Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Confusion Reigns Supreme

Hello world and welcome to the blog...if you think I'm confused then you should see me...(hilarious-Ed)...but seriously, I can today offer only short, sharp confusion and contradicting conspiracy theorising...(ah, so the standard fare-Ed)...yeah, fair enough...and yet...

Yes I am an angry oldish hippy with a very low opinion of some of the people I screechingly berate via this blog...(ironic that those you consider 'low', still manage to look down on you-Ed)...well observed, but I'm not sure that's 'irony'...on the blog I do try to keep my opinion reasonably informed and yet well identified separate to actual facts.

For example, it is fact that at the Council meeting Tuesday 17th September 2013 there were two items voted on right at the end of the night, the Laundry Issue and the Old Hospital Demolition Contract, after more than 2 hours of other 'business', and that I cannot find those items listed in the public copy of the Agenda as provided by Council at the meeting.

It is my opinion that Council deliberately ran a super long meeting in the hope that the audience of three (myself included) would give up and leave, and I nearly had, not least of all because these 2 items were not listed to be heard...why were these two issues not listed?...

How many interested people/parties didn't attend that meeting at all because they checked the Agenda and saw no mention of these items?...call me paranoid, but I find it very hard to believe that this glaring omission was by accident...

I think the only brief mention of the Old Hospital is in the 'Business Arising Table' with one sentence about a 'Rescission of Land Management Agreement' between the City of Mount Gambier and two companies (whom I think were the building owners prior to Boots ownership) re Lot 200 Lake Terrace West, but the words Old Hospital are not used...I believe this Old Hospital site 'Recission' was mentioned at Council's meeting in June and/or July 2013.

It is also fact that when the Demolition Contract vote was held, Mayor Steve Perryman excused himself with a 'Conflict of Interest' re 'Accommodation' and the 'Tenderer'...I have covered this in previous posts, including my immediate attempt to verify what I had just witnessed with the two other people present, one of whom was state Liberal candidate Troy Bell.

Out of necessity and as a matter of courtesy, I have contacted Troy Bell to ask that he confirm what happened at that Council meeting 17/09/2013, and he has confirmed Mayor Perryman's COI statement and exit re the Demolition Contract...and as I have previously stated, he was unable to state exactly what Mayor Perryman said because it was mostly mumbled... 

And again, I take full and sole responsibility for the content of this blog, but I consider as a factual recount of that conversation 17/09/2013 that; Mayor Perryman declared a COI about 'accommodation' re the Demolition Tender....which was then awarded to McMahons...

It is also fact that I have not contacted either Council or Mayor Perryman about this...I consider this a pointless waste of time given that Council has previously taken many months to either ignore or dismiss my letters/inquiries...and then instead publish a 'secret' report about me via The Border Watch...and Mayor Perryman's penchant for trying to pick fights with me in public meetings. Please see previous posts.

What happened on 17/09/2013 is irrefutable, and with the Demolition due to start in days, it requires an immediate external review...therefore;

It is fact that I have lodged a written 'complaint' with the Member for Mt Gambier Don Pegler and the State Ombudsman re this 'Conflict of Interest' and the apparent possibility of inappropriate conduct by Mayor Steve Perryman and McMahons Services...and whilst I have eventually received a response from the Ombudsman I don't know exactly what is happening or likely to happen or even whom will be doing that something that I don't know what it is...or if I'm even allowed to talk about it...(man, now I'm confused-Ed)... 

Mr Pegler has been good enough to keep me informed as to the progress of my complaint to him, but even then I'm still at a loss to explain exactly what is happening...or even if I'm allowed to talk about it...

I have contacted the Ombudsman for a clarification of what is happening...if they are allowed to tell me...

I note that there were numerous McMahon personnel on site today, and it has been put to me that they are not staying at Mayor Perryman's Presidential Motel...or at least some of them aren't...and if this is true then it could well be because of my 'bloggage' effectively forcing the issue, or it could be that I am completely wrong...(but what about the 'Accommodation' COI thingy from the Council meeting?-Ed)...well, exactly...

Unfortunately I cannot be any clearer about these issues, but I am trying to do what I can with what I have, with genuine intent...and I remain confident that something inappropriate has occurred re that Demolition Contract...and there is no question that this money leaving Mt Gambier will have a devastating effect on local business...and therefore, on both counts, action must be taken...

Unfortunately, for all I have done, I have no idea whether or not I've actually achieved anything...so I won't apologise for trying, but I may well soon be apologising for failing...(there, there big fella-Ed).

Tomorrow: Health Cuts, Justice Access, and Disability Services

And all three together as one, being the equitable provision of Court Services for Disabled people...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...here's to actually knowing something...anything'll do...laters...

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