Friday, October 4, 2013

Stuff, Bits, and The Thing

Hello world and welcome to yet another post of irretrievable confusion and apparent corruption...but please bear with me because, for all the confusion, I'm keeping my powder dry...and holding my ground and my tongue but certainly not my breath, up to next Tuesday 8th October 2013 when demolition is due to start on the Old Hospital in Mt Gambier.  

I have previously posted about my efforts to address a 'Conflict of Interest' Issue that occurred at a Mt Gambier City Council meeting. I have attempted to address this 'Conflict of Interest' Issue appropriately via letters to the local member and the Ombudsman, and I deliberately went to them to try and avoid ending up exactly where I am now...

In previous posts I have expressed my concerns about the oppressive, secretive authorities that the Rann/Weatherill Labor government have introduced, most particularly that it was my personal experience that this government is corrupt and that any structure it introduces and/or oversees is by definition corrupt and/or corruptible, and likely to be about perpetuating and covering-up corruption as opposed to addressing and resolving it.

From there, and at this point in time, I have almost no idea what is happening with my complaint and what I do know I apparently can't talk about...or I can talk about it but not post it...or vice versa...but I'm not's absolutely ridiculous...but if the demolition commences, at all, on Tuesday 8th October 2013, I'll post what I know.

Today I received a phone call from someone claiming to represent an organisation relative to this issue, and I specifically requested a written explanation of what was happening and exactly what it was that I could or couldn't say...I put it to the person that I had received a one page info sheet from their organisation but that I didn't understand it, indeed it appeared to say that I couldn't say anything to anyone about anything...ever...unless I get permission...

The response was 'yes, well go with that then'...(way to clear things up person claiming to be from that organisation-Ed)...well, quite...I repeatedly asked for something in writing, but I don't think I'm getting anything...and the rest was a bunch of 'don't worry, trust us' statements that I have no faith in whatsoever...

I carefully explained what was happening, why and how it could be immediately investigated, and the importance of prompt action due to the very limited time frame...but I knew far more about what was going on than this person, who just seemed completely's bloody outrageous...(email them again-Ed)...what?...(email them again about the phone call and ask for that stuff, etc-Ed)...good idea...tomorrow...

And to really kick it off today, news that supposedly retired former local MP Rory McEwen (previous posts), liar, betrayer, paedophile protector and all round sad, sick, corrupt bastard has just been appointed as Presiding Member of the Fisheries Council of South we can look forward to an exciting new plan to privatise fisheries right across the state...just super...

Surprise, evidence showing that the Catholic Church tried to buy off Abuse Victims so as to keep cases and/or evidence out of Court...and made an application/approach to police about withholding information and evidence unless forced to provide it by Court Orders...and a spokes-bastard for the Catholics internal investigation, the Truth, Justice and Healing Commission...(known to the non-Catholic world as the Lie, Deny, and Cover-up Continuance-Ed)...beautifully put Ed...

Well Mr Spokes Bastard reckons that everyone needs to calm down and that they (the Catholics) will look into these "allegations", but there must be "an objective consideration" and that "when push comes to shove we all need to sit back and trust that the Royal Commission looks at it objectively".

A Royal Commission manned by the senior Catholic Layperson in Australia and the former Queensland Police Commissioner...a Royal Commission that will nibble at the edges and leave the meat of the matter to rot in the middle of the plate... 

There is yet another SA Child Abuse case of a primary school student being abused by another girl, and yet more unanswered emails, failures to notify, etc...more indications of a prevailing culture of cover-up and denial right through the Education Department that clearly also runs through multiple other departments, authorities and agencies...I believe this culture is endemic and epidemic...

I'll say it this what we are as a species? would certainly appear to be the case in Adelaide...oh, and did I mention?...literally just received an email from Premier Jay Weatherill's office with a letter from Jay that is every inch the shiftless, contrived, attempted denial that he has become as a human being...(and he uses the term loosely-Ed)...indeed...Tomorrow... 

And not sacked, not resigned, simply not re-employed Education Department bureaucrat Jan Andrew says she is being used as "a scapegoat" by new Education CEO...(Tony-TH)...Tony...(nnnHarrison-Ed)...Tony Harrison, and that the department is "dysfunctional and politicised"...apparently on 7.30 SA tonight...more tomorrow...

And speaking of lies and betrayal, National party Deputy leader Barnaby Joyce, who went to the September Federal election bellowing about opposition to Foreign Ownership of Australian property and/or resource, has suddenly done a massive about face and thinks that selling a massive property in the Northern Territory to Indonesia is a great idea...what a joke...what a turncoat... 

Labor Minister Tom Koutsintonis, meanwhile, is stating that SA needs to rid itself of "...all the Red Tape and all of the Green Tape" relative to mining development...which is open code for axing appropriate environmental scrutiny, a rare animal in SA already, to fast track mining, and you can guarantee that includes fricking Fracking everywhere...

And I'm going to pull up there, but just listening to long stories on ABC Radio about the "Agreement" between police, the Catholics, the Anglicans, and others...and now Ms Andrews giving her testimony to the Select Committee hearing appearance earlier today...more tomorrow...

Tomorrow: The Latest Jay Weatherill Denial re St Martins

And they keep talking on the radio news about...(Tony-TH)...Tony..(nnnHarrison-TH)...Tony Harrison...thank you radio... 

Here comes tomorrow already, and with it the end of daylight saving...or is it the beginning?...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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