Friday, October 11, 2013

Demolition, DeBelle, and Denial

Hello Israel,United Arab Emirates, France, and the USofA...apologies for very short late in late and still can't say I've achieved that much today...

...(Tony-TH)...Tony...(nnnHarrison-TH)...Tony Harrison, Education Department CEO, has supposedly gone against Premier Weatherill's express wishes, and taken his concerns about issues of non-reporting of abuse and other departmental dysfunction and reported them to the Ombudsman...and in the DeBelle Inquiry 'Inquiry' by parliament's Upper House Select Committee, a senior bureaucrat in the Education Dept CEO's office, Jen Emery,  revealed that they were directed to stop notifying Jay Weatherill's office when he was Education Minister...

To my jaded eye this smells like mutual protection, with a very harassed looking public servant suring up the Premier's position, even if it was by explaining that it was effectively the Premiers fault that he didn't know...but in her evidence she also stated that it was expected that important matters, eg, the rape of an 8 year old in a school by her Carer, would be (and were) forwarded to the Minister's which is it?...did they notify Weatherill or not?...

And I just don't buy it that Jay Weatherill appointed the new Education CEO and immediately they're's the same pantomime we went through with former Premier Mike Rann after he appointed Stephen Pallaras as Director of Public Prosecutions an they then spent years publicly hissing and scratching at each other, but were always very much reading from the same script...

And the Education Dept Head of Legal Services, Don Mackie, the man who told (threatened) the Western Suburbs School Councillors that they could not tell other parents about the jailing of the After School Hours Carer because it was "suppressed"...which was/is a lie...Don Mackie isn't even a lawyer...not even a lawyer...

Nor am I, but to my untrained (jaded) eye, this appears to be a construct of Orchestrated Denial that allows the government to detach itself from Legal Accountability, because nothing this person signs, approves, recommends, etc, can be said to be an informed legal opinion...legally he is always acting on advice, not his personal knowledge, and he ain't no lawyer sir...

Even though he instructed the Governing Council to remain silent, he is still trying to say that all he did was 'follow advice' and therefore merely 'approve determinations' made by others...and he's apparently been knocked back on his application for a redundancy package because he's under 'disciplinary action''s high farce and low theatre...and all bullshit...
And senior bureaucrat Jen Emery said about the infamous 'it definitely didn't go to the Premier' email at the centre of the DeBelle Inquiry, 'it was sent to me but I didn't look at it'...charming and most probably a lie...

A man who has gone to Mr Weatherill's electorate office, was by his own account (on Channel 7 Today Tonight) unfairly accused of 'threatening behaviour' and then left, only to have the cops on his doorstep the next morning, and I don't think he was charged with anything, but was told very brusquely but not officially, eg, a Restraining Order, to stay right the heck away from the Premier...

Wind Farms Open Day: just advertised on Channel 9 TV News for Snowtown and Cape Jervis but no mention of the Millicent event...tomorrow Saturday 12th October 2013 from 10am - 3pm...nothing but spin and hot air...and any other bad pun you can think of...

Demolition: I have attached two pages of the Minutes from the Mt Gambier City Council meeting of Tuesday 17th September 2013, that are available on the Council's website under Agendas and Minutes of Full Council Meetings.

At this point, I am reluctant to comment further because of 'Things' that may possibly be happening re this issue...or not...but the first page shows Mayor Perryman declaring his 'Conflict of Interest', but does not directly, accurately quote what he said at the time, and then adds copious official rhetoric to underline just how super-dooper correct and appropriate the Mayor's conduct supposedly was...

The second page is a brief synopsis of the three tenders, but Delta was not mentioned by name in the 17/09/2013 meeting...and I am very concerned about some of the potential 'unknowns' and 'items not allowed for' in the McMahons Tender...I don't understand how they can be so much quicker and cheaper than the other two Tenders, and that is Council's reasons they were given the Tender...

It is my fear that this wriggle room in the Contract will turn into a wobble, then a stumble, then a crash through predicted costs and out in to the familiar countryside of massive Council funded blowouts like the Library and Main Corner, both ended up over twice what they were meant to be...

I fear that the McMahons Tender was never a genuine quote, but one relying on opportunistic 'unforeseen circumstances' and expensive 'variances'...and will drag well beyond Christmas with a series of 'unfortunate excuses'...I note that their Tender also appears to have Council paying for a good deal of the peripheral work, work that appears to be covered by the other two tenders...  

I urge readers to review the 'Minutes' for yourselves, and please review my previous posts on this issue...I stand by everything I've said, and I believe that my 'activism' is being noticed and having an effect...but who really knows...

Despite various opinions about the local Tenders, the unchanging opinion I have experienced is that people would rather the work stay here...that the money stay here...that this is millions that Mt Gambier cannot afford to have leave town...

Tomorrow: Some Overdue Housekeeping

Lots of unrelated bits and pieces and then some stuff and possibly things...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...laters...

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