Monday, October 7, 2013

The DeBelle Inquiry Inquiry

Morning and welcome to the blog and to Australia, unless you're a West Papuan asylum seeker in the Australian Consulate in Bali, Indonesia...and then you can just get out sod off out the front door and straight into the arms of the Indonesian security forces you are seeking protection from, and if you don't go, we'll hand you over anyway...yay...

(Well, it's not like we're somehow complicit in the dis-enfranchising, oppression, and even potential assassination of West Papuans by an Australian trained Indonesian 'military squad'-Ed), well, actually...(oh no, you're kidding me?-Ed)...wish I was...and there's also the many 10s of millions of dollars being laundered through Australian banks by corrupt Papua New Guinean politicians, part of the estimated 1/4 of their entire budget that is being defrauded annually...

(Hang on, we give PNG $414million per annum in 'Foreign Aid'...which would mean by definition $100million of defrauded Aussie Foreign Aid, and Aussie banks are laundering at least some of that on behalf of crooked PNG politicians and their cronies-Ed)...indeed...but there's also money being allegedly syphoned-off via 'consultancies' and the like through institutions like AusAID...(super-Ed)...

And another 40+ people killed in Egypt as supporters of ousted Muslim Brotherhood leader and democratically elected President Morsi are confronted by the military whilst trying to march in Cairo...again, I don't know whether to call this is a manifestation of democratic aspiration or one of despotic repression...

As divers continue to recover bodies from the sunken wreck of an 'Asylum Seeker' boat just off the Italian coast...and some of those drowned were apparently fleeing from the war in Syria...again, it seems grossly inappropriate to flick past this suffering and loss in just a paragraph, and I ask that we pause for a brief thought for all of those lost, and their families and friends...and for the daily violence and carnage in Syria and Iraq and parts of Africa...

In South Australia we only have to deal with the pro-paedophile corruption of Parliament, the Judiciary, SAPol, and literally every government department or authority I've ever dealt with...'Oh, Mr Fletcher, that's terrible and we'll help, blah, blah, comeback tomorrow and we'll sort this out'...and tomorrow?...'sod off Mr Fletcher, and by the way, you are the problem, least ways that's what we're telling everyone'.

But I understand that not all of these people are essentially bad...a lot of them are just scared for their jobs and/or terrified of the whole issue re St Martins Lutheran's the people at the top of the pile who are perpetuating the abuse and the cover-ups, etc...people like Rory McEwen...they're the real scum because they can act to effect change and yet instead we have the St Martins Child Abuse Cover-up.

A Brief Review: of the paedophile cover-up that led to the DeBelle Inquiry and all of the subsequent farcical parcel passing...and if you enjoy writing angry posts about paedophile corruption, it's the gift that keeps on giving...every layer removed, only to reveal more layers...

An After School carer was jailed in 2010 for raping an 8 year old girl in his care, and the School Council (parents) were bullied, harassed, and threatened into keeping it 'suppressed' by the Education Department...and Minister Grace Portolesi attacked both SAPol and parents, and her and Jennifer Rankine have been caught out lying about it on the floor of parliament...

And other parents weren't told due to the 'Suppression Order' until one parent (Council member) spoke out, which effectively led to the DeBelle Inquiry which then graciously completely exonerated Premier Weatherill, his staffers, Minister Portolesi, Head of Schools Gary Costello...all of those ultimately responsible...and the infamous email that staffer Mr Blewett sent but 'can't remember to whom, but it definitely wasn't the Premier'...

And much chest beating and hair pulling from the Premier and suddenly CEO Education Keith Bartley resigns and buggers off back to England and it's policeman...(Tony-TH)...Tony...(nnnHarrison-TH)...Tony Harrison as the new CEO...and he's writing some very terse letters to Ed Dept personnel...and he wants some answers...eventually...and then, behold, the glory of another Inquiry...(you're joking, surely-Ed)...

Which just thrills Premier Weatherill and his Labor colleagues who are so committed to resolving the problems they try to stop that Upper House Select Committee Inquiry, but fail, and then RayJay puts his little boot down and says 'up yours Democratic Process' I'll not be playing in your "Circus" and has banned his staffers from playing as well...(surely someone did the 'playing politics' routine-Ed)...yeah JDoubleya and a couple of others...

Former Labor Attorney General and current Lower House Speaker Michael Atkinson squealed 'constitutional crisis', and current AG John Rau rocked up to the Select Committee on the first morning with a threatening letter about legislation from 1917 re 'questioning/criticising/defaming a Royal Commission...(deadset-Ed)...  

But still Chief of Schools...(All Hail The Chief-Ed)...Gary Costello, a key player in the threats against the School Council/parents, just seems to skate on by, completely unaccountable...and the 'not re-hired' Education Dept staffer Jan Andrews (Deputy Chief?) has stated to the Select Committee that she was a scapegoat for those in a grossly dysfunctional system whom wanted a headline of 'Heads Roll'...and is talking Unfair Dismissal...

And now evidence that the Premiers office has sought information re the parole of the After Care paedophile, who is eligible for release in 2014...and Liberal David Pisoni is all over it, bleating about the March 2014 Election and 'interference in the judicial process' etc, and this has gone on for days with various politicians chiming in...

And I may well have missed it, but I have not heard one person make the most obvious, the most fundamental observation, 'how is this rapist, this person who raped an 8 year old girl, how is he ever eligible for parole, let alone after only 4 years?'...jailed in 2010 and due for parole in this how little we consider children and women?...that repeat rapists, child abusers, etc, get a few years for the most selfish and horrendous crimes...

It's not an unfortunate accident, he didn't just have a bad day at work, this man raped a child in a school, his place of employment, and I believe that he carefully placed himself to do it...and then the Education Department did everything it could to cover it up...they should all be in jail...starting with Mr Costello and Ministers Portolesi and Rankine...and why not throw in a Premier or two?...

This man received only 4 years non-parole for raping a child...absolutely disgraceful and clearly what politicians should be bickering about...

Tomorrow: D Day Mt Gambier Style

The Old Hospital demolition is due to start tomorrow, and if it does, all bets are more of this Secret Squirrel bullshit...(wouldn't that be Sqirrelshit?-Ed), no it wouldn't...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...get some down ya mofos...annnnnd laters...

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