Sunday, October 20, 2013

St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Issue: Reprise

Good morning (now afternoon the next day) all and welcome to the blog...and it's unfortunately pretty much down hill from there...unless you live in a valley, then it's...well you know...

From the time I posted about it three days ago, the New South Wales bushfires flared due to a weather change and there are currently reports of hundreds of homes lost and several major fires that are still out of control or 'uncontained'...and one person died and growing concerns that there have been and/or will be more was another weather change that slowed the fires, and another that will yet again cause increasing problems in the week ahead.

It is only just half way through Spring, with a predicted long, hot summer ahead so the potential is there for catastrophic fires right up the East Coast...and a stark reminder for us here in the South East of what could be in store for us this summer...but as an Adelaide Hills boy born and bred, my thoughts are drawn to the thousands of homes embedded in that prime bushfire territory...

And I apologise for not properly explaining my 'Insanity of the Bonfires' statements whereby I was referring to the ludicrous things that Mt Gambier City Council does spend it's time and money on, eg, the pointless and costly replacement of perfectly good pavers in The Main (Commercial St) with ugly grey cement pavers that in some places are badly chipped and/or stained and look like seconds, rather than properly clearing the fuel load around the Crater Lakes...

(Indeed, by their actions in felling trees and just leaving them there, they have actually greatly increased their work in future...Council are responsible for resolving Fire Safety issues, not creating them...particularly when they could have had a crew up there working to 'chop and chip' rather than a large crew of Council workers engaged with the disgraceful 'pavers' fiasco-Ed)...astute observations Ed, but we digress...

This last weeks explosive story about the student suspended from a South East school after being accused of accessing hardcore porn websites on his school account...which was actually being done by one of his teachers...has blown open the whole issue of child protection, or rather the lack of, in South Australia...and obviously draws comparisons and/or questions re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up.

With this pornography case, even after the Education Department discovered it was the teacher accessing the sites, whilst at work, in a school, and there was a second 'incident' in 2006, and they payed the student $30,000 in early 2012 in an attempt to buy his silence, the teacher was merely moved to Adelaide and continued Information Technology mind you...and was only finally "suspended on full pay" last week when the case was exposed in the media.

This has clearly had a devastating affect on the young man, his education, and his entire family who were dragged into it by the Education Dept's atrocious conduct...and has rightly been the focus of intense media critique right across the country...I heard it quoted on ABC Radio's The World Today program as the issue that may bring down the Weatherill labor government at the March 2014 state election.    

However, as undeniably bad as this case is, it pales in comparison with what has happened at St Martins Lutheran School and the ongoing cover-up of the abuse of a class of 7 year old children...and begs the question, why does this recent story about one 15/16 year old student get national coverage on the ABC, The Australian, etc, but the abuse of a class of grade 2 children is deemed unimportant?

And that is of course a seethingly sarcastic and wholly rhetorical question because I believe the truth with St Martins it's not that it's unimportant, rather it is quite the is because it is so bad...because so many 'important' people in positions of authority are so absolutely and apparently irretrievably committed to helping the Lutheran Church cover up these abuses...

Because the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up involves a decade of the duplicitous complicity of literally all senior politicians in South Australia, SAPol (the police), the Teachers Registration Board, the Crown Solicitors Office, etc, etc...all colluding with the Lutherans to hide rather than resolve the issue...colluding to protect rather than prosecute the paedophile teacher...

For example, SAPol flatly refused to interview parents or accept prepared written statements parents tried to hand them face to face..."spoke to" but never formally interviewed Dorling or ever charged him...and after only 5 weeks, without telling parents, "closed the file" which is a political way of saying 'dumped the case'...we have never received any sort of official notification of this 'closure'.

Police deliberately acted to avoid collecting any evidence...the exact opposite to the repeatedly stated justification of 'not enough evidence' for action against Dorling...and then the TRB/CSO hearing did exactly the same thing...eyes shut, fingers in their ears, yelling 'lalala lala'...and Nick Fletcher's a lying bastard...
When multiple parent complaints and children's disclosures forced the 'removal' of teacher Glyn Dorling from St Martins sometime on the June long weekend 2002, all of the resulting 'investigation' happened because parents forced it from reluctant, even refusing authorities...

The Lutherans did not Mandatory Notify until after learning parents had, and when I spoke to Principal John Alexander by phone on the public holiday Monday morning, he stated that he was not going to notify other parents to avoid causing "a panic"...and from then on in he/St Martins/the Lutherans and pretty much every one else involved has relentlessly attacked us parents as the only genuine problem...

I ask that you review my previous posts about the TRB calling me a liar; and the Crown Solicitor threatening to gaol me; and the Lutheran's lawyers threatening me with "defamation" and telling me I owe them money; and former MP and continuing Labor stooge Rory McEwen attacking parents on the front page of The Border Watch newspaper, and then trying to get us arrested whilst again attacking us on WIN TV News; etc, etc...

This is what I have been subjected to for trying to get something done about the abuse of my child. 

And all the time authorities did everything possible to avoid collecting and/or acknowledging the vast amount of evidence that we parents placed before them...again and again and again...but not just of the children gave personal evidence to the Statutory Authorities Review Committee...what a courageous thing to do...and yet the fine upstanding members of that Inquiry saw fit to produce a report, SARC Report no.54, that is a factually errant exoneration of the TRB, the CSO and everyone else involved...

I am not going/cannot go through it all again...just please read my previous posts and understand that the trauma caused to families by the abuse of our children has been massively exacerbated by the deliberate cover-up...

Tomorrow: TTSNP Part whatever we're up to now...

More stuff and nonsense...yay...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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