Monday, October 21, 2013

Some More Things That Shall Not Pass

Hello China, Malaysia, the UK, and Indonesia...and welcome to the blog...and no attempt at form, style, or humour today because there's just too much to catch up on...and away...

Recent Wind Turbine news has included stories about a Chinese Turbine site that was decimated by a typhoon, with 10 Turbines felled, 10 more badly damaged, and the remaining 10 shutdown pending repair or replacement...and a fire in a Turbine in Germany that saw fire crews having to employ the cunning South Australian strategy of standing back and watching it burn, baby, burn because it's just too dangerous to get close to a giant machine 100m+ in the air, loaded up with 100's of litres of highly flammable gear oil, and that may explode spraying debris more than a kilometre, which is considered a safe and legally unchallengeable distance from non-host homes in South Australia...

And apparently they don't already have enough Fascism in Victoria, because the Labor opposition is screeching about how the current 2km set-back (from non-host residences) and 5km from major townships, is like just way unfair on the poor Turbine companies...nahah, yeah it is...and has cost 1,000s of jobs...nahah, yeah it reported in the Warnambool newspaper The Standard last Thursday 17th 2013, State labor vows to dump wind farm restrictions.

Victorian Labour opposition planning spokesman Brian Tee states,"One of the first things I will do as Planning Minister is rip up those constraints.", and is further quoted as saying that 'Labor would be guided by relaxed planning measures operating in South Australia'...I don't think you'll find any dictionary that defines Fascism as 'relaxed planning measures'...

(Hold on, back up a second...when you say 1km setback in SA and no possible legal challenge, that means the Rann/Weatherill Labor state government have legislated for the carte blanche installation of these massive Industrial Turbines only 1001m from peoples homes, therefore placing non-host houses well inside the potential debris shadow if these things explode-Ed)...precisely...
(Well at least Victorian Liberal Premier Denis Napthine is committed to these minimal distances, stating that, "These setbacks provide a buffer zone between residential addresses where people live and wind towers."...and don't these 'setbacks' mean Turbines cast a 'development shadow' onto neighbouring properties thus greatly reducing land values and placing yet further massive financial pressure on primary producers -Ed)...yep...

(But I just heard MP Gail Gago on the ABC Radio today banging on about how super terrific SA's produce is and it's so popular and how important 'farmers' are to the state's economy, and world food security, blah, blah, blah, so on and so forth...and this screaming hypocrisy from the same Minister who lied on the floor of Parliament about the sale of the Glencoe Nursery as part of the Forestry Sale Rort...a sale that is just a small part of the systemic dismantling of Regional South Australia-Ed)...indeed...

(And Mining Minister Tom Koutsontonis was just on, spruiking a massive mine on the Yorke Peninsula, stating that 'economic considerations will decide', but when questioned about the economic return of the land from cropping, he actually stated, "Food security arguments are hysterical"...everyone else on the planet is concerned with burgeoning population issues and food security, and countries like China are furiously buying up as much land as possible, but according to Mr K, the entire planet, including his colleague, is "hysterical"-Ed)...typical...

(If farmers/primary producers/whatevs are so bloody important to the Labor government why do they treat Regional SA with such contempt...axing or reduction of already substandard services, eg, gross failures and bias in the provision of Health Services as witnessed with the Keith Hospital saga and the bare-faced bastardry of the supposed Patient Assistance Transport Scheme Review that is openly looking to deny people access rather than increase the pitiful funding-Ed)...well, quite...

(And don't get me started about the recent repeated and quite extraordinary comments from local MP Don Pegler in not just defending Labor's appalling record in the 'failure of provision' of appropriate Regional Health Services, but actually praising them for 'improving services'...what far as SA Labor is concerned, Regional Health Provision is an inconvenient expense and annoyance they could do without-Ed)...again, quite...

(Mr Pegler paraphrases himself in his letter in The Border Watch Thursday 10th October 2013 when he writes, "Over the last few years, services that could not be obtained locally but now can be include renal dialysis, chemotherapy, geriatric evaluation and management, palliative care and expanded mental health services."...rubbish...many people continue to have to access services outside of Mt Gambier, particularly when it comes to things like hardcore chemo treatments that require specialist personnel-Ed)...for example the 8 month CHOP regime I went through in 2004/05...(indeed-Ed)...

(What about the 4 unused chemo chairs at Penola Hospital...the closing of obstetrics at Millicent...dismantling of Mental Health and/or Drug and Alcohol Services, eg, the axing of SEDAC's contract and loss of those resident psychiatrist where Mt Gambier should have at least 3, preferably 6...for shrek sake, I'm on a Disability Support Pension for Agoraphobia, Depression, etc, and can only get 10 1hr appointments per year...not even one a month-Ed)...and I had to organise that 'Counselling' myself...(indeed-Ed)...

(There are only bit-piece, part-time Drug/Alcohol and Mental Health counselling services available, and patients suffering severe Mental Health episodes are still being literally drugged, restrained, and shipped to Adelaide...expanded services?...bollocks-Ed)... 

(Nobody is under any illusion that the March 2014 state election campaign is well under way in Mt Gambier, but Mr Pegler is on very shaky ground when he attacks Liberal candidate Troy Bell, stating that, "Troy Bell's ill-informed comments that the money would be better off spent on healthcare expansions and that our sick and injured have to be sent to Adelaide show a complete lack of understanding of what is happening."...really?...sounds like a very reasonable observation/request based on the actual facts-Ed)...

(Mr Pegler's well defined commitment to the Labor Party contaminates and compromises everything that he says and does re his supposed representation of the people of Mt Gambier, and it looks like nothing's going to change...indeed, if anything, it's going to get worse...and enter stooge left Grant District Council Mayor Richard Sage who is clearly preparing for a tilt at the 2014 state election-Ed).

(In Graeme Greenwood's 'Comment' in The Border Watch Friday 18th October 2013 it is quietly stated, "The district's two independents, local MP Don Pegler and MP hopeful Grant mayor Richard Sage..."...independent?...rubbish...I confidently predict that at the 2014 election there will be a Labor candidate and at least two absolute Labor stooges calling themselves independents...these colluding collaborators will do everything they can to splinter the genuine Independent vote, and then shuffle preferences between each other to get one of them elected-Ed).

(And as alleged to me recently, I hope that Mr Pegler enjoyed his meal the other week with former MP and perpetual Labor stooge Rory McEwen, and Labor Corrections Minister Michael O'Brien...wonder who's expense account that little soiree was charged to...make the most of it whilst you can because it's all over come March 2014...and sooner if I can help me, Mr Pegler is just another complicit participant in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up-Ed)...

Ah, sorry Ed, but I might pull you up there and we'll do some more tomorrow...(oh, no, I'm sorry, I've completely monopolised today's post-Ed)...that's cool, you had some stuff to get off your chest...I understand, truly I do...

Tomorrow: Ploughing Forward Despite Reality

More letters, emails, encounters, aspirations, and philosophical deliberations...(more bullshit, yeah?-Ed)...yeah...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...all up in your grill and shizzle...laters...

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