Saturday, January 25, 2014

Penola Fracking Protest 24/01/2014

Hello and welcome to the blog...and another case of me being wrong being a good thing because I have previously posted about a lack of response from the South East community to the ludicrous Fracking program already underway at Penola, and yesterday there it was...sort of...(it's always with the qualifiers with you...'sort of'-Ed)...just trying to cover all the bases.

I apologise for this very short, very late post but I was a bit crook today, laid down for a nanna-nap, and woke up 8 hours later...feeling worse...some sort of stupid summer cold....I god a code in da dose, sniff.

But First: and further apologies if I've missed it, but I am not aware of any mention of the Independent Commission Against Corruption alleged investigation and exoneration of Mt Gambier City Council re issues of, surprisingly. corruption, nepotism, etc...nothing on either the ABC or in The Border Watch...which is odd because everybody I've spoken to thinks that it's major news...a Council examined and cleared by the ICAC...(I'd call that major news-Ed)...

And of course there's the 'incident' at the ABC studio where Stuart Stansfield blew a gasket in a very prepared way, throwing me (metaphorically) from the premises with threats of calling the police...(heard any more about that?-Ed)...not a thing, certainly not from the police...maybe I'll get a lovely email or something...maybe some sort of Restraining Order thingy...

I won't go into who said what yesterday specifically because 1) although the Liberal speakers, Federal MP Tony Pasin and local surgeon Barney McCusker were unsurprisingly keen to make the point that this Fracking business was down to the Rann/Weatherill Labor government, 2) people kept talking to me so I can't definitively say that so-and-so said such-and-such, and 3) I don't want to 'dob' anyone in for anything said in confidence, and 4) I didn't take notes.

One speaker said that it wasn't about politics, another said it was, etc...I do note however that there was no-one present to represent Labor, the Minister, the Department,  Beach Energy, etc, least ways no-one who would put there hand up...nor am I aware of any rep from any Local Government body or Council, apart from (I think) Robe Mayor Peter Risely as one of the speakers...

I find it extremely concerning that this environmental nightmare is unravelling right in their patch and no Mayor or Councillors, etc, bother to show up...again, apologies if I missed it, but I don't recall seeing any of them there, certainly not Steve Perryman, Richard Sage, or the Wattle Range Mayor Peter Gandolfi...(and I'll tell ya' why...because they're all more interested in their personal political aspirations so they're not about to agitate on any issue that may actually incur the wrath of the major parties-Ed)...I concur Ed, I concur.  

(Gandolfi and Perryman are Liberal stooges to Sage's Labor stoogeness, and both parties support Fracking...which makes the Liberal complaints about Labor being the problem, a bit of a vacuous hypocrisy-Ed)...well quite...there were a few people rolling their eyes exasperatedly when Barney launched into his anti-Labor tirade, with some-one stating to me the obvious hypocrisy because the Liberals support Fracking and have no intention of doing anything to stop it.

Local state government members Don Pegler and Mitch Williams were also conspicuous by their absence.

I was pleased that the people I spoke to, including some of the protest organisers, were very aware that the drill rig was not there for 'exploration' but 'extraction' and that in that context the Fracking had already begun...I was privy to a conversation with a Queensland couple who were adamant that the size of the Rig, its support pad, etc, indicated that this was a full drilling operation, not a test or preliminary operation.     

Ultimately I'm not sure what can be achieved to halt the process and my brain feels like porridge so I'll not try to resolve it here and now, instead I'll attach the advice sheets from yesterday's protest below.

Tomorrow: Here's to feeling better

Profuse apologies for today's post, but you can't kick a goal everyday...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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