Sunday, October 6, 2013

Nice Day For A Travel Allowance Wedding

Hello Brazil, Ukraine, Malaysia, and France...short holiday post...and there's no escaping out of the 'wombat hole' described in previous posts about a complaint that I'm not sure that I can even mention let alone explain, to an organisation that I'm not sure I can even mention let alone identify...whatta' loada' bollocks...

There's certainly no leaving the wombat hole for this Secret Squirrel, just running over the same old ground like one lost soul swimming in a fish bowl until it's Ground Hog day repeatedly and like deja vu all over again...(wahhh?-Ed)...same crap, different day...

But I did hear part of an interview on the completely impartial BBC World Service, about a British government authority (didn't catch the name) that reviews Surveillance Applications and handles Appeals, information Requests, etc, and how it's grossly understaffed so that other government agencies make 'en masse' applications that get cursory examination and are usually approved...

And it has bizarre secrecy legislation that means that publicly nothing much is known about their dealings, hearings, etc, including complainants seeking their own information who don't get to attend  or even have legal representation attend at hearings...and various vaguely defined powers to 'suppress' information, etc...and they are so secretive most people don't even know they South Oz isn't the only place with super Secret Squirrel legislation in play...

Feedback: I understand if my letter of yesterday was a little emotive for some, but I ask that you consider that it was not the carefully contrived obfuscative creation of a lawyer or a politician, but the very deliberately pointed letter of a father...a very angry father...and for that I will not, cannot apologise...(go big fella'-Ed)...

Federal Politics: Labor is still choosing a new leader and Bill Shorten was first cab off the rank, the 'faceless man' looking to be the new face of Labor, and Anthony Albanese reckons that Bill is such a good candidate for leader that Albo is also running for leader...(wahhh?-Ed)...and Acting Leader Chis Bowen says that they are both's great to see that Labor are all getting along so well...

(So if I've got this right, the Acting Leader says that the two actual Leadership candidates are terrific, and they fully support each other's candidacy?-Ed)...correct...(and this is going to sort out their leadership carnage-Ed)...correct again...(the Acting leader and the two Leadership candidates, and this is going to sort things-Ed)...yes, I don't see what you're saying...(there are three people currently not the actual Labor leader-Ed)...ahhh, I think I get're concerned that this will only lead to more problems down the track...

You're concerned that Chris may have tasted the glory whilst the other two duke it out, and these things are highly problematic when it comes to future leadership issues...Is there going to be relentless leadership shenanigans from two or even three camps?...

But wait, we can cross now to the press conference and a statement from Chris Bowen on this leadership issue, "My precious, they shan't have my precious"...oh dear...

Barnaby's Choice: was apparently to claim some sort of Travel Allowance after traveling to a wedding in India and then jetting around Asia, all done in Gina Rinehart's private jet...onya Barnaby Joyce, man of the people...and I'd like to see your street, suburb, whatevs sold to offence to Indonesia or anyone else but Australia is not for sale...least ways, it shouldn't be...and what really pisses me off is that I was actually nice about Barnaby in a previous post...

And Foreign Minister Julie Bishop also claimed for flying back from the same wedding and I think went there on the same jet...and Prime Minister Tony Abbott has just repaid for claiming for a wedding...and Arthur Sinodinas...and that was Barnaby too...ah, what the hell, it's only money...

USA Economy Turns Turtle: the Republicans and Democrats are still at loggerheads...(is that it?-Ed)...yeah, just the turtle joke...(what, nothing about the stalemate due to conflict about President Obama's 'Free Health Program'?-Ed) the shut down of 'non-essential' government services like Park Rangers and therefore parks, etc?-Ed)...mmm, no...(and the $300million+ it is costing the US economy daily?-Ed)...nuh...(fair enough-Ed)...

And besides, the turtle joke is heaps better than the one I was working on about the Tea Party bagging Obama's plan...(Tea Party Bagging...nice-Ed)...what can I say, it's a gift...

That's all for this brief holiday post and damn my child who has just rung and politely informed me that my hilarious Tea Party Bagging joke has already been done on Colbert, and the Late Show with John Stewart, etc...whatevs...

Tomorrow: DeBelle Goes Round and Round

The latest DeBelle stuff and more attempts to stifle and interfere from Jay Weatherill and Labor, but there has been a glaring omission...tomorrow... 

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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