Sunday, January 12, 2014

Sublime To Ridiculous

Howdy and welcome to the blog...and the day after the FC went away...and whilst it was a confronting and deeply saddening day for me, and still is, I appreciate that it was potentially a nothing day for anyone else and that readers might consider there are more important things to discuss...but I maintain that the FC post is far more about the external influences than my personal experience...and there won't be any Ed today because there is no humour here.

I'm not seeking people to blame, not searching out scapegoats for my frustration and anger, not looking to find villains...I don't need to look...they make themselves abundantly apparent to me...I'm trying to deal with the very real trauma that I have suffered at the hands of a wall of corrupted public officials and Lutheran lawyers, including multiple threats to sue me and/or gaol me. 

Obviously I cannot prove it directly, but I understand that this campaign of 'Character Assassination' of myself and other parents continues...actually yes I can prove it because Mayor Steve Perryman and various Councillors behave toward me in a way designed to denigrate and discredit me and avoid addressing the issues I raise...the whole secret Council report/The Border Watch article episode was out-and-out character assassination in attempting to deny the facts.  

Furthermore, what I have repeatedly discussed about the way I've been treated and how it has affected me, is an experience shared by other families relative to the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Case...and whilst it is not my place to identify specifically what I know about others personal experiences, it is absolutely undeniable the extraordinary lengths that the Lutherans, SAPol, the Labor government and it's various authorities have gone to in defending the Lutherans and their paedophile teacher...

In case no-one had noticed, I regularly rant about St Martins and the related corruption, yet apart from a few attempts to have posts removed (only to be replaced) and a laughable round of fresh threats from B-grade lawyer Bill DeGaris, I have for a year been accusing various senior political figures, government authorities, etc, of gross pro-paedophile corruption, without these defamation/gaol threats being realised.

And I immediately withdraw 'accusing...of' and replace it with 'proving...involvement in'...and it's not just my nightmare...I am truly gobsmacked at the spate of sexual assaults that have occurred just in the last week against young children in public toilets, including 2 girls aged 2 and 6 being abused at a park, and then yesterday a 9 year old boy at a gets the impression that it's not safe to take your child out in public without maintaining absolute vigilance...but what really floors me is that the 38 year old man charged with the assault is on 'Conditional Bail'.

He has been immediately caught after assaulting a 9 year old boy and he's immediately out on 'Conditional Bail'...I don't know what 'Conditional' means or entails but I assume it's to not go near schools, cafes, etc, but 'Bail' means he's been charged and released...I am deeply concerned that the perpetrator of the first attack on the 2 girls 'escaped' and the over-all publicity may have triggered copy-cat assaults, but regardless, what message does it send officially that when someone is caught they're immediately out on bail.

There are laws whereby authorities can detain people, without charge, for several days, yet an alleged child abuser is in and out on the same day...and I don't care what the statutes say because this has been the norm for decades and there is clearly no genuine intent to address this.        

The ABC/BBC has just run a very long and very disturbing story about issues of incest, centred on the failings of the current Child Abuse Royal Commission that will not canvas these cases at all, and citing the many cases where the Family Court is deciding on un-investigated Child Abuse allegations and regularly delivering Residential custody to the offenders.

This Family Court issue has been a terrible and persistent problem in South Australia and was identified to me as a critical issue throughout my involvement with various Child Protection advocates through 2004-06.  

Feedback: I was going to apologise if my language slips a little for the next few posts, but ironically, my attempts to be more 'professional' and 'respectify' the blog by tidying up the language, etc, apparently disappoints some who appreciate a bit of vitriole and venom...

And I can only apologise again for just stopping here...not a great weekend for me, but I'm just stunned at what is going on with this epidemic of Child Abuse and ongoing multiple failures of authorities, eg, the resurfacing of the Naracoorte High School pornography case.

I know that nobody asked me to listen to the near hour long program on the ABC/BBC today, but there it was and there was I and once it started there was no going back...something about doing the right thing even though it doesn't make you happy.

Tomorrow: Council Declares Rate Drop

And a couple of other bits and pieces.

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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