Saturday, January 11, 2014

A Trailer Load of Memories

Hello and welcome to the blog...and I won't do it today but with all the Rail Lands stuff I didn't actually get to where is was I wanted to start...(you're joking-Ed)...wish I was, but I didn't get to The Border Watch article that kicked it all off...but it can wait...

Never Trust Spellcheck: thankyou for feedback and I apologise for mis-spelling 'Tourettes' as 'Tehrets' but spellcheck is still telling me it's should of course be Politically Inspired Tourettes Syndrome (PITS)...(who can you trust, sob, if you can't, sniff, trust spellcheck?-Ed)...I know mate, I know...(and where's 'Dick Stretcher' when you need 'em?-Ed)...sorry?...(remember in 'Comments' when DS blew a gasket and stated that you don't have Agoraphobia because you spelled it incorrectly-Ed)...ah, yes, hilarious...Dr DS's definitive diagnosis declares that poor spelling equals sanity...

Wind Turbine Deceits: continue to flow from the Rann/Weatherill Labor government and it's various alleged 'independent' authorities, eg, the Environmental Protection Authority have been exposed for 'hiding' at least 2 of it's Monitoring Stations under trees when it recently did 'Noise Testing' at the Waterloo Wind Turbine Industrial Estate...

And to go off on a wild tangent, since doing those first paragraphs much earlier today, it has been  personally a very depressing day for me because I finally sold my old rusted out 1957 FC Station Sedan which I've had since 1990...more gave away than sold off to someone who I originally bought some parts off a decade ago...(actually it was 12 nearly 13 years ago-Ed), 13 years, really?...strewth...basically, I gave him back his own panels and a rusted out hulk for parts.

Had some wild times in and around that car, and I mean wild...(enough said-Ed)...I think so...other than I'm so upset about finally losing it...there is a tangible sense of loss and even failure...ultimately I was pleased to see it go to someone who has done some fantastic restorations/rebuilds on FCs and produced some truly beautiful cars, and that was the deciding factor...I'd rather give it away to someone I know will do everything they can to save it, and has the skill and $10,000s it would take to even think about trying to restore it.

If he decides to chop it up for bits, then I know that's all it was good for and so be it...And just for the record, I made him promise that if he can eventually restore it and decides years down the track to sell, I get first refusal...
Sentimental Bloke: or drivelling idiot, whatevs, I'm writing about this because what's happened with that car covers so much of what's happened with my life since moving to Mt Gambier...I bought the FC in early 1990 when I was living with my then fiance (not my child's mother), and managed to hang onto it throughout the years of homelessness and upheaval I went through around moving to Mt Gambier in 1997...

When I was Illegally/Unfairly Dismissed from the Gambier Hotel in truly bizarre circumstances in May 2000, and sued them, and self-represented and simply held my ground and told the truth...and after more than a year of ongoing bizarreness with the Industrial Relations Commission, I finally ended up with $5400...and that bizarreness included an alleged Full Bench Hearing of the IRC that produced 'Supplementary Orders' telling me directly to repay Centrelink benefits to the Gambier Hotel...Centrelink laughed at these 'Orders' and handed me back the money...(hilarious-Ed)...not really.

I wasn't told about the 'Full Bench Hearing' and therefore was not present or represented in any way, and when I tried to get any information re that 'hearing' I was informed 'sorry, there is none'...(a Full Bench Hearing of the IRC, and there's no paperwork?-Ed)...nope, not nuthin'...(that's your first taste of Crunch right there-Ed)...ohhhh, what is it with you and The Crunch?*...anyhoos, I paid off a couple of small debts and invested the rest in the FC, driving to Adelaide and towing it back the 450kms on a car trailer, then a new motor, all new brakes, some new panels, etc...(*BBC TV The Mighty Boosh - Episode Nanageddon).

It was still rusty in places and quite rattly, etc, but it started perfectly, purred like a kitten, did 70 mile an hour and would have gone further easily, and stopped well if not was perfect for just trundling around the country side and we had some great night fishing trips to Pt MacDonnell or Donovans, etc...I was about to sell my other car to pay for the bodywork, paint, etc, when unfortunately the motor blew in that rendering it virtually worthless...I was sort of stuck but still had a car.

And this was all happening through early 2002, when along came the June long weekend 2002 and the sudden removal of teacher Glyn Dorling from his position as teacher of a grade 2 class (7 year olds) at St Martins Lutheran School amid Child Abuse allegations from other teachers and parents, and disclosures from children ...I have previously posted re the St Martins Issue...I was still driving the FC when I moved to my current address in February 2003, and drove it for probably another 4-6 months, but it ran out of registration and never left the driveway again...until today.

By mid 2003 I was already deeply traumatised and overwhelmed by the official support for the Cover-up of the abuses committed against 7 year old children by Glyn Dorling...and that corruption included SAPol failing to even interview Dorling let alone charge him, MP Rory McEwen attacking us parents after promising to help us, etc, etc...I was already sliding into a deep and destructive depression which ultimately had a terrible effect on my personal relationships and my health...the FC became an irrelevant, even invisible entity that I occasionally noticed only to promise myself that I'd somehow get it back on the road someday.

I was already fairly Agoraphobic from the abuse I'd been copping in the supermarket, etc, and then a friends' mother had a right go at me on the bus, and that was about early 2004 I was deeply ill, frustrated, depressed and overwhelmed...and that manifested itself as a massive 16cmx12cm Lymphoma tumour right in the middle of my chest, eventually diagnosed in July 2004...8 rounds of hardcore  Chemotherapy across 7 months and a month of Radiotherapy later, and nothing had happened to improve my disposition re the St Martins issue.

In fact, in the interim was the Teachers Registration Board Hearing that began after parent complaints in March 2003, stopped for a year, actually started hearings in June 2004, then ran until mid November 2004 when they completely exonerated Dorling...such absolute and undisguised pro-paedophile corruption from a clearly corrupt Board...may they rot for what they've done.     

For years the FC just sat there and I would go months without even noticing it, occasionally doing a bit of rubbing back, etc, but nothing major, it has just sat there for a decade...the Housing Trust has been very patient even sympathetic to my excuses and desire to retain it as one of my very few actual possessions, but it is now completely rusted out and totally beyond me restoring it. 

So many memories, the times, the places, the people...all gone long ago like it was someone else's life, and now the rusting reminder is gone too...and with that gone, so the sense of failure and defeat sets in...I failed to restore it, and even in it's absence it is a stark example of how many years I have lost to chronic depression and Agoraphobia and how these things have defeated me...

But even now, even with the sorrow of loss, and burgeoning regret, and longing for loves long lost, through the sense of failure and defeat, comes the irrepressible optimism that for all I've suffered and lost still I have tried to maintain often impossible relationships and never, ever raised my hand to someone.

Sorry to stop suddenly and post late but I've just spent nearly 2 hours on the phone re a Child Abuse issue I've promised not to mention, yet, on top of a day I'd rather not have had...I offer this FC reminiscing as both a metaphor for my life, ground to a halt and rusting, and an example of what I've lost largely as a result of the St Martins Issue and how that has affected me.

Tomorrow: Some Stuff I'm Sure

Sorry again, but I don't really know what...thankyou for your patience.

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters. 

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