Monday, January 6, 2014

The Gospel According To Cory Bernardi

Hello and welcome to the blog, and today's post won't be the Rail Lands again, sorry, there's a couple of things that have come up during the day and the Rail Lands Retail Agenda ain't goin' nowheres notime instead a big shout out to my main man Liberal Senator Cory Bernardi...yoooo, Idiot...and his latest epic tome, "If You're Not A Married White Man, You're A Murderous Slut"...(oh, a book of love poems-Ed)...and I guarantee that I'll get straight onto the subject matter soon as I've done this...

A Whole Different Cuttle of Fish: Typically ironic of Adelaide that with the critical drop in Giant Cuttlefish numbers in the Upper Spencer Gulf they would have some giant Cuttlefish float thing for the Festival or the Fringe or some such flim-flam...(not a fan of the Fringe, etc?-Ed)...don't care either way, it's the vacuous 'Bread and Circuses' governing that annoys me...(sorry, I'm confused...I get the B&C stuff, putting on parties in Adelaide while public services are being slashed in the Regions, etc, but where's the irony?-Ed)...

It is ironic because it's the careless trumping of already vague environmental considerations by approvals for expanded mining and shipping programs combined with the general polluting of the Gulf that is in combination being blamed for the sudden and massive drop in Giant Cuttlefish at their breeding grounds in the USG...(sorry, I still don't get the irony-Ed)...

Well, Labor's desperately incompetent financial management combined with the B&C strategy, means that they are always scrambling for any income, which means that even the very limited Environmental constraints currently in place get basically ignored, leading to more mines and associated shipping, and more and more pollution...(further exacerbated by the rise in sea temperatures, particularly in the top end of the Gulf where the water is very shallow and there is very little tidal flow-Ed)...exactly...

(I think I get it...the need to generate income for the B&C stuff means that Labor have approved/will approve projects that critically impact on that species survival, but back in Adelaide it's yet another festival this time with a Giant Cuttlefish float thingy as the centrepiece...essentially, what's happening outside of Adelaide to pay for Adelaide's parties is crippling the state and destroying the environment, and the Giant Cuttlefish is simultaneously metaphor and example-Ed)...that's about it...  

And cheers to the Channel 10 TV weather map that says that there's nothing between Victor Harbour and Melbourne, it's just an empty space...(hey, SA's largest Regional centre Mt Gambier is halfway between Adelaide and Melbourne-Ed)...not on Channel 10 it ain't...nor on most of Tourism SAs promotional stuff...(they're doing the state in sections year by year, don't you know-Ed)...bollocks...Mt Gambier is an inconvenience that both Labor and Liberal can do without...not my opinion, it's fact writ large as life itself...a truth as big as all outdoors.

Cory Bernadi: may not be a complete tool, but by shrek, he does a damn fine impersonation of one...South Australian Liberal Senator Cory has produced a work of pure stupidity, describing abortion as a form of murderous birth control...haven't read it myself, and I genuinely hope I'm wrong, but I confidently predict that there's not one word in there about men taking responsibility for their part in this 'birth control' bizo, yet the whole piece revolves around a return to 'traditional values'...

At the risk of strolling into a hypocritical minefield, there's nothing that punches my buttons quite so rapidly and thoroughly than a self-opinionated white-boy holding forth definitively about what women can and cannot do with their own bodies...who the shrek does he think he is?...(oh, it's alright, he's got God on his side-Ed)...oh, well that's just fine then... 

Oh my gord, it's a whole book...apparently 'Oz needs a conservative revolution' 'The Gospel According to Cory' sub-titled 'Married White Man in the Missionary Position', apparently the poor ol' Churches are under attack and so is the family unit...and imagine my surprise that career bigot and professional idiot, that smug, leering Right-wing nut-job Andrew Bolt has supported Cory's latest effort...(wow, a few issues with old Andy eh?-Ed)...I'm openly 'Left-Wing' but I'll still listen to Alan Jones and any number of other 'Right Wing commentators to get a 'balanced' view of what's happening, both sides of the argument, but I cannot stomach Gina Reinhardt's little lap-dog, Andrew Bolt...but I digress...

(I'm Left Wing with a bit of breast thanks-Ed)...stop it, stop it right now...

I fully accept it is Cory's right to express his views and I support that position because it's my right to say what a thorough shrekin' idiot he is...I know someone who had an abortion at 19 because her moron partner just walked away, she had no income and almost no family support, and she was pretty much a child herself...there's no way she could have looked after a child and she made what was for her the right decision...and I supported her decision then and I still do now.

By Cory's self-satisfied sanctimonious damnationings, she's a murderer and I support murder...get stuffed you idiot...(wow, you're not happy about any of this are you, but can I just congratulate you for the relative control of language you are showing-Ed)...ta, it ain't's this sort of rancid bigotry and pig-ignorant sexism that just makes me embarrassed to be a man...I find the entire episode absolutely offensive.

Mr Bernardi goes on to attack single mums...(again, where are the fathers?-Ed)...exactly...then denounce surrogacy...(you mean like when a woman carries her sister's child because the sister cannot conceive-Ed)...yeah, perfect example...(those sluts, those dirty heathen sluts-Ed)...and then puts his little jack-boot into 'Step Families'...(oh you mean like when someone dies from Cancer and their partner remarries and commits wholly to their new partners children as being their own and raises them in a loving supportive family?-Ed)...another perfect example...(those evil fornicators-Ed)...

This has been well covered today in the media so I won't go any further other than to say that Ed has been heavily working the sarcasm on my behalf, thanks Ed, because I have no humour in just makes me want to spit...and as if on queue, Premier Jay Weatherill on ABC Radio dribbling about the $40million footbridge from the Adelaide Oval straight into the Casino...and how fantastic the Adelaide Oval is and the "beautiful product"...quick, I'm running out of spittle, fetch ma' chewin' tobaccy Ma...

Sweet baby Jesus, this is what rises to the top in South Australia...Jay Weatherill and Cory Bernardi...and whatever you personally think of Cory's 'observations', we should all be concerned because when this latest episode of Cory Mind Vomit gets reported, it's South Australian Senator, and this will build up SA's image and reputation as the preserve of lunatic religious zealots, paedophile sex, and bizarre mass murders, or a montage of all three...and again that ain't my opinion, that's a fact...

I've identified previously the predictable punchlines on pretty much any panel/comedy style show coming out of the Eastern states...any mention of South Australia and it's jokes about bizarre murders and paedophilia, and vice versa...(well that's been happening already for decades, so Cory's drivel really makes no difference-Ed), it does, it reminds of and re-enforces those established stereotypes...(yeah, fair enough-Ed)...

And to round out this post, the extraordinary stupidity bordering on explicit culpability of Rod Sims, Chairperson of the Australian Consumer and Competition Commission who has declared that it's alright to sell Australia Post, in fact it's a great idea because it will "probably" bring prices down...(sorry, what? almost every instance of Free Trade and/or Privatisation services go down and costs go up-Ed)...well exactly...I challenge Mr Sims to provide one single case where Privatisation has seen services improve and prices drop...(and "probably" is one hell of a Business Plan-Ed)...indeed...

Oh my goodness, now on the ABC it's Monash University Professor Steven King, former head of the ACCC, and currently co-chair of the Business Policy Forum, and this prize tool supports Mr Sims, making the observation that Privatisation has helped keep SA's electricity prices down..(say sorry what?...SA has the second highest domestic electricity costs on the whole freakin' planet-Ed)...kind of undermines Mr King's credibility a bit doesn't it...(where do they find these people?-Ed)...

In closing...get your grubby bloody hands off Australia Post...say NO to Privatisation.

Tomorrow: People Get Ready, There's A Rail Post Comin'.

Honest, I'll start on it right now...promise...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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