Saturday, October 26, 2013

Is There Anybody Out There?

Hello and welcome to the 298th post in this here blog...I know I said 299th yesterday, but I want to allow for several 'no posts', etc...and a rhetorical question to kick it off...I know they're out there, it's more a case of they don't want to talk to me...(but why?-Ed)...because it's me?...because of what I'm saying?...both?...

I am still yet to receive even an acknowledgement from the Australian Electoral Commission re my 2 letters from just prior to the September 2013 Federal election, or from Premier Jay Weatherill or the ABC re my most recent attempts to get them to take responsibility for their own actions...(you bastard, how dare you ask them to explain their own behaviours...who do you think you are?...a large, angry father whose 7 year old child was one in a whole class of 7 year olds abused by their class teacher Glyn Dorling in 2002?-Ed)...well actually yes...

(You carry on like the abuse has been covered-up by the Lutherans, SAPol, the Teachers Registration Board, the Crown Solicitors Office, the Rann/Weatherill Labor government with the fundamentally incompetent complicity of a pointless Liberal Party, the ABC, The Border Watch, The Advertiser, former MP Rory McEwen, current member Don Pegler, Mayors Gandolfi, Perryman, Sage, etc, etc, carry on like you're just about the only person, apart from a handful of other parents, who's actually doing anything other than cover-up the St Martins Child Abuse Issue-Ed) that a question or a statement or a criticism or a commendation?

What remains as the truth, what stands alone as an ugly and irrefutable reality, is that literally everyone in Mt Gambier...(in SA-Ed)...who is in a position to address and resolve the St Martins case, knows about it but fails and/or refuses to do so...and in any number of cases has seen fit to attack myself and other parents, eg, former local member Rory McEwen...which brings us to...
Gary Costello Reprise: to explain more concisely re yesterday's post about Gary Costello's impending retirement from his position as Chief Education Officer...I do not withdraw or resile from anything I've said about him...I have been specifically asked to consider that he worked hard to raise standards at Mt Gambier High School and at worst is a weak person but not a deliberately corrupt one...

It remains, however, my reality that the first and effectively last time I met him, it was to politely bully him into doing a Mandatory Notification re disclosures of abuse made by students in a class at his school (previous posts)...a Notification that the school was supposedly obliged to do...(yeah, I'm fairly sure that's what 'Mandatory' means-Ed)...quite...and that he clearly didn't want to do.

And when SAPol immediately dumped the case and I then had to chase him for days, and I finally caught up with him by phone, he said 'we've done what we were obliged to do and we'll do no more' (paraphrase) does not help my disposition toward him to know that he already knew exactly what had happened at St Martins because he had had it explained to him by a parent prior to that meeting in February 2008.

The person who defended Gary to me as 'weak not corrupt' (paraphrase) has known him for decades and has repeatedly tried to engage him about the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse no avail...but for me this just makes it worse...when he was standing there glaring at me and trying to slide out from under doing a Notification, he already knew exactly what was happening...

Ultimately, I don't care whether Gary Costello is corrupt or just piss weak, because it has had exactly the same result...5 more years of St Martins cover-up...and counting...and Gary's career has blossomed...and my anger and cynicism have nothing to do with this reality...given what is so clearly so fundamentally wrong with the Education Department and the way it conducts itself and it's publicly defined culture of failure and cover-up...what does that say about someone who ascends in such a dysfunctional system?

And piss weak doesn't explain his involvement in the Western Suburbs School Abuse has been specifically stated to me by a parent from that school that Gary has had a direct involvement...and when I see that he was "hand-picked" (The Advertiser) by disgraced...(disgraceful-Ed)...former Education CEO and career, recidivist, abuse cover-up participant, Keith Bartley, it does nothing to improve my opinion of Mr Costello...(check out Mr Bartley's history with the Oxford Council in the UK and the cover-up of child trafficking there, from whence he was hand-picked by Mike Rann's Labor government-Ed)...indeed.

I know I've covered all of this before, but it just beggars belief that Rann Labor, which to my mind and in my experience...(to your mind because of your experience-Ed) a highly corrupted and almost criminal administration that appears to be effectively paedophile-controlled...(quite-Ed)...has somehow gone halfway around the planet to accidentally handpick the man right at the heart of a horrendous Child Abuse bring him to South Australia to run the Education Department...only to be at the heart of the current disaster...coincidence be hanged...amongst others...

And having said that, I must acknowledge that I do not support Capital Punishment...when we stop gaoling innocent people, then it'll be ok to start killing them...but I digress...

I do not consider that I have changed my opinion about Gary Costello, and I cannot see that happening...however, this does not preclude me from acknowledging and even deferring to another persons opinion that is based on a much broader experience...indeed, even if I cannot and will not agree with them I feel that it is encumbent of me in adhering to my self proclaimed pursuit of accuracy to present what is a well argued counter-point to my own opinion...

I also remain extremely sceptical and cynical about how Gary Costello has managed to skate quietly through this whole 'DeBelle ' fiasco without barely a mention...his name has not been seen attached to any of these current issues that he has been a key player in...why isn't he, as then Head of Schools and currently Chief Education Officer, being dragged up before the current Select Committee that is supposedly going to sort all of this out?

I'll finish here because it's the weekend and I'm just starting to repeat myself ad infinitum over and over again once more...and I have several emails to get off to various peoples to ask why they haven't responded to the last ones, etc...

Tomorrow: What's Wrong With This Picture

And it's not actually about a picture so much as a story, and not so much what's wrong with it as where the hell is it? Yet another Child Abuse issue that The Border Watch apparently can't see, won't see, don't want to see...but why?

In the last fortnight, two cases of abuse stemming from the same South East high school that have generated national media attention, and not a word in TBW...what the heck is going on?

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...enjoy the weekend, and laters...

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