Friday, January 31, 2014

Just Another Day, Just Another Post

Hello and welcome to the blog...must admit not quite sure where I'm headed post wise today because I'm still coming down off the plateau of anger that Liberal MLC Rob Lucas hoisted me on to with his dead-eyed denials and soulless refusal to act (previous posts)...and yet another unrelated but no less bizarre conversation that I just had earlier...(apols for changing title after posting, my bad).

But First: in all the confusion I didn't properly cover the City Council resignation/retirement stuff...apologies and more tomorrow...also the latest Rail Lands stuff as promised...(promise?-Ed)...and a confession of sorts re a more deliberate omission that when I spoke to Mr Lucas the local Liberal candidate Troy Bell was the third, well, spoke...(ahaha-Ed)...

I deliberately asked Mr Bell to be part of that 'conversation' because I have referred to the St Martins issue only in broad terms to him, and I wanted him to experience the reality...suffice to say that Mr Bell barely contributed because he was quickly, inevitably left behind as Mr Lucas and I discussed issues of which he (Troy) was previously unawares...and for that reason I do not blame Mr Bell for what he has inherited.

Despite what the Liberal Party has done, I still consider that Mr Bell is currently the most genuine hope that Mt Gambier has, and out of respect for him...(and his unfortunate inheritance-Ed)...quite...out of respect I have contacted Mr Bell to let him know that I'm blogging about the conversation and relative issues and the fact that he is now fully aware re St Martins...    

What happened on Wednesday 29th January 2014 with Mr Lucas is the physical manifestation of the irrefutable reality that the Liberal Party is every bit as complicit in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up as the Labor Party, the Lutherans themselves, SAPol, the Teachers Registration Board, etc, etc...everybody knows and everybody's covering it up...this is what we are.

Just for the record: we're talking about the deliberate, calculated, extensive psychological, emotional, and/or physical abuse of an entire class of 7 year old children by their 54(?) year old male teacher Glyn Dorling, committed in the classroom for a period of 5 months starting day 1, term 1 in 2002, and continuing on a daily basis until parents forced his removal on the June long weekend 2002.

Glyn Dorling was relentlessly manipulating, bullying, harassing, and denigrating the 7 year olds in his care, with a clear view to making them compliant with the physical abuses he was committing against many of them...Flinders Child Protection Service openly described Dorling to me (August 2002) as "a text-book grooming paedophile".

You'll note that nobody's telling me outright that the abuse didn't happen...(well apart from the Lutherans-Ed)....true...(and the TRB-Ed)...not quite, they refused to take action "on the balance of probabilities"...(ah yeah, that's right, Glyn Dorling openly confessed to what he was charged with, blamed the children, and the TRB said 'yeah we agree'-Ed)...sad, sick, corrupt...moving on...and that I have posted again and again documents, etc, re St Martins, and that after a few haphazard attempts to have posts pulled down and some more "Defamation Threats', these posts remain. 

When it comes to the discussion now, no-one's trying to say the abuses never happened, rather it's all lies, denials, and 'there's not enough evidence'...for shrek sake, what did the TRB look at for 21 months that they ultimately got so wrong that a major parliamentary Inquiry was established?...and why have police been able to avoid appearing at these Inquiries?...surely their definitive investigation back in 2002 is the critical proof that nothing at all happened...(oh you mean the 2002 'investigation' where SAPol failed to even interview Dorling, let alone charge him, and then dumped the case without even telling parents-Ed)...yeah, that's the one...

And all other authorities are aware of this deliberate failure to investigate which is why they refuse to call SAPol to give evidence...(except the TRB who claim that SAPol "refused to appear"-Ed)...yeah, but how can you believe anything any of these people have to say...they just lie as and when it suits them, and when you back them into a corner over their lies, they just stop responding knowing full well that nobody is going to hold them to account.

And something else Rob Lucas kept bleating at me in excusing the Liberals failure to do anything about St Martins and in refusing to act now was 'we're only in Opposition'...rubbish...the Liberal Party is a bloated carcass of incompetence and fundamental irrelevance that has done nothing to hold Labor to account for anything...for example, nothing the Liberal Party has to say about the South East Forestry Estate Sell-off and/or the Adelaide Oval malarkey is anything but opportunistic hypocrisy.

That Sell-off went to immediately benefit the South Australian Cricket Association when Labor payed off nearly $90million in SACA debts, and both SACA and the SA National Football League are run by senior Liberals.

Pantomime Time: as Premier Jay Weatherill and Labor pull the most obvious stunt imaginable and even as I type it, there's Jay on the ABC (1400hrs) spruiking his own superness...'there's absolutely no doubt who runs the Labor Party' and 'the backroom deals and the days of the faceless men are over'...(hey that was your line, that this whole thing is an absolute construct designed to try and separate state Labor from the poisoned chalice of federal Factional faffing about-Ed)...well exactly...

Minister Micheal O'Brien announces early this morning that he's going to quit the safe Labor seat of Napier to allow Right Faction leader Don Farrell to run after he failed in the Federal election...Ray Jay goes straight on the ABC and publicly threatens to quit...Don backs down and says he won't run but Micheal says he's quitting anyway...and then Jay's straight into it about how he's the man...'oo, look how I'm in control and how I stick up for SA'.

This is a massive con to try and suck the oxygen out of any criticism re the factional control of Labor, and try...(but fail-Ed) promote Jay as the man in control as is the tenant of Labor's entire presidential style campaign...Labor have to focus on Jay because everything around him is a disaster, and they will attack Liberal leader Stephen Marshall rather than trade policy barbs...and Jay's little tantrum about how he's running the show, etc, just on the ABC is proof positive...and this is the sort of game that Labor is prepared to play with the electorate only 6 weeks from the election...and Jay yet again on the ABC...

When I first heard this earlier today I thought that the 'I'll resign' bit was about Jay bailing-out with justifiable indignation, but the moment I heard that Don Farrell had immediately backed down, it was  obvious that this was about distancing Jay For SA All The Way Today from factional brawling whilst promoting himself as the man in control...and it all happened so fast that I couldn't even blog it before the pantomime's over and we're straight into the glowing self-reviews.

Tomorrow: The Year Of The Horse

 (Aren't you a Horse sign under the Chinese Horoscope?-Ed)...Fire Horse actually...(oh-Ed)...yes, oh...I don't live my life by this stuff but it's unnervingly accurate...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Liberal Party Re-commits to St Martins Child Abuse Cover-up

Hello and welcome to the blog and sorry yesterday's post went a little pear shaped and 'sweary', but I'm only human, and after my discussion with the gutless, evasive, dismissive liar Liberal MLC Rob Lucas, I was reminded just what a pro-paedophile cluster-shrek our state parliament is...there are no 'parties' in South Australia, there's only pro-paedophile sociopaths operating on behalf of big business.

(I thought we were taking about the Liberal Party not the ABC Mt Gambier-Ed)...normally I'd find that quite amusing Ed, but this continues to be a sickening indictment of what we are as a 'society'...a society where a 3 year long Parliamentary Inquiry produces a report full of mistakes and outright lies that deliberately protects the gross pro-paedophile malfeasance of that which it claims to be investigating...

(You refer of course to the Statutory Authorities Review Committee Inquiry into the Teachers Registration Board that ran from 2008-July 2011, resulting in SARC Report no. 54, that includes, amongst many others, the extraordinary lie that the TRB was responsible for having the children interviewed by Flinders Child Protection Services-Ed)...indeed...

I attended Liberal candidate Troy Bell's forum at the Main Corner last evening and if you look at the last third of yesterday's post you'll have a fair understanding of the mood I was in when I got home and finished that post...Mr Bell knew...(because you told him-Ed)...that I was there to confront Rob Lucas about his particular brand of bastardry, namely, his actions as one of the SARC Inquiry members, and Mr Bell organised for me to speak with Mr Lucas after the forum...I asked for 'before' and thus we came to be seated off to one side.

I accepted this 'chat' (as opposed to my original plan to heap public humiliation on Mr Lucas) out of respect for 1) Mr Bell and 2) the importance of the Health forum...and yet again my respectfulness has been used against me...and it's the last shrekin' time...I'm done with appropriate and polite and respectful because at every single turn it is used against me to continue the St Martins Child Abuse Cover-up...and so last evening was just more of the same...and it's the last time. 

When I put it to Mr Lucas that his people, eg, Mayor and failed former Liberal candidate Steve Perryman, were directly involved in the cover-up and character assassination against parents, etc, he repeatedly denied that there was any connection, 'he's not our man'...and then tried to do exactly the same with Wattle Range Mayor Peter Gandolfi, another failed Liberal candidate, even after I explained my meeting with Gandolfi and MLC David Ridgway just prior to the 2006 election...'not our man'...or Rory McEwen and Don Pegler, both originally Liberals.

Mr Lucas continually stated that there was nothing with St Martins that the media would be interested in or that the Liberals could use against the government in parliament...even after I explained the meetings I'd had with then leader Rob Kerin (February/March 2005), the March 2006 meeting with Gandolfi and Ridgway where we handed them Rory McEwen's head on a platter re what Rory had and hadn't done with the St Martins case...and the multiple discussions with Perryman...(and the mountain of supporting documentation you have repeatedly provided-Ed)...indeed.

Even after I stated that Premier Jay Weatherill and then Premier Mike Rann were directly implicated, Mr Lucas didn't ask 'what evidence?' and where could he get a copy, etc, he straight away said 'there isn't any evidence'...(sorry, so he stated outright that evidence doesn't exist instead of asking what and/or where is it?-Ed)...exactly...(that's the actions of a man who knows but doesn't want to know and certainly doesn't want it known that he knows-Ed)...I know...couldn't have put it better myself.

Even after I explained the roles that Weatherill and Rann had played in officially stopping Commissioner Ted Mullighan from formally investigating St Martins, Mr Lucas said 'no evidence', and when I explained that there was, namely the letters from Weatherill and Rann as previously posted on this blog, he didn't even ask for them...not interested...(well if you have irrefutable evidence in your hand, it does make it harder to ignore the reality-Ed)...well quite...but it didn't stop the SARC Inquiry...(or the TRB-Ed)...or the police...(or the Director of Public Prosecutions-Ed)...or the ABC and the rest of the media...(shall we go on?-Ed)...let's not...

Mr Lucas just kept saying, 'oh, we disagree'...and what about the clear evidence we parents and one of the children provided the SARC and the face-to-face promise he made to myself and another parent that if there was anything presented that was actionable then he'd move on it?...'there was nothing'...what about the child's evidence to the Inquiry?...'there was nothing'...over and over again, 'there was nothing'...lie after lie, denial after denial.

And we don't 'disagree' Mr Lucas, I respectfully asked you to explain your inexcusable behaviour as part of the SARC Inquiry and what you intend to do now...why won't you raise this ahead of the March 15 election?...I, other parents, and even one extraordinarily brave young student have presented you unequivocal proof of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and you have abjectly failed on your face-to-face promise to act...and the best you can come up with is 'we disagree'.

When I gave evidence in that SARC Inquiry, I watched you furrow your brow appropriately and cluck and brood and purse your lips and generally look suitably concerned, but it was all a lie, a and I don't disagree Mr Lucas, I/we have presented you with an irresistible truth and you in response have lied, denied, conspired to conceal, and knowingly, willingly perpetuated that truth.

More on this tomorrow 'cos there's some other things to cover...namely new Mt Gambier Deputy Mayor(ess) Penny Richardson as interviewed on ABC Local Radio this morning, openly stating that she was 'approached late last week' and asked to nominate by 'one of her greatest critics on Council and several other Councillors'...(sorry, what?-Ed)...straight out stated that her biggest critic was the one who asked her and then pushed her the most...and I acknowledge the feedback that I'm being naive to express surprise or even concern that this was clearly orchestrated before the Council vote.

Fair enough, but I was basically just describing the proceedings and how odd it all was, and there this morning was the absolute proof of how bizarre...a Liberal bloc, a Liberal controlled Council approaches a problematic Labor supporter and then elects them to Deputy?...don't know exactly what these clowns are up to now but it absolutely reeks...    

And Bingo: Liberals yesterday announced an extra $1million funding for the Patient Assistance Transport Scheme but Labor Health Minister Jack 'The Rat' Snelling poo-pooed this announcement and reckons that Labor's current 'PATS Review' is the solution to the problem...(isn't that 'Review' actually about finding ways to deny more people even accessing the PATS to make the $8million current funding go further?-Ed)...that's why he's called 'The Rat'...

And knock me down, here's Jack (ABC Radio) mouth-breathing his way through a series of lies about how there's no Hospital Waiting Lists...(haven't Labor changed the system so that there is effectively a waiting list for the waiting list?-Ed)...been on it for 4 years+, still on it, haven't heard from them in over a year...(so that's a yes-Ed)...yes...then more number-fudging about funding, etc, and the PATS...and all the lies about how he's improving everything, PATS included...interspersed with wordy praise for his/Labor's man local Member Don Pegler...'oo, Don's been on my back about it all the time'...bollocks...I remind readers that Mr Pegler has supported the current PATS Review with all its implicit bastardry...(previous posts).

The Greens: have announced their candidate for the seat of Mt Gambier...(well he announced himself-Ed)...quite...local John Baseley...he spoke at the Penola Fracking demonstration last Friday 24th but I thought he said 'Upper House'...whatevs...and whatevs his politicing because it's good to have a local candidate instead of someone nominating from Adelaide as has happened at several recent elections.

Blessed Are The Cheesemakers: but not insured apparently. Yesterday on the ABC Country Hour there was an interview with a South Australian cheese producer who was describing how they lost $50,000 of product when they had a power-outage during the recent heat wave...(did they claim on insurance?-Ed), they 'can't get insurance because the Insurers know how dodgy SAs electricity grid is and susceptible to outages so they won't insure in SA'...a paraphrase but damn near a quote.

(But what about the alleged massive investment in 'poles and wires' that is constantly used to excuse extortionary power prices, and the reported 16% of households that self generate with solar panels?-Ed)...that's the issue, there is a greatly reduced demand/load on an allegedly vastly improved system and yet it still crashes at the most critical times, costing lives and business...(sweet baby cheeses-Ed)...I wonder if that refusal to insure extends to all manufacturers of dairy products...(I wonder-Ed).

Enough for today...(for any day-Ed) another liberal dose of Liberal-kickin' down-home style and Rail Lands ranting,

Tomorrow: My Latest Train Of Thought

(Well that went quite well I think, all things considered...but I'm sure you'll shrek it up somehow tomorrow-Ed)...I do what I can.

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Council Meeting 28/01/2014 and Resignations

Hello and welcome to the blog...and a quick semi-correction...yesterday I referred to 2 resignations from Mt Gambier City Council, and it's more accurately one resignation and one retirement...Councillor Byron Harfield has tendered his resignation over the Christmas break and Cr Jim Maher does not intend to run at the November 2014 Local Government elections....(pre-emptive apologies for average post...went out early, got back late).

But First: Strewth! and stone the flamin' crows it was hot yesterday...(yeah, just a casual 42C thanks very much-Ed)...much cooler today but back up to mid 30C by the weekend...and the usual calls from authorities to keep at eye on the elderly, unwell, etc, and reports that the recent heatwave will have effects for several months with hundreds of deaths directly is unfortunately the exact situation that disproves the saying 'that which doesn't kill you only makes you stronger'.

It is the reality that some people take a massive hit from the stress and physical impost of extended high temperatures, and that this has a critical impact on their health from which they don't recover...people may survive the actual heatwave but rapidly cool, and keep an eye on those who need it.

First World Problems: don't come much more definitive than the person heard complaining about how their automated travel ticket was charged when they went to the One Day cricket at Adelaide Oval on the free public transport provided by the state government on Australia Day (a Sunday), 'why was I charged when the buses were free, it's a sham'...(deadset, even I don't know where to start with this one-Ed)...allow me...we don't even have public transport on weekends or public holidays and Labor sold the SE Forestry Estate to pay for that frickin' oval...

And supposedly South Australia has the lowest return to prison rates and highest police per capita...(does that include all the paedophiles getting suspended sentences, etc?-Ed)...or those being released into the community after ludicrous 'rehabilitation' because our gaols are overflowing despite the recent massive expansions of prisons?...I just don't know Ed...just another situation where you just can't believe a word of it because of who's saying it, the Labor state government...(ah, that report comes from the Productivity Commission not the government-Ed)...true, but even if you believe that the PC is genuinely independent, they are working with figures provided by the government...

What The...?: The ABC Local Radio morning news just ran (at 0630hrs, I missed the 0600 news) the election of Cr Penny Richardson to position of Deputy Mayor...(but how would they know that? nobody from the ABC was at Council last night-Ed)...I know, I was there, as was Anelia Blackie from The Border Watch, but no ABC...(perhaps they read it in TBW-Ed)...well I haven't seen TBW today but I wouldn't think so because it was already 'at print' last night when that vote was taken.

How the shrek does the ABC know at 0600hrs what happened in Council at 1930hrs the night before if they weren't there?...(you did blog it last night-Ed)...true, but that's not it...the vested interests network made sure that their man Stuart Stansfield knew about offense Cr Richardson, but the whole thing has a smell about it that just doesn't sit right...(and how should a smell sit exactly?-Ed)...well it certainly shouldn't sit in Council Chambers and as far as this Council is concerned it actually seems to reside there.

Why would a Liberal controlled Council elect a card-carrying Labor person? It's beyond bizarre. 

A Load Of Laundry Later: at 0730hrs Mayor Steve Perryman being interviewed about it (ABC Radio) and some bollocks about how Cr Richardson has been great and that this is 'a new role and new dimension' for her...(there is something very, very odd about this whole process/appointment-Ed)'re telling me...from the moment Cr Des Mutton nominated her last night I was suspicious as to what they're up to now.

As Cr Ian Von Stanke was the only other nominee...(you're joking-Ed)...wish I was...(what happened to our man Swervin' Merv White?-Ed)...nothing, not one word...can't shut his moronic, opinionated yap on every other day on every other subject but not one word...(well I actually meant why wasn't he made Deputy Dawg as predicted reward for his stoic efforts as a recurrent barnacle on the cities finances, but I take your point that he's quite convinced that everyone needs to know his opinion on every subject, and he regularly tells Council what to do-Ed) don't like him much either do you?...(well I've met him-Ed)...nice.

When Cr Mutton nominated Cr Richardson I thought she was just being set up as a 'faux nominee' to make it look like there was a democratic process appropriately followed, before Von Stanke was 'elected'...(I can see how you might think that-Ed)...particularly when Swervin' wasn't even nominated.

And now at 0830hrs the Deputy Mayor herself talking about how this shows that the average person can make it to Council and how she works for a living, etc...and there it is, the 'common touch'...Council's so in touch with the peeps, down with the homies, chillin' in the ''s an absolute and highly orchestrated con and I don't buy any of it...(I bizarre as Cr Des Mutton nominating her was, it was her response, or rather lack of, that was really odd...Cr Richardson didn't bat an eyelid, didn't even look up, not one note of surprise-Ed)...well that's because it's all been organised beforehand...(that's exactly what I'm saying-Ed).

I don't know, yet, what deal's been done, or how much of this is affirmative action, or whatever stunt these clowns are pulling now, but it absolutely astute observer believes this is the deal done to silence the sort of criticism Cr Richardson has previously raised, eg, it was her who raised the $350,000 unlawfully misappropriated from the Main Corner Project by then CEO Greg Muller...(sorry, we're not calling it "stole" anymore?-Ed), no, please feel free, it is what it is and it is theft...  
Councillors Leaving: I have not spoken recently with either, but understand that these are decisions based on personal desire to be nearer to family in Adelaide, which to a degree is quite's why I moved to Mt Gambier in the late 1990s...I also consider the possibility that there may be other very practical and genuine issues, eg, access to reasonable health services, etc.

It's a fraught position on Council or in any political position because no matter how good your decision making or conduct, you're always going to piss somebody off, eg, Mr Harfield was quite vocal in his opposition to the Lady Nelson Bus Shelter and it has already been cited repeatedly as an example of his independent nature, including at Council's meeting last night...however there are those who saw it simply as posturing to get public support for a tilt at the Mayorship...I don't really care because the Shelter happened and the Mayorship ain't.

Apols but I'm going to stop here...I know I haven't finished but it's now really late again and it's been a very long day...went to Liberal candidate Troy Bell's soiree at the Main Corner and had a little tete a tete avec mon ami that gutless prick Liberal MLC Rob Lucas...(mate, I'd normally be pullin' ya' up on ya' language right about now, but having also sat through that 10 minutes of pathetic, evasive, ultimately pro-paedophile denial, well, gutless prick is a polite and reserved commentary-Ed)...and so...

Tomorrow: Liberal Party Restates Commitment to St Martins Cover-up

A perfect opportunity to review just how complicit the Liberals have been in supporting the cover-up of Child Abuse at St Martins...what a joy is South Australia.

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Mt Gambier City Council Resignations

Hello and welcome to the blog...and whilst I was trying to be respectful of elected Councillors private business by talking about their impending resignation/retirement in very vague terms, The Border Watch has now printed their names so it's gloves off...metaphorically speaking.

But First: fascinating to hear ABCs Stuart Stansfield running the Council line with two of the stories today being how great Council is, namely, the Old Hospital and Caroline Landfill issues...these are of course 2 of the main justifications that Council produced when doubling their own borrowing capacity as part of the 2013 Budget process...I have covered these issues extensively in previous posts.

And Stuart interviewing Councillor 'Swervin' Merv White and everything's on time and budget and the Christmas deadline was the contractor's (McMahon's) date...(bollocks, Council demanded that it be flattened by Christmas, it's why some other Tenders withdrew-Ed)...quite...and apparently Merv isn't being told about the cost but believes that because of the contract it shouldn't be over budget...(rubbish, there's multiple exclusions from McMahon's Tender and massive wriggle room for 'variances' which means increases, and Council is fudging the numbers by using Council resources for parts of the project-Ed).

Most concerning was the throw-away line about how there will need to be 'a new budget with more money' to complete the works around the site, particularly the Old Laundry renovation...I believe that 'saving' that building is just one variance that McMahon's didn't include in their Tender, and therefore an extra cost... 

And then some nonsense about sensors for dust and how work 'has to stop' if there's too much but it hasn't happened at the Old Hospital but has happened on the Rail Lands site...(what about the huge clouds of dust regularly blowing off the Hospital site-Ed)...exactly...can't believe a single word that comes out of's a chronically serious state of affairs that makes it impossible to liaise with Council in a respectful and trusting manner.  

And out to the Carloine Landfill and an interview with Council's Darryl Sexton about the 3 new segments  being created with the middle active and outside covered, etc, and the interesting observation that Council "guess how long" each cell will last but they hope for 5 years per cell, etc, facts, no responsibility, all swerve...but I digress...    
I find deeply disturbing the constant promotion of the Child Abuse Royal Commission as being a salve for Child Abuse in our community...even today they are looking at what happened in the Salvation Army 40 years ago and banging on about 'talking about systemic problems', etc, terrible as these crimes are, I maintain my belief that this whole process is a cynical con that will drag in relatively genuine people and cause more trauma than it resolves.

This is exactly what has happened with the DeBelle Inquiry here in South Australia and the way it has been used to deflect and draw a political line between the reality of what is still happening today, ie, 'yeah that's terrible but we now know due to DeBelle', or 'DeBelle says act like this so that's what we'll do'...all hail DeBelle 'cause it's all sweet now.

I note that the Royal Commission is fully aware of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, a current case that goes immediately to the pro-paedophile corruption at the heart of South Australian government, and yet they're not even coming to Mt Gambier.

I also note/re-iterate that the Bernard Finnigan Court case re the Child Pornography charges...(the one remaining charge from 20+-Ed)...the one charge from the many laid some 3 years ago when he was Labor Acting Police Minister...that case has been postponed because Bernard's lawyer is on holidays...(you're shrekin' joking-Ed)...wish I was...absolutely corrupt collusion between government and the Judiciary to fudge this matter past the state election following which Bernard will still be in Parliament (Upper House) for another 4 years.

It's an absolute con..."Premier Weatherill, what's happening with Bernard Finnigan?" (Press)..."Sorry, that's still before the Courts so I cannot talk about it, and neither should you."

Deeply Disappointing: to hear Liberal MLC David Ridgway on ABC Radio squirming around the Liberal party support for Fracking by trotting out the bumf about how there's Fracking in the Cooper Basin, there's already many drill shafts through the South East Aquifer, eg, the Katnook Gas operation, that Beach Energy is only doing 'core-sample' drilling, etc...(sounds like he was reading from the Beach Energy brochure about how great it all is-Ed)...doesn't it though...

This manoeuvring around the realities is how you say 'we support Fracking' without saying so...I note that Liberal candidate Troy Bell wasn't asked his opinion...(well he could hardly get a word in edge ways-Ed)...true, but the interview was with Mr Ridgway as part of the Liberal state election campaign...

And at least they're giving it a bit of a bloody go...Labor hasn't even announced an actual candidate yet and at the 2006 and 2010 elections they failed to do an official Adelaide supported campaign and/or launch and/or anything really as Premiers Mike Rann (2006) and Jay Weatherill (2010) furiously avoided the South East...(St Martins?-Ed)...that and Labor's history of sacrificing Regional services, etc...but again I digress...

Councillors Bail: from the sinking ship of institutionalised incompetence and corruption that they have crewed for the last 2 Council terms...(I'm sensing you're not too happy about this-Ed)...restrainedly furious quite frankly...but in all honesty it's an anger flamed by that which remains...we're losing almost the best of a woeful bunch.

Apols but I'm going to suddenly bail here 'cause it's already 2100hrs, just got back from Council...(oh boy-Ed)...exactly...and I ain't had my dindins yet...gettin' all GI Blues...and no that's not the Elvis movie but a state of depressive hunger...(ah, witty Wilde, witty-Ed)...

Tomorrow: Council Meeting and Resignations

And somehow Councillor Penny Richardson is the new Deputy Mayor...not that that's a bad thing, just real weird...more tomorrow

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Australia Day Reprise

Hello Poland, France, Canada and Ukraine...morning and welcome to the blog...and for those whom are unawares of the premise of yesterday's post, sorry I didn't explain it properly...yesterday (January 26) was Australia Day when we commemorate the arrival of the English First Fleet in Sydney, New South Wales...(Sydney or Botany Bay?-Ed)...good question...I think Captain Cook 'officially discovered' Australia at Botany Bay and the First Colony was at Sydney Cove/Harbour...but don't quote me.

As has been inevitably the experience of 'discovered peoples', Aboriginal Australians have suffered terrible injustice and virtual genocide...(I think 'genocide' is a little extreme-Ed)...hardly, even if you set aside the individual violence and massacres, etc, as late as the 1960s even into the 1970s, in our lifetime Ed, it was ratified government policy to 'save Aboriginal people from their Aboriginality'...(well that is a fairly crude and basic summation of the policy, but I concur-Ed)...this resulted in what is now collectively described as The Stolen Generations.

I know people, reasonably intelligent people, who genuinely believe that the 'Fair' in our national anthem 'Advance Australia Fair' refers not to equality or reasonableness but to skin colour, relative to the Stolen Generations and White Australia policies...I don't know whether there is a specific document or memo or whatevs that they are referring to, or whether this is just opinion expressed as fact...something else to check out...yay...     

Just Joking: about doing another post entirely re the Independent Commission Against Corruption and what a farcical display, etc, re their alleged investigation of the Mt Gambier City Council. Apologies if I missed it, but I'm not aware of either the ABC Local Radio or The Border Watch covering this story yet.

Also apologies because I haven't yet replied to either the ICAC or the Office of Public Integrity or the Ombudsman...(just do one letter and send it to all 3-Ed)...yeah, yeah...but I have been in contact with local Member Don Pegler's office and as posted he had already provided me a copy of the ICAC letter to him...(about some bastard called Nick Fletcher who is apparently a 'Complaining Alledgor'-Ed)...well apparently...which reminds me that Mr Pegler did leave a phone message though I haven't spoken directly with him.

Fracking Ads On ABC Local Radio: in the same vein as the rabidly pro-Wind Turbine coverage I've covered in previous posts, continued on the Friday morning of the Penola protest (24/01/2014) with Stuart Stansfield reading out a statement from Beach Energy about the super-dooper mega casing of the drill hole and how this entirely removes any chance of Aquifer contamination...(excuse me, Bollocks-Ed) that your considered geo-scientific opinion or just opinion based on the undeniable reality?

(You carve it up any way you like, but I've heard several ABC 'interviews' with Beach Energy, and this statement read out Friday, and they have been the most un-journalistic, pro-Fracking propaganda infomercials it has ever been my displeasure to have unceremoniously pissed into my ear...)...whoa, whoa Ed, usually it's me getting pulled up by you...(sorry, I just don't appreciate the gross bias of the ABC Mt Gambier-Ed)...yeah, I'm gettin' that. 

Is It Worth It?: For all my bellyaching about The Border Watch and ABC Mt Gambier I have always started from a position of believing in their importance to the local community, and that said position is one of responsibility and should be defined by objective reportage, particularly with the ABC...and instead we get the crap and propaganda and pro-government infomercials from government employees, eg, Grant King operating as both the Regional Development Australia and Health Advisory Council rep, repeatedly interviewed by ABC Mt Gambier as an 'independent opinion'...

Which segues nicely into a reminder to self that the Court case involving Mr King/RDA and 'parties respondent', has apparently possibly concluded...but I don't know to what I'll have to check and find out what I can...(and blog it?-Ed), scribble it on a piece of parchment with a blunt crayon, slip it into a bottle, and drop it off the cliffs at Cape Northumberland, the Southern most point of South Australia, 35kms from Mt Gambier...(sorry, what?-Ed)...yes I'll post it if I can find out.

But back to booting the ABC about their bare-faced functioning on behalf of government and big business...not only do the ABC Mt Gambier constantly run these infomercials loaded with 'Dorothy Dixer' questions that are designed and asked to provide the interviewee a solid platform to pursue their own agenda, they then heavily edit or outright block any dissenting opinion...again, I've covered this explicitly in previous posts.

I note that there was an extended period where I was 'unofficially banned' from talkback radio and whichever ABC Mt Gambier announcer would read out a small part of my message and make a point of mentioning my full name...(particularly Stuart-Ed)...indeed...and I have noticed this strategy of plausible deniability applied to others, where a caller is put to air, gets 8-10 seconds into it, and is then abruptly thanked and cut off.

And behind all this bullshit looms the hideous visage of...(a hippy?-Ed), St Martins...(that was my second guess-Ed)...if senior ABC staffers like Stuart Stansfield and Stan Thompson's personal positions are more important to them than the morality of what they are involved in as key players in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, then that is for their conscience...and may it haunt them half as much as it does me...(even if you have to do it yourself-Ed)...exactly.

But when they choose to attack me as part of their self-excusing, their collective assuaging of guilt, well then that just ain't going to fly...and the same curse on The Border Watch as far as I'm concerned...the gross manipulation of the debate, the glaring omissions, the bias, the lies, etc, etc, and blaming me when their dodgy journalists get caught being dodgy...for overall making me the problem...

Apologies, I'm venting I know, but what hope when the upright citizens are the ones who are the problem?...I wish I was the problem, it'd sure make me a lot happier if I was absolutely wrong about pretty much everything I've blogged...but I'm not...and I do constantly review my own position starting from a point where I think 'I'm wrong' and then working back towards the unfortunate realities...(so much drivel yet so poignant-Ed)...and back to the ICAC stuff...

What hope for stopping Fracking at Penola and a guaranteed contaminated Aquifer...(I believe the main Aquifer is called the Dilwyn-Ed)...if you say so...a forest of Wind Turbines, responsible management of the sold off Forestry Estate, balanced and considered development, genuine environmental considerations re basically anything, etc, etc...what hope for any sense of justice when the body specifically created to address public official corruption is so corrupted?

I greatly appreciate the feedback re the ICAC stuff and the sense of bewilderment and disbelief being expressed...and again it's not me that people don't believe, it's the complicit and collusive conduct of their elected officials and the bare-faced, clumsy, and ultimately failed attempts to point the blame at me.

Stopping here due to narcolep.................(ahaha, I see what you did there-Ed)...yeah, that 8hr nanna-nap the other day when I was crook has really stuffed my sleep rhythms...ah, such sweet triviality.

Tomorrow: Resignations From Council

I deliberately didn't name these people in previous posts out of respect for their privacy, but now that it's been in TBW I can say what I think...what I really think...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...(whatevs-Ed)...

P.S...just caught Fire Alert for South East on ABC re school closures tomorrow just announced by Education CEO...(Tony-TH)...Tony...(nnnHarrison-TH)...Tony Harrison...Kalangadoo, Glenburnie, Beachport, Naracoorte, and numerous others...ring or listen to the ABC or ring the Education Dept...good luck.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Invasion/Survival/Australia Day 2014

Hello Brazil, Indonesia, the Netherlands, and Russia and welcome to the blog...and again profuse apologies for yesterday's was a bit disjointed and patchy and there were a couple of glaring omissions, namely...

1) That state Liberal candidate Troy Bell was present Friday 24th at the Penola Fracking protest but declined to is for Mr Bell himself to explain exactly why, but I believe that he felt uneasy about appropriating the situation for his own advantage...(and Member for Barker Tony Pasin mentioned him enough anyway-Ed)...true...and I personally feel that the 'Labor bashing' that proceeded him, meant that anything he said would have been in that context.

(So you're suggesting that the rank 'Labor bashing/Liberal spruiking' completely compromised his position to the extent that he was effectively blocked from talking by his own party-Ed)...pretty much...if he said anything other than completely agree with that already stated he was effectively contradicting his senior party colleagues...(tricky-Ed)...quite...particularly when the state Liberal Party support Fracking...(well quite-Ed).      

And further credit to Mr Bell in that he knows I'm poison as far as politics is concerned, to both parties, yet he still acknowledges and converses with me in clear public view...(I'm not sure whether that's a good thing or a sign of insanity-Ed)...steady on, I call it a basic mark of respect for someone whom he recognises is not half as mad and/or bad as often identified...(more like 4/5ths-Ed)...hilarious...and a clear indicator that he's more than capable of thinking for himself.

I took the opportunity to explain to him the Independent Commission Against Corruption 'findings' in completely exonerating Mt Gambier City Council re basically everything (previous posts)...and like every other person I've discussed it with, he was openly shocked...but whilst he accepted what I was saying as accurate, I'm not sure that there's anything he can do about it right now or even if he becomes the next Member for Mt Gambier.  

2) Former ABC presenter Alan Richardson was MC for the day, and after all the speeches, he too came up to me and the person I was talking to, and said part of that conversation I explained to Alan what had happened at the ABC office on the previous Tuesday when Stuart Stansfield threw me out...and it wasn't anything Alan said particularly that I took as a compliment, it was that he accepted as truth what I claimed to have happened...

(Well that's just because he's had extensive dealings with you for over a decade across a number of often highly emotive issues...)...he's talking about St Martins...( he's seen how you roll and he also knows that for all your faults and failings, you're not half the bastard that some would have it believed, and therefore has a modicum of begrudging respect-Ed)..."a modicum of begrudging" eh?..don't want to over do it or rush into anything...(quite-Ed).

All jesting aside, I don't think Alan does 'begrudging' as my experience he's more straight up and down than that, more genuine as it were...certainly more so than any number of other individuals I've dealt with...and that therefore makes that genuine respect...(a modicum of genu-Ed)...yeah, yeah, a modicum of genuine respect...but that's still respect and it's still genuine...(fair enough-Ed)...

And obviously Alan is now also aware of the ICAC stuff because I briefly explained it to him as part of the whole "Who Let That Bloody Hippy In Here?' incident at the ABC on Tuesday 21st January 2014...(dude, it's almost like that 'can't look away from a train wreck' thing...these people must know by now what sort of crap is going to come outta' your mouth, but they keep on talking to ya'-Ed).

ISA Day: I openly acknowledge my deep cynicism about many aspects of 'Australian Society' and am therefore perhaps not the best person to clinically, objectively dis-assemble Australia Day into it's component parts and/or motivations, but I am still capable of recognising other opinions, and hence the title.

I'm not getting into a debate about what's Australian or this point in time my blog is my creed and belief, or at least fairly close, and what I have to say about the society that I'm sort of a part of, is literally writ there-in...(well 'literally' means written actually-Ed)...shhh...

Today's post, if not actually today itself, is about the other 2 realities of the title, Invasion Day and Survival Day. As a non-Aboriginal first generation white Australian it is not my place to tell anyone what they do or don't think about these titles, but I recognise the broad premise of each and support them both as I do the title of Australia Day.

If a person chose to call today Invasion Day then I accept that they have a very strong argument to support that choice...(because it's true-Ed)...because it's true, and there is truly nothing that sounds more confronting than the truth...on this day in 1788 the people living here were invaded by a foreign power.

If a person were to call today Survival Day then again I accept that truth and that it is a living truth, a current truth, a truth that should not be...and so an attempt at nomenclaturistic conciliation conceived to work around the confrontational implications of 'Invasion', is actually more damning...(whaaa?-Ed)...the term Survival Day is used in part to not alienate those who resent being blamed for said 'Invasion'...(yeah-Ed)...and in part to deny the deniers who say said 'Invasion' wasn't my fault therefore not my problem, etc...(and in part therefore also makes said deniers accountable for what is a continuing situation stemming from the 'Invasion'...that's brilliant-Ed).

I absolutely agree...if that's all happened purely by chance, then the Universe truly is a wondrous is a wonderful piece of perfectly appropriate passive aggression that makes everybody, myself included, absolutely accountable...and a seething indictment of a fundamental part of Australian society...(oi oi oi-Ed)...indeed.

Of course a person may also choose Survival Day as a recognition and celebration of the resilience and hopes that they have experienced in their own lives and/or in those around them...(which is still in many ways an indictment-Ed) cuts deeply both ways...if I may speak in the third person for the purpose of this explanation...'we have survived, but why have we had to?'

I'll finish here for today...still feeling a bit like somethin' the cat dragged in...but,

Tomorrow: More Slagging Off The ICAC

(Ah, come on, really?...aren't you sick of that yet?-Ed)...nope...alright, and maybe some other stuff...about hats...(what?-Ed)...people aren't wearing enough...(what?-Ed)...more tomorrow....(Hang on-Ed)... 

I am Nick Fletcher...(Oi!-Ed)...and this is my blog...(Oi!-Ed)...cheers and laters...Oiiiii....

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Penola Fracking Protest 24/01/2014

Hello and welcome to the blog...and another case of me being wrong being a good thing because I have previously posted about a lack of response from the South East community to the ludicrous Fracking program already underway at Penola, and yesterday there it was...sort of...(it's always with the qualifiers with you...'sort of'-Ed)...just trying to cover all the bases.

I apologise for this very short, very late post but I was a bit crook today, laid down for a nanna-nap, and woke up 8 hours later...feeling worse...some sort of stupid summer cold....I god a code in da dose, sniff.

But First: and further apologies if I've missed it, but I am not aware of any mention of the Independent Commission Against Corruption alleged investigation and exoneration of Mt Gambier City Council re issues of, surprisingly. corruption, nepotism, etc...nothing on either the ABC or in The Border Watch...which is odd because everybody I've spoken to thinks that it's major news...a Council examined and cleared by the ICAC...(I'd call that major news-Ed)...

And of course there's the 'incident' at the ABC studio where Stuart Stansfield blew a gasket in a very prepared way, throwing me (metaphorically) from the premises with threats of calling the police...(heard any more about that?-Ed)...not a thing, certainly not from the police...maybe I'll get a lovely email or something...maybe some sort of Restraining Order thingy...

I won't go into who said what yesterday specifically because 1) although the Liberal speakers, Federal MP Tony Pasin and local surgeon Barney McCusker were unsurprisingly keen to make the point that this Fracking business was down to the Rann/Weatherill Labor government, 2) people kept talking to me so I can't definitively say that so-and-so said such-and-such, and 3) I don't want to 'dob' anyone in for anything said in confidence, and 4) I didn't take notes.

One speaker said that it wasn't about politics, another said it was, etc...I do note however that there was no-one present to represent Labor, the Minister, the Department,  Beach Energy, etc, least ways no-one who would put there hand up...nor am I aware of any rep from any Local Government body or Council, apart from (I think) Robe Mayor Peter Risely as one of the speakers...

I find it extremely concerning that this environmental nightmare is unravelling right in their patch and no Mayor or Councillors, etc, bother to show up...again, apologies if I missed it, but I don't recall seeing any of them there, certainly not Steve Perryman, Richard Sage, or the Wattle Range Mayor Peter Gandolfi...(and I'll tell ya' why...because they're all more interested in their personal political aspirations so they're not about to agitate on any issue that may actually incur the wrath of the major parties-Ed)...I concur Ed, I concur.  

(Gandolfi and Perryman are Liberal stooges to Sage's Labor stoogeness, and both parties support Fracking...which makes the Liberal complaints about Labor being the problem, a bit of a vacuous hypocrisy-Ed)...well quite...there were a few people rolling their eyes exasperatedly when Barney launched into his anti-Labor tirade, with some-one stating to me the obvious hypocrisy because the Liberals support Fracking and have no intention of doing anything to stop it.

Local state government members Don Pegler and Mitch Williams were also conspicuous by their absence.

I was pleased that the people I spoke to, including some of the protest organisers, were very aware that the drill rig was not there for 'exploration' but 'extraction' and that in that context the Fracking had already begun...I was privy to a conversation with a Queensland couple who were adamant that the size of the Rig, its support pad, etc, indicated that this was a full drilling operation, not a test or preliminary operation.     

Ultimately I'm not sure what can be achieved to halt the process and my brain feels like porridge so I'll not try to resolve it here and now, instead I'll attach the advice sheets from yesterday's protest below.

Tomorrow: Here's to feeling better

Profuse apologies for today's post, but you can't kick a goal everyday...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Friday, January 24, 2014

Rail Lands and Bike Lanes

Morning y'all and welcome to the blog...and a big shout out to our illustrious leader Tony Abbott for selling Australia to the world via the G20 Summit in Switzerland...(I thought that we were already selling China, Qatar, Singapore, Canadians, Americans, etc, etc-Ed)...that was going to be my joke...and I love his work about 'we need big governing, not big government'...(wow, a 7 word catchphrase, he really is expanding his vocabulary-Ed).

Unfortunately, the subtext of what he was saying could be quite fairly interpreted as 'there's a bit too much Democracy for my liking'...(you bloody hippy-Ed)...get stuffed, that entire speech was one glib catchphrase after another, and the sub-text was about hacking up Social Security and other government supports for business, etc, constantly referring to 'free trade' and how big business is going to save us all...(fair enough-Ed)...

But First: in reference to the article in yesterday's The Border Watch, Thursday 23rd January 2014, Ready-made bike track concept - Candidates eye disused rail corridor for potential cycling attraction....about how state election candidates Liberal Troy Bell and current Member Don Pegler agree that this would be a great idea...and I concur...great idea and not before time because...

Heeeyyyy! That's My Idea: (and several other people's-Ed)...well, quite, but still, heeeyyyyy!...which fat bastard has been repeatedly blogging about putting a bikelane/walkway along the Rail Easement through Mt Gambier by simply bitumenising between the tracks as they are now, thus providing safe East/West access right across town and avoiding compromising the Easement and the cost of replacing any infrastructure...(well that would be you-Ed)...damn straight...and furthermore, to utilise the unused easement between here and Bordertown as a Tourist attraction right through the South East.

I express my indignation on behalf of all those of us who have been calling for this 'plan' ever since Council was 'gifted' the Rail lands by the state government way, way back in late 2004/early 2005...calling for this as part of a Parkland...a Parkland that should already be well established, not another Council deceit that will never happen...(you mean the fake $10million Parkland Concept Plan that Council suddenly announced and launched in November 2011-Ed)...exactly...a lie then, a lie now...never going to happen.

(Given that a small group of vested interests operating through/with/as Council, treat that site as their own personal property do you think that that 'gifting' was the pay-off for senior past and present Council members apparent support for the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up?-Ed)...I have allowed myself that are of course referring to former Prime Minister Julia Gillard's statements when announcing the Child Abuse Royal Commission in November 2012...(exactly-Ed)...

("Acts of omission" and "those who have averted their eyes"-Ed)...averted their eyes, bollocks...does that list include those whom I've explained it to at length, in detail, often repeatedly, across a decade...(I think we've made our point-Ed)...every time.

Bicycle Tourists: love Australia because it's so flat...imagine the potential for a safe traffic-less bikeway/walking trail right through the South East...(that could go all the way through to link up with the Great Southern Walk near Portland-Ed)...brilliant Ed...a cycling/walking trail 300km+ from Bordertown to Portland...and today's letters section in The Border Watch (Friday 24th January 2014) is chockers with letters about exactly that sort of system of trails and tracks.

Bottomline, I don't care who gets it done so long as it does...this would be a major attraction for cycling tourists and I believe encourage many to try such an adventure when they can do it on 250km+ of designated track sans traffic...I can honestly see it becoming a family adventure to Cycle the South East...and if rail returns, just shift it along side if usage warrants.

(And I thought you hated bicyclists and wanted them banned from public places, etc?-Ed) come on, you're being mischievous...what's got into you today?...(I'm just feeling a little bit chipper, that's all...forget all the associated bullshit coming across the counter, our effort on Tuesday with the ABC was, well, hugely cathartic-Ed)...indeed...but I'm still not cool about that young woman getting caught in the middle...(fair enough-Ed)...anyways...I reckon I've blogged all this stuff and have been saying it for years, including the link from Bordertown and down...and what's more...

Tourist Train: to Penola is just something else that City Council deliberately killed off with all the usual bullying, harassment and aggression that typifies such Flat Wicket Bullies...mighty tough when the power is all with them, not so brave when someone stands up to them...(like you for example-Ed)...for example...killed off to facilitate the Rail Lands Retail Agenda, killed off along with a centralised Bus Terminus and an all-weather music Amphitheatre with sheltered plaza, etc...(why though?...the Tourist Train could have run from the Sheds just West of the main Rail lands site-)...maybe, don't know, no facilities or parking?...just telling it as it was told to me.

On Tour: Minister Assisting the Minister for Infrastructure (? I think, sorry) Liberal MP Jamie Briggs is visiting the South East to look at Drains and associated infrastructure, and is going to Pt Mac Donnell to check out the Federal investment in works down that way...but not one bloody word from him about rail...(nice segue-Ed)...ta...and meanwhilst, across the border...

Off With His Head: be what they sayeth at ye olde Victorian Labor Opposition after Liberal Emergency Services Minister Kym (?Kim) Wells went to the Australian Open tennis while fires were burning in the Grampians, etc...(he didn't?-Ed)...apparently so...(what a prick-Ed)...language Ed...and so did Minister for Sport Mr Delahunty (?Delahunte - sorry) but he was there in an "official capacity".

Local Government Association: Acting President Lorraine Rosenberg (?spelling) wants either party/government to come up with a Regional Plan...I'm not getting into this one today...but I will tomorrow, because it segues beautifully into...

Tomorrow: Fracking Protest at Penola

Went, talked to some people, heard some stuff...tomorrow...oh, and spoke to a couple of people who apparently are reading the blog, or at least bits of it...hilarious...tally-ho!

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Thursday, January 23, 2014

All Sorts Of Stuff and Some Nonsense

Hello Belarus, Malaysia, Canada, and the USofA...welcome to the blog...and again thanks for the feedback and support...particularly from the ABC...(you know sarcasm is the lowest form of humour?-Ed)...sure, but I'm being absolutely serious...what happened yesterday has raised a few chuckles and prompted others to observe that Stuart Stansfield's extraordinary response was indicative of the reality of who was at fault.

As observed to me, his little performance in throwing me out before I'd spoken a word, followed immediately by threats to call the police, etc, is very positive feedback that he at least is freakin' right out...and given that it was clearly a prepared strategy he had received instruction on conducting, his 'vested interest mates' who gave him the job, are equally dis-eased.

How Piss Weak Am I: that I feel genuinely bad for the poor young woman who got caught in the middle of Stuart's un-hinged carry-on, and in that context I apologise unreservedly to her...but as for the rest of you...particularly Beardy the Clown...if I thought you had the faintest idea what you were talking about I'd still think you're an idiot...(yeah, I noticed you shaved your beard off-Ed), that wasn't a beard, I just hadn't shaved for a few weeks...(sure-Ed)...

(And didn't Tim Gerritson dive for cover the moment he saw you come in-Ed)...indeed, just another ABC employee who knows all about the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and suffers from 'Fletcher Conscience' in that me simply being there confronts him with realities he'd rather not acknowledge and the truth about what he hasn't done. 

Beyond that I'd like to congratulate myself for handling the situation all but perfectly...I never swore or even raised my voice, everything that happened was Stuart unravelling...and when he 'called the police' I didn't flee the scene in fear, I stood there and waited, quietly confident in my truths.

We Tried: to save a small kitten that was hit by a car at the Bay Rd/Lake Tce intersection yesterday but it passed away before we got it to the Sturt St/Crouch St vets. I thought it was a dead bird with a wing flapping in the wind and it wasn't until we were right there that it was obvious as a badly injured cat. I stopped in the middle of the road just 'above' the intersection and thankyou to the bloke who stopped just behind my car to stop other cars running me over.

My child insisted that we go back and door knock but there was no-one home in neighbouring residences. It may have been a feral cat (no collar or microchip) but it also may have been someones family pet. If you know of someone in that area who has lost a small brindle kitten, could you please direct them to the vets.

WHY?: did I see a Mt Gambier City Council truck taking large chunks of rubble apparently from the Old Hospital Demolition site via the back road (?Keenan Dve)? I only saw one myself but allegedly there have been several. Is this Council removing 'Contaminated Waste' as per the exclusions from McMahon's Tender/Contract? Is this yet another example of City Council fudging the numbers to suit their own purpose by hiding 'Project Costs' in other areas of Council's budget as they did with the Main Corner Project?

Is this part of the entire Tender Process deceit where Council included a company who had effectively already withdrawn and then chose McMahon's (over a local company), citing how cheap they were, yet there were major exclusions in their Tender meaning there were effectively different Tenders? This 'removal' is no doubt a separate cost that will not appear on the final 'Demolition Cost'.   

ICAC Fallout: Not for City Council though, or I would suggest any Local Government body...I am aware that Member for Mt Gambier Don Pegler also received a 'close the file' letter because he has provided me a copy...ta...and it's only 3 lines long...(sorry? mean 3 paragraphs surely-Ed), 3 lines saying exactly the same as the letter to me but even sans any detail about what the alleged investigation was actually about.

I appreciate that Mr Pegler has provided me this letter as being part of an appropriate process but I have included it below because the only person, organisation or authority actually mentioned is...(no, no, let me guess...a large, angry hippy-Ed) letter is further evidence that the ICAC has no intention of addressing the gross corruption it claims to have investigated, but rather is wholly subscribed to the 'Nick Fletcher's a whinging bastard' strategy...

(So you're suggesting that the ICAC is not just a vacuous waste of time and taxpayers money that is entirely compromised and fundamentally corrupted but is acting deliberately to attack you  and discredit you...don't you think that's being a tad paranoid and more than a little narcissistic?-Ed), not one bit...look at the issues I've covered in this blog and there is a clearly defined strategy to avoid the issues and mangle the messenger...and it's failing miserably.

As you can see it 'refers' to Mr Pegler's "report...arising from a complaint made to you by Mr Nick Fletcher"...(oh gord, not that idiot-Ed)...indeed, not one word about the issues or the people supposedly investigated, just more 'Nick Fletcher complains and makes allegations and he's wrong, wrong, wrong'...more on this later.

Council Bullies: I recently heard the story of a family who lost their business and home as the result of the behaviours of their Council. This sorry tale has all the elements; deceitful and aggressive conduct by the Council involved, and promises of support and resolution from the appropriate authorities that have dissolved away to unanswered emails, etc. Sorry to be so vague on details but I promised to not discuss this case further than this, but I have invited those involved to come onto the blog...hopefully more to come.

Too Little, Too Late: Current Labor leader Bill Shorten has expressed "regret" that Labor dumped thousands of single parents off their support payments and back onto the ludicrously inadequate NewStart Allowance...I'm sure those thousands of generally single mums are absolutely thrilled that Billy's sorry and now the stress and pain and suffering caused will all go magically away...(to be replaced with Unicorns and buttercups-Ed)...indeed.

Ngarkat: Perhaps it's just because it's a just such a memorable name that it seems like every year that a fire gets started in the Ngarkat National Park and then spreads out to burn neighbouring land. ..(it's not every year, but yes quite often-Ed)...and the usual concern is that the fuel load in the Park is not properly  managed...these are concerns I share but re the Lakes Area here in Mt Gambier.

Channel 7 Today Tonight ran a story (Tuesday?) about the proposed/approved Palmer Wind Turbine Industrial Estate that showed a local landowner who had declined to have Turbines on his land, costing him several $100,000 in subsidies/rental. More on Turbines tomorrow.

Say Cheese: The airwaves are awash with the news that the Warnnambool Cheese and Butter takeover race is effectively run and now finally won by Canadian company Saputo who have established a 50.7% and therefore controlling interest. Murray Goulburn are reported to have withdrawn their bid.

Pardon the scatter gun approach today but I just wanted to get some things covered.

Tomorrow: Wind Turbines and Fracking

Welcome to the New Limestone Coast...Fracking pollution in every Aquifer and massive Turbines as far as the eye can see.

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

ICAC Clears Pretty Much Everybody

Hello and welcome to the blog...apparently there's no need for me to blog anymore, particularly about Mt Gambier City Council, because the Independent Commission Against Corruption has checked it all out and everything's just peachy, honest...(well that, or the ICAC is as rabidly corrupted as the people it's supposed to investigate and sanction-Ed)...yes, well.

But First: Yay for me because today marks one year of The Mount Gambier Independent...(no?-Ed)...yep, well actually yesterday, but a year...385+ posts across one whole year...yay.

I note that as a result of that state's ICAC, the New South Wales Liberal government is moving to cancel contracts re the Hunter Valley Coal licenses awarded as part of the corrupt dealings of former Labor bullyboy, I mean power broker, Eddie Obeid...(those contracts have been cancelled on Monday-Ed)...oh South Australia, the ICAC can't find the elephant sitting on their lap.

I refer to the 3 recent posts re this letter and how it excuses everybody whilst calling me a 'complainer'. Dated Monday 13th January 2014, I received it Friday 17th January 2014, but the date is not as important as the timing...the letter was sent in the week that the Old Hospital Demolition is completed...the ICAC has waited until the demolition is over and then said everything's dot pointing the 7 sentences of the ICAC letter (attached).

1) Wording is critical. This letter supports MP Don Pegler and the Ombudsman as acting correctly, and what they do is make "reports"...but me, having written to the appropriate people (as above), I have made "complaints"...(so why aren't your 'reports' to the above people reports? became aware of specific acts of malfeasance and reported them...why are they "complaints"?-Ed)...because "reports" infers correctness, credibility, and authority, but "complaints" is just some idiot having a whinge...(not just some idiot, a very special idiot-Ed)...ta...

Note the use of "Complaints" in the letter's 'title'...again, this is used to stigmatise everything that follows, to cast it in a specific light.

 2) Don't identify and/or address the issues but loosely identify those 'investigated' just enough for those people to be able to be excused of anything and everything. How many people, even in Mt Gambier, would know who Councillors and the former CEO actually are? This just gives Council and Greg Muller the opportunity to be excused specifically by the subsequent declarations about "no evidence".

And make it all about me. This is exactly what Council CEO Mark McShane did with his secret report about me released through The Border Watch - exonerate Councillor Ian Von Stanke but not state what for, and lots of 'Nick Fletcher complained, then he complained some more, then he complained about everybody, but he's wrong about everything.'

I am aware as fact that several other people contacted Don Pegler's office about the Old Hospital Demolition Contract, but that cannot be acknowledged because that would give these "complaints" credence whilst proving that it's not just me whinging about the corruption rampant in Mt Gambier City Council...and again, I haven't made "complaints", I've notified the appropriate authorities of actual events...

3) "Complaints" again, that then become "allegations"...again language designed to further undermine the credibility of what is being discussed/reported and move the discussion away from investigating actual events that have actually happened, to making these events a construct of my opinion unsupported by factual evidence. I've 'alleged' nothing, I've stated the facts as I have witnessed them.

I reported the gross nepotism and insider trading of the Main Corner Project, eg, Mayor Steve Perryman and Councillor Des Mutton's son being the only 2 Tenders to run the facility, with it going to Lachlan Mutton for free...and the $350,000 that then CEO Greg Muller misappropriated from that project...and Mayor Perryman excusing himself from the Demolition vote citing a 'Conflict of Interest' re Accommodation with a Tender applicant.  

Note the 'stepping-down' in credibility from "reports" to "complaints" to "allegations". The letter starts at 'reports' and ends at 'allegations'.

4) Again my "allegations"...(all of them-Ed)...indeed...have all been "carefully investigated by my office under my direction", 'my' being Commissioner Bruce Lander. So everything has been thoroughly dealt with at the highest level...(well they're high alright-Ed)...ah, come on Ed...under the watchful eye of the boss...couldn't get a more comprehensive investigation than that...(well he would have had to have a controlling, hands-on role in the 'investigation' to make absolutely sure it went exactly where he and his employers, the Weatherill Labor government, wanted-Ed)...indeed.

So dismantle my credibility by referring to factual recounts of actual events as  "complaints" and "allegations", and then build up the supposed credibility of the alleged investigation.

5) I spoke to the ICAC twice to organise a meeting, and we met at Metro Cafe for less than an hour on Wednesday 23rd October 2013...They claimed to be already aware of Mayor Perryman's COI declaration in the Council Minutes and I suggested they might check his phone records, but I don't recall them taking many if any notes, there was no formal statement, nothing...and that was it...that was the investigation. I don't know who else they spoke to and I never heard from them again until this letter, received Friday 17th January 2014.

6) Again with the "allegations" and surprise, surprise there's "no evidence"...not nuffin'...(but those 3 things you stated in point 3, those are actual events that actually happened-Ed)...yep, that's the concern...these are some of the things that the ICAC has supposedly investigated and found to be absolutely just fine...

This is appropriate, ICAC sanctioned behaviour from Mt Gambier City Council, Mayor Perryman, and Greg Muller...according to ICAC, rank nepotism, insider trading, and theft are all ok.

7) Close the shrekin' file...what a joke...ICAC has given a public, official green light to unrestricted corruption in City Council...(oh, so it's just business as usual then-Ed)...nice.

This letter is a farcical joke from a laughable government run agency, doing the government's bidding, and now fully involved in the rank corruption of Mt Gambier City Council and by direct association the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...this is your ICAC that's going to sort everything out. 

I'm not done with these clowns yet, but that's enough for today, and so...

Tomorrow: The Wind Turbines Stuff

And probably some other stuff as well...I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Nick Fletcher Gets Thrown Out Of ABC Office

Howdy and welcome to the blog and a re-count of one of the most bizarre exchanges I've ever had...with anyone...(and you've had some angry, angry people spitting their vitriole in your face-Ed)...well, usually down the phone, but quite...but today's little effort from the ABCs Stuart Stansfield is a gold-plated classic...if it weren't so very serious it would be achingly hilarious.

Apologies for shunting the Independent Commission Against Corruption post, but whatta' ya' do? And actually it relates directly to the ICAC because that is why I was at the ABC Mt Gambier office, delivering a copy of the ICAC letter covered in the last 3 posts. I also took a copy to The Border Watch newspaper.

This is not an act of intimidation or harassment, I simply wanted to make sure that those copies were physically in those offices so that no-one can deny that they are aware of the alleged ICAC investigation re Mt Gambier City Council and the ludicrous outcome, exonerating Council of pretty much anything and/or everything.

Given the continuous criticisms and allegations that have plagued Council re the Main Corner and Old Hospital Demolition..(you mean that you've plagued them with-Ed)...well, largely, but there have been others calling for an Audit of the Main Corner, even via The Border Watch, eg, even columnist Graham Greenwood who is a fierce supporter of Council...(true, true-Ed)...given the public interest in this story I have taken it to the local media as such.

(But that letter says that you're wrong, the supposed ultimate authority in the state says you're wrong, about basically everything that you've ever blogged...why would you hand it to these people who are just looking for an excuse to give you a supposedly justifiable public booting?-Ed)...exactly...this is without question one of the biggest news stories in the South East outside of the bushfires in Ngarkat National Park...(waaah?-Ed).

Well, this is 100% a genuine public interest story that shows Mt Gambier City Council to be completely without fault across a series of controversial issues...(absolutely, I concur-Ed)...and I've always said that if I'm wrong I'll publicly apologise and withdraw my claims...(true-Ed)...and I'm currently banned off ABC Talkback Radio and out of TBW...(also true-Ed) it is encumbent of me to make the media aware of this critical issue...(fair enough-Ed)...but I can't wait to see how they handle it without giving me a mention.    

(Ahh, so providing this letter is the responsible and correct thing to do...the fact that the ABC and TBW will find it so problematic is just a pleasant bonus-Ed)...exactly...let's see how their collective commitment to trying to cut me out of the local media and therefore limit my influence fairs up against the
public interest and right to know and this opportunity to concurrently trash me whilst praising up Council...(fascinating-Ed)...oh I've not started yet.

When I went into the ABC Studio/office I stood at the counter and there was Stuart Stansfield right across the room talking to a couple of others, and there was a woman with her back turned at the desk just in front of me...she was just turning to talk to me when Stuart broke off from his huddle, came round the desks, and approached the 'service window'...I was expecting a terse 'whatta' you want' or something similar but Stuart opened with "Please leave the building"...(no?-Ed)...dead set.

I hadn't actually opened my mouth yet, he just went straight off the deep end...I said, "What?', and he repeated himself 'leave the building'...(and so much anger, so much rage-Ed)...yeah, he's mighty tough from the other end of a phone line or the other side of a counter...anyhoos, I asked "why?" response, just "I've told you to leave the building."

Whilst I was obviously shocked by this extraordinary conduct, I remained calm and stated directly to Stuart that he needed to find some other place to deal with his yelling, no threats, no nothing...just you've got a problem Stuart and you need to sort it out and this isn't the place to do it...he responded with "I'm calling the police" and moved to the nearest desk and picked up the phone, "I've told you to leave the building".

So I said "OK I'm leaving, I'm just here to drop off this letter from the ICAC about City Council corruption"..."Just leave it and get out, I'm calling the police."...(you know if I hadn't been there I'd struggle to believe it-Ed)...fair enough...anyway, he threatened me a third time "I'm calling the police". "I'm dialling" said Stuart, and he waved his hand at the phone, "Get out of the building" I said "go ahead, I'll wait here" and just addressed the woman sitting there, "Excuse me miss, I have this letter about the ICAC and Council" and placed the copy on their side of the reception desk...

I was talking to the woman who was now facing me, when Stuart repeated his 'police threat' again, put the phone down, stepped across, and vehemently slammed shut the sliding glass window on the counter...but not before some bearded clown sitting there, whom I've never met before and therefore has no idea what he was involved in, stated dismissively to me, "Ah, just get out (mate?)"...(quite extraordinary-Ed)...

With the thick window slammed shut I don't know if they could hear me, but Stuart went back to the phone, and I said "I'll just wait outside" (for the police)...(and you did, didn't you?-Ed)...absolutely...(and the letter?-Ed)...was shut on their side of the window...(hilarious-Ed).

The whole exchange took approx 45 seconds...I was at the counter for approx 10 seconds before Stuart even opened his took him less than 10 seconds to threaten me with the police, had the phone in his hand moments later...had slammed the window shut within another 10, and then I walked out...45 seconds is probably being was clearly a prepared strategy.

I went back across the road to my car and made a couple of quick phonecalls just in case the cops did show up and try and arrest me...but I stayed there, standing on the footpath, and waited...4-5 minutes later a police car cruised past headed south and the sole occupant was on his mobile phone and looking at me as he rolled by...rolled past, up over the rise, and gone...(could be a coincidence...maybe Stuart never called-Ed)...maybe...I waited another 5 minutes, nothing happened, so I took the letter around to TBW.

There is no doubt that Stuart had sought and/or received instruction as to how to try and discredit me, manufacture an 'incident', and possibly get me arrested...(are you sure?-Ed)...absolutely...'please leave' was the first thing he said, followed by 'I've told you to leave', and immediately into 'I'm calling the police'...and he kept repeating 'I've told you to leave'...establish the command, repeatedly identify the failure to follow that command, call the police...(strewth, you're right-Ed).

It was a deliberate construct that he had ready to go for just such an occasion, designed to deny me any opportunity to engage in whatever issue by opening with the command to leave, and then seconds later 'I've told you to leave'...which then justifies the "I'm calling the police"...and boy was he an angry little bunny.

And this is the exact sort of public abuse that the Lutherans visited on myself and other parents in is designed to infer a fault in and/or potential threat from the person being abused...any 'ignorant' third parties, such as those in the ABC office, have seen their boss go instantly nutso at the large man at the counter, demanding he leave the building...surely that large man must be guilty of something and/or potentially dangerous, etc, for this supposedly respected public figure to react so vehemently and quickly.

It is an old strategy that I have had used against me many times, eg, Mayor Steve Perryman berating me and abusing me and trying to pick fights with me at the Council Budget Consultation Meetings last year...and how'd that work out for ya' Steve?...'cause I see those little old ladies and gentlemen in the street and they smile and say wasn't me that ended up looking like an idiot.

In conclusion, merely for speaking the truth, I am now banned off ABC TalkBack Radio, banned from TBW, and I guess, banned from the ABC Studio/office...(oh good to make friends and influence people-Ed)...I may not be making any friends, but by crikey I'm sure as heck influencing their behaviour...can you imagine Stuart behaving like that toward anyone else?...(no, no I really are quite special-Ed)...well thankyou Ed, but again it's not specifically about me, rather what I'm saying...attacking me like this is the only defense when confronted with the indefensible.

I'll finish here but I'm sure there's more to come re this little incident...

Tomorrow: ICAC, Housekeeping, and Feedback

And stuff...I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters.

Monday, January 20, 2014

ICAC Exonerates Mt Gambier City Council

Howdy y'all and welcome to the blog...and particularly to all those in Moldova whom have apparently taken a liking to the blog this week...(could be they're just laughing at it-Ed)...possibly, but given that I sometimes try to be a bit funny, that wouldn't be all bad...(fair enough-Ed)...and speaking of laughable, again today please find attached below the letter from the Independent Commission Against Corruption...(oh, nice segue sir-Ed)...ta, one does what one can...

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that this action by the ICAC...(or rather lack of-Ed)...indeed...that this alleged investigation of "Complaints against City of Mt Gambier" is the first investigation by the ICAC of a Local Government body and allegations of corruption...I'll try to check...this is surely a critical issue leading into the March state election...the ICAC hasn't failed at the first hurdle, it hasn't even got that's meandered out of the barrier, wandered over to the rail for a spot of grazing, burped, coughed, farted, produced a steaming crop of mule-muffins, and then plodded off toward the Steward's office saying "what race?".      

But First: some great news...according to the Comsec Report (on ABC Radio this morning) South Australia's economy is the best in the nation of Oz, leading on several indicators and...(pssst-Ed)...sorry, and this makes my criticisms about...(pssssst-Ed)...what?...(you've got it upside down-Ed)...what?...(upside down-Ed)...oh, so that means SA is last on most indicators and well, last overall?...(um, yep, I think Tasmania's actually last, but close, sorry-Ed) no, it's not your fault Ed...but I was happier when I was wrong...again.

And More Good News: yet another free bus service to operate around Adelaide, running through North Adelaide and into the city, specifically to service the Adelaide more free stuff for Adelaide and in Mt Gambier we still can't even get a basic bloody service on weekends, public holidays, or outside business that's just great...(wow, you ought to take up motivational speaking...or maybe not-Ed).

Two posts back I used the ol' 'can't see the elephant in the room' metaphor, ie, when someone deliberately ignores the obvious...(or is so wholly ignorant of the facts they can't see them-Ed)...quite...and by placing the observer inside said elephant I illustrated a perfect example of the fine art of Weasel Words, and why wording of questions is so important...'can you see the elephant?' - 'no'...whilst this may be strictly true due to how dark it is inside an elephant, it's deliberately avoiding the intent of the question.

A better question might be...'are you aware of an elephant in the room?'...some famous examples of Weasel Words are 1) when then Premier Mike Rann was snouted with a rolled up magazine by an irate husband for allegedly having an affair with a Parliament House staffer, the man's wife...when asked if he knew the man, Mike Rann stated emphatically "I've never met that man before in my life."...whilst this might have been strictly true, Mikey boy knew exactly who it was and why he'd snouted him...(go on, say it, I know you're dying to-Ed)...ta, 'Down sir, off my wife'.

2) And closer to home, City Council's Operational Services Director Daryl Sexton and his squirmy Weasel Wording in response to my questioning at Council's Budget 'Consultation' meetings last year re the 2009 Council re-zoning of the Old Rail Lands to Retail/Commercial (previous posts)...he repeatedly stated that 'no, Council has not re-zoned that to Retail', but when I changed the question specifically from 'Retail' to simply 'has the site been re-zoned?', he answered 'yes, but not Retail'...

Under further questioning, 'what have you rezoned it to?'...City Centre (DS)...'what does that mean?', Retail/Commercial/Parkland (DS)...'so that means yes the site has been re-zoned to allow Retail?'...yes (DS)...I wasn't asking the right questions, which allowed Daryl to Weasel Word his way around the truth...he knew exactly what I was asking but did everything he could to avoid answering the question...and when I did ask the right questions he was quickly backed into a corner and, bingo, out pops the truth.

So it is with the ICAC letter below, a deliberate attempt to manipulate the facts away from the truth and into a context where I am the problem...(ohhh you haven't been complaining again, have you?-Ed)...well, I thought I was just identifying rank malfeasance by City Council and it's various representatives and directing those observations to the relevant authorities for appropriate action...(you stupid, stupid man-Ed)

Damn, even now I can see that this is going to blow out to a fourth post...(oh boy-Ed)...sorry...and then of course there's the 'please explain' letters that I'm writing to the ICAC and MP Don Pegler asking why he didn't mention in his 'report' to the Office of Public Integrity the several other people who contacted him/his office re the insider trading and nepotism re the Old Hospital Demolition Contract and several other issues..."....both reports arose from complaints made by you..."

(I'm sure that's just a clerical oversight on the part of the OPI and/or ICAC...or perhaps they can't identify other complainants-Ed)...possible, but no...that's about making it all about Nick Fletcher, The Complainer...even that language, 'complaint', is specifically used to cast a negative inference, as too is 'allegations'...'complaints and allegations' deliberately cast back onto the person who might be, for example, expressing his concerns about gross malfeasance in Local Government that he has personally witnessed, for example, Mayor Steve Perryman excusing himself from a Council vote citing a 'Conflict of Interest' about Accommodation with one of the Tenders for the Hospital Demolition contract.

That's not a complaint, that's not an allegation, that's a statement of fact cited, albeit with altered wording, in Council's own Minutes for the meeting Tuesday 17th September 2013...Mayor Perryman mumbles his way out of the room saying 'Conflict of Interest'...this was also witnessed by state Liberal candidate Troy Bell...another example: the $350,000 dollars taken/stolen from Council by then CEO, currently highly superfluous but still highly payed 'Consultant', Greg Muller...$350,000...not my complaint, not my allegation, a fact as raised by a Councillor in Council.    

These are some of the things that the ICAC has allegedly investigated and either cannot see or has found to be okey-dokes...(I...I'm a little lost for words...and don't the ICAC read the blog?-Ed)...that's what they told me...(so where does that leave the St Martins Abuse Cover-up Issue?...and all the other things covered in the blog-Ed) idea...all I know is that yet again I have had my co-operation and respect and patience used against me for an outcome that is a laughable disaster for Mt Gambier. 

Personally, I don't care about this letter because it's exactly what I expected, clearly predicted on the's the screaming green light to the corruption, nepotism, insider trading, etc, of Mt Gambier City Council that concerns me...if you think they've been blatant about if before now, I unfortunately predict that it will only get worse...get ready for a $1m Cafe at the Old Hospital, run by a Councillor's relative.

So sorry to drag this out over 4 (and possibly 5) posts so tomorrow I'll just start dot pointing each paragraph matched with the various observations I've covered in detail across the last 3 posts...thankyou for your patience, but I believe that this is an absolutely critical issue...this ICAC is the organisation that's supposedly going to sort out South Australia and it can't find any corruption in Mt Gambier City Council...(it's like not being able to find an elephant from the inside-Ed)...nice.

Tomorrow: ICAC Final Post

Well re this particular letter, but I'd suggest there's plenty more to come.

I am Nick Fletcher and 'Yes, I'm the Great Complainer' and this is my blog...cheers and laters.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Ferreting About With Weasel Words

Good afternoon at approx 1445hrs ACDST (Australian Central Daylight Saving Time) and welcome to the blog...and call me Warren 'cos we're garn' ferret'n'...(whaaa?-Ed)...we're sending the ferrets down the hole after the know, ferreting...(ah, hence 'call me Warren'-Ed)...absolutely...and because I'm referencing it again today, please find attached the same letter as yesterday's post.

But First: I will cover the Penola Fracking  and Lake Bonney Wind Turbine issues tomorrow, so hang in there if you're keen to see them...oh, and some Rail Lands stuff...I would also like to acknowledge the dozens of volunteer fire fighters who have exhausted themselves across South Australia and Victoria in the past week...(some of whom have had to be hospitalised-Ed)...indeed...and reports that hundreds more civilians have been hospitalised across South East Australia, with authorities predicting dozens of directly related deaths over the next few weeks. 

And again last week, Country Fire Service units assisted Metropolitan units to combat yet another fire at the Wingfield dump north of Adelaide. I re-iterate that I fail to see why volunteers should not be covered by insurance as are their professional very much reeks of the 'who gives a rat's about the Country' attitude that defines the majority of South Australia's state parliament.

Poppy Crops and Balderdash: 1) Once a sole preserve of Tasmanian agriculture, Opium Poppy crops are now being grown on the mainland...this being for pharmaceutical applications, eg, morphine...not sure where it was exactly and they certainly won't be advertising it I wouldn't think, but one assumes it would need to be in the South East climate area.

2) Absolute balderdash coming out of the state Independents this week, bleating about how the Liberals (currently Opposition) need to 'treat me right baby'...including an ABC Local Radio interview with Member for Mt Gambier Don Pegler where he was asked 3 times whether or not he'd accept a Ministry to support a particular party, etc...'oh no no, I'm here to represent the people of Mt Gambier, blah, blah, blah' (paraphrase)...I didn't catch where interviewer Stan Thompson identified from which party Mr Pegler would be accepting said Ministry.

Balderdash all round...this interview was a vehicle for Mr Pegler to try and plead his alleged independence in a situation where he is actually 100% Labor stooge, operating as a pseudo-Labor candidate, elected on Labor preferences, after a long and definable history of collusion between the Labor party and Grant District Council...Independent my hat...and for the Independents to complain because the Liberals are targeting their seats...

How's about you allegedly Independent clowns do a little less apologising and promoting for the Labor party, and a little something, anything really, for the people in the electorates you claim to represent...and  don't get me wrong, I think the Liberals are a right pack of shreks as well, and any apparent 'support' I might display for them starts and stops with Troy Bell, and even then, strictly in the context of the current candidates for the seat of Mt Gambier...(that is quite specific-Ed)...

Having said that, I must acknowledge that a senior citizen I know lives in Independent MP Bob Such's electorate in Adelaide's southern suburbs, and thinks that Mr Such is pretty good as far as his own electorate is concerned, if somewhat less enthusiastic about his role as a state politician...but I digress...

Fretting About The Ferreting: not really, I just liked the title...I believe that anyone who has read the relevant posts will not need to have it spelled out to them, and indeed I've identified it many times, but the attached letter from the Independent Commission Against Corruption is chockers full of Weasel Words, full of carefully worded insinuation...the sort of linguistic manipulation that has been used again and again and again to try and make me The Problem, particularly when it comes to the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up.   

Also in previous posts, the concerns I have with 1) the whole ICAC farce, it's structure, instigation, etc, 2) the actions of Mayor Steve Perryman, City Council, former CEO Greg Muller, etc, re various extraordinary conducts, eg, gross nepotism and Insider Trading, and 3) how the St Martins Cover-up is the one issue they will all agree to ignore, with their corrupted profiting their own long as nobody mentions St Martins, you can all be as crooked as you like...

I completely reject and renounce for the corrupt farce that it is, this ICAC Decree of Absolution for Mt Gambier City Council, because that's exactly what they're trying to create...ICAC have supposedly looked at all of the nepotism and insider trading and bullying and harassment and general corruption of Mt Gambier City Council and have given them a great big certificate that says 'Nick Fletcher is wrong, wrong, wrong, and so now you can threaten him with defamation some more', love and kisses, Mike Rann and the ICAC...

Please note the stark similarities in this letter and the 'secret' Council report/The Border Watch article where Councillor Ian Von Stanke came to my home, Council ignored my complaint, etc, where the language is all about me and my complaining...(Nick Fletcher just complains about everything-Ed)...oh, is Nick Fletcher complaining again?...(there's no substance to it at all, it's just Nick Fletcher complaining-Ed)...oh yes, it's what he does don't you know.

And I wouldn't be surprised if this letter, that I have provided, is used by someone to try and have my posts taken down or even the whole blog...indeed, as just stated, that's exactly what I think that this joke of a letter is is a vague yet omnisubjective, supposed absolution for all concerned...nobodies done anything wrong with anything, which by inference makes pretty much everything I've blogged about across the past 12 months wrong by direct inference...

I can hear the bleating now as assorted corrupt public officials run about in small circles waving that ICAC missive in the air...'Err, look, the ICAC says I'm completely innocent of the malicious allegations in  The Mt Gambier Independent...errr, Nick Fletcher must be stopped from spreading his lies and insinuations and innuendo'...(mate, I don't see much 'insinuation' or 'innuendo' in this my experience it's pretty much ball-kicking clarity...and bloody-mindedly accurate to boot-Ed)...thankyou, I'll take that as a compliment. 

(Following that train of thought, did you ever consider that you were provided this letter by the ICAC because they knew you would blog it, and therefore they've set you up to publish the instrument of your own doom...they've got you to hand out to all these clowns, who are monitoring the blog whether they'll admit it or not, the letter that, as you've identified, says Nick Fletcher is wrong?-Ed)...oh absolutely's what I'd do.

And it wouldn't surprise me at all if all involved have been dutifully informed and have their lawyers on speed dial just waiting to leap on that letter...'errr, look, the right honourable ICAC has completely exonerated my client...fetch the pitchforks!'...

Sorry to go off on such a tangent, but I honestly believe that there is at least a degree of truth in what I'm saying and therefore I'm going to call it as such...whether the ICAC and associates are trying to set me up?...whatevs...the undeniable reality is that this letter is about saying that Nick Fletcher is wrong, and I'd be massively surprised if someone doesn't try to use it, or the general finding, in that context.

And there will now be a third post tomorrow because I'd like to really go into the meat of the matter and really spell out the specific wording and how it's used, etc, so...

Tomorrow: FAWWW Part II

(Orhhh, you promised Turbines and stuff-Ed)...yeah, sorry, but please indulge me because I think this is fairly important...(fair enough-Ed)...

I am Nick "The Problem" Fletcher...and this is my blog...cheers and laters...