Thursday, January 30, 2014

Liberal Party Re-commits to St Martins Child Abuse Cover-up

Hello and welcome to the blog and sorry yesterday's post went a little pear shaped and 'sweary', but I'm only human, and after my discussion with the gutless, evasive, dismissive liar Liberal MLC Rob Lucas, I was reminded just what a pro-paedophile cluster-shrek our state parliament is...there are no 'parties' in South Australia, there's only pro-paedophile sociopaths operating on behalf of big business.

(I thought we were taking about the Liberal Party not the ABC Mt Gambier-Ed)...normally I'd find that quite amusing Ed, but this continues to be a sickening indictment of what we are as a 'society'...a society where a 3 year long Parliamentary Inquiry produces a report full of mistakes and outright lies that deliberately protects the gross pro-paedophile malfeasance of that which it claims to be investigating...

(You refer of course to the Statutory Authorities Review Committee Inquiry into the Teachers Registration Board that ran from 2008-July 2011, resulting in SARC Report no. 54, that includes, amongst many others, the extraordinary lie that the TRB was responsible for having the children interviewed by Flinders Child Protection Services-Ed)...indeed...

I attended Liberal candidate Troy Bell's forum at the Main Corner last evening and if you look at the last third of yesterday's post you'll have a fair understanding of the mood I was in when I got home and finished that post...Mr Bell knew...(because you told him-Ed)...that I was there to confront Rob Lucas about his particular brand of bastardry, namely, his actions as one of the SARC Inquiry members, and Mr Bell organised for me to speak with Mr Lucas after the forum...I asked for 'before' and thus we came to be seated off to one side.

I accepted this 'chat' (as opposed to my original plan to heap public humiliation on Mr Lucas) out of respect for 1) Mr Bell and 2) the importance of the Health forum...and yet again my respectfulness has been used against me...and it's the last shrekin' time...I'm done with appropriate and polite and respectful because at every single turn it is used against me to continue the St Martins Child Abuse Cover-up...and so last evening was just more of the same...and it's the last time. 

When I put it to Mr Lucas that his people, eg, Mayor and failed former Liberal candidate Steve Perryman, were directly involved in the cover-up and character assassination against parents, etc, he repeatedly denied that there was any connection, 'he's not our man'...and then tried to do exactly the same with Wattle Range Mayor Peter Gandolfi, another failed Liberal candidate, even after I explained my meeting with Gandolfi and MLC David Ridgway just prior to the 2006 election...'not our man'...or Rory McEwen and Don Pegler, both originally Liberals.

Mr Lucas continually stated that there was nothing with St Martins that the media would be interested in or that the Liberals could use against the government in parliament...even after I explained the meetings I'd had with then leader Rob Kerin (February/March 2005), the March 2006 meeting with Gandolfi and Ridgway where we handed them Rory McEwen's head on a platter re what Rory had and hadn't done with the St Martins case...and the multiple discussions with Perryman...(and the mountain of supporting documentation you have repeatedly provided-Ed)...indeed.

Even after I stated that Premier Jay Weatherill and then Premier Mike Rann were directly implicated, Mr Lucas didn't ask 'what evidence?' and where could he get a copy, etc, he straight away said 'there isn't any evidence'...(sorry, so he stated outright that evidence doesn't exist instead of asking what and/or where is it?-Ed)...exactly...(that's the actions of a man who knows but doesn't want to know and certainly doesn't want it known that he knows-Ed)...I know...couldn't have put it better myself.

Even after I explained the roles that Weatherill and Rann had played in officially stopping Commissioner Ted Mullighan from formally investigating St Martins, Mr Lucas said 'no evidence', and when I explained that there was, namely the letters from Weatherill and Rann as previously posted on this blog, he didn't even ask for them...not interested...(well if you have irrefutable evidence in your hand, it does make it harder to ignore the reality-Ed)...well quite...but it didn't stop the SARC Inquiry...(or the TRB-Ed)...or the police...(or the Director of Public Prosecutions-Ed)...or the ABC and the rest of the media...(shall we go on?-Ed)...let's not...

Mr Lucas just kept saying, 'oh, we disagree'...and what about the clear evidence we parents and one of the children provided the SARC and the face-to-face promise he made to myself and another parent that if there was anything presented that was actionable then he'd move on it?...'there was nothing'...what about the child's evidence to the Inquiry?...'there was nothing'...over and over again, 'there was nothing'...lie after lie, denial after denial.

And we don't 'disagree' Mr Lucas, I respectfully asked you to explain your inexcusable behaviour as part of the SARC Inquiry and what you intend to do now...why won't you raise this ahead of the March 15 election?...I, other parents, and even one extraordinarily brave young student have presented you unequivocal proof of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and you have abjectly failed on your face-to-face promise to act...and the best you can come up with is 'we disagree'.

When I gave evidence in that SARC Inquiry, I watched you furrow your brow appropriately and cluck and brood and purse your lips and generally look suitably concerned, but it was all a lie, a and I don't disagree Mr Lucas, I/we have presented you with an irresistible truth and you in response have lied, denied, conspired to conceal, and knowingly, willingly perpetuated that truth.

More on this tomorrow 'cos there's some other things to cover...namely new Mt Gambier Deputy Mayor(ess) Penny Richardson as interviewed on ABC Local Radio this morning, openly stating that she was 'approached late last week' and asked to nominate by 'one of her greatest critics on Council and several other Councillors'...(sorry, what?-Ed)...straight out stated that her biggest critic was the one who asked her and then pushed her the most...and I acknowledge the feedback that I'm being naive to express surprise or even concern that this was clearly orchestrated before the Council vote.

Fair enough, but I was basically just describing the proceedings and how odd it all was, and there this morning was the absolute proof of how bizarre...a Liberal bloc, a Liberal controlled Council approaches a problematic Labor supporter and then elects them to Deputy?...don't know exactly what these clowns are up to now but it absolutely reeks...    

And Bingo: Liberals yesterday announced an extra $1million funding for the Patient Assistance Transport Scheme but Labor Health Minister Jack 'The Rat' Snelling poo-pooed this announcement and reckons that Labor's current 'PATS Review' is the solution to the problem...(isn't that 'Review' actually about finding ways to deny more people even accessing the PATS to make the $8million current funding go further?-Ed)...that's why he's called 'The Rat'...

And knock me down, here's Jack (ABC Radio) mouth-breathing his way through a series of lies about how there's no Hospital Waiting Lists...(haven't Labor changed the system so that there is effectively a waiting list for the waiting list?-Ed)...been on it for 4 years+, still on it, haven't heard from them in over a year...(so that's a yes-Ed)...yes...then more number-fudging about funding, etc, and the PATS...and all the lies about how he's improving everything, PATS included...interspersed with wordy praise for his/Labor's man local Member Don Pegler...'oo, Don's been on my back about it all the time'...bollocks...I remind readers that Mr Pegler has supported the current PATS Review with all its implicit bastardry...(previous posts).

The Greens: have announced their candidate for the seat of Mt Gambier...(well he announced himself-Ed)...quite...local John Baseley...he spoke at the Penola Fracking demonstration last Friday 24th but I thought he said 'Upper House'...whatevs...and whatevs his politicing because it's good to have a local candidate instead of someone nominating from Adelaide as has happened at several recent elections.

Blessed Are The Cheesemakers: but not insured apparently. Yesterday on the ABC Country Hour there was an interview with a South Australian cheese producer who was describing how they lost $50,000 of product when they had a power-outage during the recent heat wave...(did they claim on insurance?-Ed), they 'can't get insurance because the Insurers know how dodgy SAs electricity grid is and susceptible to outages so they won't insure in SA'...a paraphrase but damn near a quote.

(But what about the alleged massive investment in 'poles and wires' that is constantly used to excuse extortionary power prices, and the reported 16% of households that self generate with solar panels?-Ed)...that's the issue, there is a greatly reduced demand/load on an allegedly vastly improved system and yet it still crashes at the most critical times, costing lives and business...(sweet baby cheeses-Ed)...I wonder if that refusal to insure extends to all manufacturers of dairy products...(I wonder-Ed).

Enough for today...(for any day-Ed) another liberal dose of Liberal-kickin' down-home style and Rail Lands ranting,

Tomorrow: My Latest Train Of Thought

(Well that went quite well I think, all things considered...but I'm sure you'll shrek it up somehow tomorrow-Ed)...I do what I can.

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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