Sunday, October 27, 2013

Post 299: And In My Own Defence, Again

Hello and welcome to yet another bit piece is a Sunday after all...and I've just got back from helping out down at the Show...and it's constantly running into reminders of this sort of bullshit (attached below) that makes me think sometimes that I've pretty much had a gutful of Mt Gambier and the insular bigotry and the corruption and the complacency/resignation/fear, whatever you want to call know the story...

And then I spend a couple of days with people who are working tirelessly to run the Mt Gambier Show and people with their kids artwork or photos, and the prize winning Fruit Cake, and some beefy bovines and bootiful baalambs...(but no piggies-Ed)...and those clever dogs parading their humans, etc, etc, etc...and the repeated enquiries as to why people have not heard me on the ABC or seen my letters in The Border Watch...and I feel a little more positively disposed toward the human race...  

This 'press release' was prepared by someone concerned with IR Reforms at the is about me but not 'by me'...and I don't actually recall how my Unfair Dismissal even ended up in WorkCover...I think I was initially directed there by the Industrial Relations Commission...

I post this in response to some things that have been said about me, never to my face though, and not least of all in the cowardly comments left anonymously on this blog...when I sought help at the time I was told "you're screwed, you'll never work again in Mt Gambier" quote, had a profound and devastating effect on my life that I attempted to negate by working 'full-time volunteer' at Lifeline and St Martins Lutheran School...I was struggling but coping...and then the St Martins Child Abuse Cover-up kicked off in June 2002... 

This whole episode was my first real encounter with the corruption and dysfunction of official authorities in South Australia, eg, acknowledging that I was Unfairly Dismissed and told to get off the premises and not come back, then stating officially that re-employment was not an option, but then taking 70% of my compensation back off me because I didn't keep working there...

And please note that I sought to do the appropriate things, eg, get proper legal advice before even lodging a claim, etc...and that the various 'professionals' involved get to act corruptly with virtual impunity, particularly the lawyers...and that I self-represented against the Hotels Association and the Matthews Group in a 2 day Unfair Dismissal hearing and won...

Couldn't help but laugh when I recently saw the Matthews lauded in TBW...bollocks...they poached me from another job, dumped me into a position in the bottleshop where there was literally thousand's of dollars of stock and till floats missing, and then sacked me for reporting was the most bizarre place I've ever's almost like it was set up to lose money or at least be unaccountable...  

I never did 'repay' any money and the whole thing just faded was so devastating at the time but seems like a bad joke compared to what's happened since at St Martins...

Tomorrow: Post 300 and Stuff

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers...

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