Thursday, October 17, 2013

Just Some Bits and Pieces

Hi and welcome to the blog...another day moving forward for everyone except the Labor Party, State and Federal...they seem to be stuck in some sort of a time warp fish bowl thingy...and just don't seem to tire of kicking each other round about the groin area, along the corridors of parliament, and out into the public spotlight...

Only difference is that in the state of Sow Straya, Labor tend more to shine the spotlight on the groin of the public before kicking that...but their party solidarity in South Australia is a wonder to behold relative to the shankfest at the Federal level... 

Get Your Roxon: "He started it"..........(is that all you're going to say about it?...please explain-Ed)...fair enough...this is a paraphrase of the latest effort from a senior Labor identity publicly airing their (her) personal opinion of former two time Prime Minister Kevin Rudd...and why this makes it alright to have shanked him in the metaphorically bloody coup of 2010, when Labor unilaterally removed an elected PM and replaced him with Julia Gillard...(and then did it to her as well-Ed)...

Former Attorney General Nicola Roxon has described the 2010 PM Shankdown as "an act of political bastardry" made acceptable because the K Man was himself "such a bastard" that makes it ok...the Ruddster was their elected leader and an 'elected' PM, but when it suited Nicola and company, he's a complete bastard...and big, bad, bouncing Billy Shorten was right in amongst it...

(And I'd suggest the Caucus support for Mr Shorten shows that they have learned that the safest place anywhere near Bill 'The Blade' Shorten, is behind him...because you don't want him anywhere behind you-Ed)...ah, classic Ed, classic....but seriously...

Family First MLC Robert Brokenshire: is continuing to pursue issues derived from the Auditor General report, and repeating the "elementary issues" re the Glencoe Nursery, Conflict Of Interest, $12.5million in consultant's and other fees, etc...also stating that the Rann/Weatherill Labor government was hell bent on selling and rushed the process.

He called for funding similar to the '$21m Riverland Taskforce', suggesting $50m would be appropriate ...and very correctly pointed out that the whole state has profited from and will continue to rely on SE prosperity...and if there's $200m+ for GM Holden, then food production must surely be a priority worthy of similar funding.

He further stated that our state dairy plan finished in 2010 so that there is no current plan, but there is no new plan on the horizon...and that this failure to plan possibly cost SA the $40m dairy project that has instead gone to Shepparton in Victoria...he was quite emphatic that a plan could have seen that project in the South East...

Unfortunately he has clearly not managed to avail himself of the Labor memo stating that their Future Plan for the South East is their Current Plan is their Past Plan...which is Shut It Down, Sell It Off, Cut It Loose...and Wind Turbines for everybody...(yay-Ed)...

Insanity of the Bonfires: No comedic relief here...over 1,000 fires in NSW in September, record temperatures in the mid 30s in October, and currently 7 major fires burning with several others looking worrisome...I have no idea whether they are deliberately lit or started otherwise...but there are concerns here for what our future might hold...and just listening to reports on ABC Radio about houses already lost...

I have avoided some issues that I encounter because I'm concerned that I may just be identifying, for some loose unit, a problem they can go and cause, eg, the massive fuel load building in the Leg of Mutton/Valley Lake Crater...a fuel load that has been drastically increased by the Mt Gambier City Council's actions of felling trees but not removing them...

Obviously I choose to address this particular issue by posting my observation that by the end of Summer, what is currently a stunningly verdant vista of vibrancy and foliage, will potentially be one massive bonfire made up of the multiple smaller bonfires that Council has created by felling trees and leaving them where they fell, only to be overgrown with grass and weeds, creepers, etc...there is a catastrophic fire waiting to happen and this is how I choose to notify Council...

I said it before I know, but I will write to them tomorrow about this issue...along with the Premier Jay Weatherill, SERDE, the Electoral Commission, DeGaris Lawyers, blah, blah, blah...(come on mate, some of these issues are a bit too important to be trivialising with blah blahs-Ed)...I was actually blah blahing myself in that know...all I do is write appropriate letters to the appropriate people complaining appropriately about stuff and self-justifying it by using the word appropriate inappropriately often...

However, I genuinely have no confidence that my letter will achieve anything other than to help Council justify the purchase of their new gold-plated, diamond-tip bladed industrial, sorry about the following jingoistic egoism, but...

I am aware that various people in Mt Gambier peruse my blog on a fairly regular basis, and that some of those people are on Council and/or monitoring the blog on behalf of Council and/or have the ear of a Councillor, or whatevs...but something must be done to clear the fuel load that currently exists...and I would ask that people approach the Council and request that they act immediately...

Also, SA Water is responsible for everything inside the boundary fence of the Blue Lake...indeed, they have signs saying 'Stay The Shrek Out Mofos'...

Rubbish Fire at Wingfield Dump: (I thought it was a pretty good fire actually...lots of flames and acrid black smoke sweeping across nearby suburbs...and the Metropolitan Fire Service says 'all under control' literally 5 minutes before it suddenly flares up in a different pile thus creating a much bigger fire...all the ingredients for a great fire really-Ed)...yes attempted humour on such an issue is perhaps a bridge too far...  

But no such problems for patrons leaving the 'New Adelaide Oval' that now belongs to the AFL...(as do Port Adelaide-Ed)...indeed, but that's two other stories....patrons in a rush to get to the soon to be hugely expanded Casino via their own personal $40million bridge only 100m from the bridge that's already there...and didn't Rob Brokenshire say something about a $40m Dairy project that would be greatly beneficial for the entire state...(nice-Ed).

(Oh, and lovely segue from a poor 'fire' joke into a scathing critique of the 'Bread and Circuses' governing mentality of Labor in SA-Ed)...oh, you thought that was good, cop this...

Bread and Circuses: the pay-off and bureaucratic machinations of an apparently self-serving, self-protecting, apparently pro-paedophile Education Department, relative to the case of a student from a South East school as has flooded the media yesterday and today...a case that was reported today on the ABC Radio The World Today program as being likely to bring down the Weatherill government at the next election...

This was also reported all day on the ABC Radio from early yesterday, on ABC TV News that showed an interview with the young man (now 24), and on Channels 7 and 9, and at least one of those was different footage from the same interview...(so at least 2 news crews were in town for that story-Ed)...exactly...and on the news 'ticker tape' on the ABC News 24...and a long interview with 'John' (not his real name) conducted this morning with 'Matt and Dave' (ABC Adelaide Radio) as replayed on ABC Local Radio...

But not one word in today's The Border Watch...or yesterday's...I can only assume that it will be front page tomorrow...with a comprehensive revision of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up across several pages there-in...won't hold my breath for that bit though...(no, I wouldn't-Ed)...but surely this current case of Education Dept lunacy will be reported...

Surely TBW wouldn't fill today's paper with more stories about the Riddoch Gallery and shacks, etc, which might be important in their own right and context...give these pages and not even mention the South East student story...and I keep going to say the school/town which 'John' has himself stated is the only high school in that obviously it's not in Mt Gambier...and I've already had one person who identified the school to me based on the footage of the school and uniforms, etc...

So in tomorrow's TBW I'm sure, and also...

Tomorrow: Some of TTSNP...Part III?...I think...

Haven't forgotten, amongst other things, the extraordinary comments from MP Don Pegler in not just defending but actually praising the Rann/Weatherill Labor government's record on the provision of Health Services to the region...outrageous and unsustainable...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...and I write about stuff and things and 'The Thingy' that I can't mention other than to mention that I can't mention head hurts...laters...

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