Monday, January 20, 2014

ICAC Exonerates Mt Gambier City Council

Howdy y'all and welcome to the blog...and particularly to all those in Moldova whom have apparently taken a liking to the blog this week...(could be they're just laughing at it-Ed)...possibly, but given that I sometimes try to be a bit funny, that wouldn't be all bad...(fair enough-Ed)...and speaking of laughable, again today please find attached below the letter from the Independent Commission Against Corruption...(oh, nice segue sir-Ed)...ta, one does what one can...

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that this action by the ICAC...(or rather lack of-Ed)...indeed...that this alleged investigation of "Complaints against City of Mt Gambier" is the first investigation by the ICAC of a Local Government body and allegations of corruption...I'll try to check...this is surely a critical issue leading into the March state election...the ICAC hasn't failed at the first hurdle, it hasn't even got that's meandered out of the barrier, wandered over to the rail for a spot of grazing, burped, coughed, farted, produced a steaming crop of mule-muffins, and then plodded off toward the Steward's office saying "what race?".      

But First: some great news...according to the Comsec Report (on ABC Radio this morning) South Australia's economy is the best in the nation of Oz, leading on several indicators and...(pssst-Ed)...sorry, and this makes my criticisms about...(pssssst-Ed)...what?...(you've got it upside down-Ed)...what?...(upside down-Ed)...oh, so that means SA is last on most indicators and well, last overall?...(um, yep, I think Tasmania's actually last, but close, sorry-Ed) no, it's not your fault Ed...but I was happier when I was wrong...again.

And More Good News: yet another free bus service to operate around Adelaide, running through North Adelaide and into the city, specifically to service the Adelaide more free stuff for Adelaide and in Mt Gambier we still can't even get a basic bloody service on weekends, public holidays, or outside business that's just great...(wow, you ought to take up motivational speaking...or maybe not-Ed).

Two posts back I used the ol' 'can't see the elephant in the room' metaphor, ie, when someone deliberately ignores the obvious...(or is so wholly ignorant of the facts they can't see them-Ed)...quite...and by placing the observer inside said elephant I illustrated a perfect example of the fine art of Weasel Words, and why wording of questions is so important...'can you see the elephant?' - 'no'...whilst this may be strictly true due to how dark it is inside an elephant, it's deliberately avoiding the intent of the question.

A better question might be...'are you aware of an elephant in the room?'...some famous examples of Weasel Words are 1) when then Premier Mike Rann was snouted with a rolled up magazine by an irate husband for allegedly having an affair with a Parliament House staffer, the man's wife...when asked if he knew the man, Mike Rann stated emphatically "I've never met that man before in my life."...whilst this might have been strictly true, Mikey boy knew exactly who it was and why he'd snouted him...(go on, say it, I know you're dying to-Ed)...ta, 'Down sir, off my wife'.

2) And closer to home, City Council's Operational Services Director Daryl Sexton and his squirmy Weasel Wording in response to my questioning at Council's Budget 'Consultation' meetings last year re the 2009 Council re-zoning of the Old Rail Lands to Retail/Commercial (previous posts)...he repeatedly stated that 'no, Council has not re-zoned that to Retail', but when I changed the question specifically from 'Retail' to simply 'has the site been re-zoned?', he answered 'yes, but not Retail'...

Under further questioning, 'what have you rezoned it to?'...City Centre (DS)...'what does that mean?', Retail/Commercial/Parkland (DS)...'so that means yes the site has been re-zoned to allow Retail?'...yes (DS)...I wasn't asking the right questions, which allowed Daryl to Weasel Word his way around the truth...he knew exactly what I was asking but did everything he could to avoid answering the question...and when I did ask the right questions he was quickly backed into a corner and, bingo, out pops the truth.

So it is with the ICAC letter below, a deliberate attempt to manipulate the facts away from the truth and into a context where I am the problem...(ohhh you haven't been complaining again, have you?-Ed)...well, I thought I was just identifying rank malfeasance by City Council and it's various representatives and directing those observations to the relevant authorities for appropriate action...(you stupid, stupid man-Ed)

Damn, even now I can see that this is going to blow out to a fourth post...(oh boy-Ed)...sorry...and then of course there's the 'please explain' letters that I'm writing to the ICAC and MP Don Pegler asking why he didn't mention in his 'report' to the Office of Public Integrity the several other people who contacted him/his office re the insider trading and nepotism re the Old Hospital Demolition Contract and several other issues..."....both reports arose from complaints made by you..."

(I'm sure that's just a clerical oversight on the part of the OPI and/or ICAC...or perhaps they can't identify other complainants-Ed)...possible, but no...that's about making it all about Nick Fletcher, The Complainer...even that language, 'complaint', is specifically used to cast a negative inference, as too is 'allegations'...'complaints and allegations' deliberately cast back onto the person who might be, for example, expressing his concerns about gross malfeasance in Local Government that he has personally witnessed, for example, Mayor Steve Perryman excusing himself from a Council vote citing a 'Conflict of Interest' about Accommodation with one of the Tenders for the Hospital Demolition contract.

That's not a complaint, that's not an allegation, that's a statement of fact cited, albeit with altered wording, in Council's own Minutes for the meeting Tuesday 17th September 2013...Mayor Perryman mumbles his way out of the room saying 'Conflict of Interest'...this was also witnessed by state Liberal candidate Troy Bell...another example: the $350,000 dollars taken/stolen from Council by then CEO, currently highly superfluous but still highly payed 'Consultant', Greg Muller...$350,000...not my complaint, not my allegation, a fact as raised by a Councillor in Council.    

These are some of the things that the ICAC has allegedly investigated and either cannot see or has found to be okey-dokes...(I...I'm a little lost for words...and don't the ICAC read the blog?-Ed)...that's what they told me...(so where does that leave the St Martins Abuse Cover-up Issue?...and all the other things covered in the blog-Ed) idea...all I know is that yet again I have had my co-operation and respect and patience used against me for an outcome that is a laughable disaster for Mt Gambier. 

Personally, I don't care about this letter because it's exactly what I expected, clearly predicted on the's the screaming green light to the corruption, nepotism, insider trading, etc, of Mt Gambier City Council that concerns me...if you think they've been blatant about if before now, I unfortunately predict that it will only get worse...get ready for a $1m Cafe at the Old Hospital, run by a Councillor's relative.

So sorry to drag this out over 4 (and possibly 5) posts so tomorrow I'll just start dot pointing each paragraph matched with the various observations I've covered in detail across the last 3 posts...thankyou for your patience, but I believe that this is an absolutely critical issue...this ICAC is the organisation that's supposedly going to sort out South Australia and it can't find any corruption in Mt Gambier City Council...(it's like not being able to find an elephant from the inside-Ed)...nice.

Tomorrow: ICAC Final Post

Well re this particular letter, but I'd suggest there's plenty more to come.

I am Nick Fletcher and 'Yes, I'm the Great Complainer' and this is my blog...cheers and laters.

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