinuation...the sort of linguistic manipulation that has been used again and again and again to try and make me The Problem, particularly when it comes to the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up.   

Also in previous posts, the concerns I have with 1) the whole ICAC farce, it's structure, instigation, etc, 2) the actions of Mayor Steve Perryman, City Council, former CEO Greg Muller, etc, re various extraordinary conducts, eg, gross nepotism and Insider Trading, and 3) how the St Martins Cover-up is the one issue they will all agree to ignore, with their corrupted profiting their own long as nobody mentions St Martins, you can all be as crooked as you like...

I completely reject and renounce for the corrupt farce that it is, this ICAC Decree of Absolution for Mt Gambier City Council, because that's exactly what they're trying to create...ICAC have supposedly looked at all of the nepotism and insider trading and bullying and harassment and general corruption of Mt Gambier City Council and have given them a great big certificate that says 'Nick Fletcher is wrong, wrong, wrong, and so now you can threaten him with defamation some more', love and kisses, Mike Rann and the ICAC...

Please note the stark similarities in this letter and the 'secret' Council report/The Border Watch article where Councillor Ian Von Stanke came to my home, Council ignored my complaint, etc, where the language is all about me and my complaining...(Nick Fletcher just complains about everything-Ed)...oh, is Nick Fletcher complaining again?...(there's no substance to it at all, it's just Nick Fletcher complaining-Ed)...oh yes, it's what he does don't you know.

And I wouldn't be surprised if this letter, that I have provided, is used by someone to try and have my posts taken down or even the whole blog...indeed, as just stated, that's exactly what I think that this joke of a letter is is a vague yet omnisubjective, supposed absolution for all concerned...nobodies done anything wrong with anything, which by inference makes pretty much everything I've blogged about across the past 12 months wrong by direct inference...

I can hear the bleating now as assorted corrupt public officials run about in small circles waving that ICAC missive in the air...'Err, look, the ICAC says I'm completely innocent of the malicious allegations in  The Mt Gambier Independent...errr, Nick Fletcher must be stopped from spreading his lies and insinuations and innuendo'...(mate, I don't see much 'insinuation' or 'innuendo' in this my experience it's pretty much ball-kicking clarity...and bloody-mindedly accurate to boot-Ed)...thankyou, I'll take that as a compliment. 

(Following that train of thought, did you ever consider that you were provided this letter by the ICAC because they knew you would blog it, and therefore they've set you up to publish the instrument of your own doom...they've got you to hand out to all these clowns, who are monitoring the blog whether they'll admit it or not, the letter that, as you've identified, says Nick Fletcher is wrong?-Ed)...oh absolutely's what I'd do.

And it wouldn't surprise me at all if all involved have been dutifully informed and have their lawyers on speed dial just waiting to leap on that letter...'errr, look, the right honourable ICAC has completely exonerated my client...fetch the pitchforks!'...

Sorry to go off on such a tangent, but I honestly believe that there is at least a degree of truth in what I'm saying and therefore I'm going to call it as such...whether the ICAC and associates are trying to set me up?...whatevs...the undeniable reality is that this letter is about saying that Nick Fletcher is wrong, and I'd be massively surprised if someone doesn't try to use it, or the general finding, in that context.

And there will now be a third post tomorrow because I'd like to really go into the meat of the matter and really spell out the specific wording and how it's used, etc, so...

Tomorrow: FAWWW Part II

(Orhhh, you promised Turbines and stuff-Ed)...yeah, sorry, but please indulge me because I think this is fairly important...(fair enough-Ed)...

I am Nick "The Problem" Fletcher...and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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