Thursday, January 16, 2014

A No Wind Situation

Hello and welcome to the blog...and let's see what a post looks like after 2 days of no sleep. It was only 39Celsius yesterday, but it's forecast 44C today, currently 30C in my house at 0800hrs...nasty...and Adelaide is set to be the hottest place on Earth with 46C+...with the most expensive electricity on Earth...(and the most ludicrously unnecessary and extravagantly costly stadium on Earth-Ed)...

I concur...and that includes even Brazil who are banging up 1/2 dozen stadia for the World Cup and no other reason...but I digress - rolling power outages across South Australia that are reported by authorities to be 'not really that bad' but still there's talk of "load-shedding" which is a charmingly politicised term for 'rationing'...and the 'rationing' rationale is sound but the premise unacceptable...(whaaa?-Ed) cannot argue with the reason but the reason is the problem that needs addressing...(sorry...still?-Ed).

The rationale is that it's better to do controlled, brief 'outages' (of approx 30-45mins) moving from suburb to suburb so as to reduce the load on the entire system all at once, hence "load-shedding"...relatively short events as opposed to overloading the system causing widespread and lengthy power losses...(makes sense, so what's your problem?-Ed)...and that this needs to be done because the infrastructure can't handle the load...(ahh-Ed)...

(So you're suggesting that "load-shedding" is unacceptable because it's being done to address a problem that shouldn't be occurring, and that with the predicted increased frequency, length and severity of future heatwave events that this is a problem that will increase not diminish, and that even now "loadshedding" is dodging bullets in a situation that could go horribly wrong at any time, rather than addressing the underlying causes, causes that are, again, set to repeat with increasing frequency and impact-Ed)...

(And given the relentless justifications re the massive cost of electricity and how it's 'not Turbines, it's poles and wires', then if we're still having such problems after so much money has been allegedly spent on the distribution system, then how much more to get the system to where it can handle the demands, and therefore how much more will electricity costs go up to cover that expense-Ed)...strewth, I hadn't even thought of that.    

(And don't get me started on a public transport system that has to cut and/or reduce services because the trams won't work in the heat, tracks warp, ridiculous to build an electrified train to Seaford that is completely at the mercy of unscheduled outages, rail warping, etc, when an O-Bahn Bus system is relatively robust and the concrete 'track' not subject to heat warping...and how the shrek does one get ones sweaty behind to the uncovered Mt Gambier Pool)...which will itself be a baking hell-hole today...(quite...on weekends or public holidays or in the evening, etc, if reliant on Mt Gambier's bus service that doesn't run at these times-Ed).    

But First: In an interview on ABC Local Radio on Tuesday 14th January 2014, Mt Gambier City Councillor Jim Maher was discussing education standards, proposed curriculum changes, etc, and whilst I spent the whole interview bracing for statements about 'it takes a village to raise a child', he made the very valid point that there are plenty of experts in Education who are more capable and far more suitable in constructing curriculum, etc, than professional bureaucrats.

The Federal Liberal government are 'reviewing' the current curriculum, a review to be conducted by 2 such bureaucrats, and the obvious inference that it will be about the business model and the cost, not necessarily the standard of education...I'd suggest that a combined approach is required, whereby there is a collaborative effort to produce the best curriculum envisaged, minimally compromised by fiscal realities.

Unfortunately, being right doesn't exclude hypocrisy, and Mr Maher, a recently decorated long-term member and senior office holder of the South Australian Labor Party, failed to acknowledge some of the extraordinary appointments that the Rann/Weatherill government have made that have nothing to do with experience or suitability, eg, Labor stooge Rory McEwen appointed (from retirement) to head of Fisheries, Grant King as head of Regional Development Australia and the Health Advisory Council concurrently, or rank Labor hack Mia Handshin appointed to the very critical and influential role as head of the Environmental Protection Authority, etc...which segues nicely into...

The ABC interview (Monday 13th January 2014) with Frank Bolland of Infigen Energy re the Lake Bonney Wind Turbine Industrial Estate and the proposed massive expansion through Woakwine, etc...there are currently 112 Turbines at 70-80 metres high with 33-45m blades, but the new 124 will be 94m high with 56m blades...and a nice segue because the Health issues related to Turbines as supposedly tested by the EPA recently at Waterloo Turbine Estate, were, unless I missed it, never mentioned...(sorry, whaaa?...segueing into something that wasn't mentioned?...and I thought you said that the Turbine proponents would be relentlessly referencing and promoting the EPA data as conclusive proof that everything's hunky dory-Ed)... 

Hunky Dory: is not an attractive and tasty marine species, nor is it applicable to the EPA 'testing' re Waterloo and/or the associated Health issues re Turbines, but it is a Red Herring...(yeah, yeah, hilarious...just answer the question-Ed)...certainly...are you familiar with the phrase 'notable by it's absence'?...(oh, of course...this Health stuff has been front and centre in the Turbine debate and you've called it as a deliberate distraction away from the legislative, financial, environmental, transmission, etc, issues that Turbine proponents cannot and therefore do not want to try and defend, hence a Red Herring-Ed)...yep... 

(And given the EPA testing that allegedly proves 'no Health issues', which was initially widely quoted as such, it is an extraordinary omission by both interviewer and proponent...particularly in the context of the ABC's grossly biased support for Turbines where the interviewer and the proponent have proven to be without exception one and the interviewer, one interviewee, two proponents-Ed). 

Yes, I take your point, we have covered the ABC's extraordinary pro-Turbine bias in several previous can only assume that this omission is because the EPA testing has been so comprehensively trashed, so thoroughly discredited, that even Turbine proponents won't go near it...(classic-Ed)...

And it's not just the distribution network that's compromised, but so to the means of production...on very still days like yesterday obviously there's little or nothing being produced by Wind Turbines, and I understand that on high fire risk days Turbines in affected areas are not allowed to operate...I've covered these issues in many times of peak demand, there's often zero production...ludicrous.

That's heaps for one day so I'll pull up here and do Part II,

Tomorrow: ANWS Part II

Because there's a whole bunch more stuff from that interview I'd still like to cover...and I note 3 pages of lies and propaganda re the Fracking at Penola in today's The Border Watch so I'll try to do some of that as well...also saw a CFS truck parked up near the Old Hospital site earlier today...just thought I'd mention it.

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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