Friday, October 25, 2013

Walk A Mile In Their Shoes

Hello Netherlands, Italy, Russia, and Germany and welcome to the blog...and still a warm howdy to my somewhat fickle American friends who swamped the blog one day, but appear to be less interested since...and I agree with the 'off-blog' observation that those 'availees' have seen the blog, realised it's largely about some part of the world they've never heard of, and have gone back to dealing with their own local problems...

And I don't blame or criticise them because I myself get bogged down in personally subjective pursuit of relatively minor and globally trivial issues, eg, the cloud of dust blowing off the Hospital Demolition that pollution issue to what is happening at Fukishima Nuclear Plant and the hundreds of tonnes of contaminated groundwater leaching into the Pacific Ocean 2 1/2 years after the Tsunami that slammed the area...or the impending lunacy of deep sea oil exploration off the Great Australian Bight while the scale of the disaster in the Gulf of Mexico is still being realised...

Here's The Thing With The Thing: I have been asked to explain my vacuous waffle about The Thing but I'm not sure whether I'm allowed to explain it or not...(but you are discussing it, right now-Ed)...indeed, I'm discussing The Thing but I'm not actually explaining it...and even then by even discussing it, it could be that I am explaining more than I may and/or may not be allowed to do, I couldn't really say...(ahh, stop already-Ed)...but it could be that by not discussing it that would be an indicator that it does exist, therefore, discussing it is not inappropriate because that is only an indicator that either it doesn't exist or that I'm lying...

So, effectively, by discussing The Thing that I'm not explaining it indicates that there is no thing, but by explaining The Thing that I'm not discussing it indicates that there is a thing...(Oh dear god, stop...please, please stop...I can't even remember what 'It' is-Ed)...that's the spirit...Thing? What Thing? I didn't mention a Thing...well actually I did, but you'll have to go back a few posts, just follow the trail of waffle...(hang on...does that mean that it is or it isn't?-Ed)...exactly...(ahhhhhh-Ed)...     

1700 On a Long Day: that for me kicked off at 0600 with these 3 Child Protection/abuse cases that were literally the first things I saw on the ABC News 24 within minutes of getting up this morning...things that literally had me staring open-mouthed at the TV and angry and shiftless and more than vaguely is 'Walk for Daniel' Day as part of a national campaign to raise awareness of child safety, and named to honour and remember 11 year old Daniel Morcombe who was abducted and murdered 10 years ago.

Daniel's parents Bruce and Denise Morcombe have committed their lives to promoting Child Safety issues and their 'activism' is widely acknowledged as driving the police investigation that finally led to discovery of Daniel's remains and the arrest and charging of a man with their son's murder...and they continue to travel the country visiting schools, etc, promoting child safety issues.

I can only begin to imagination, try to empathise, and hope never to know...and even if it's just guilt and shame, I am stirred to new heights, am borne by a renewed vigour, to resolve the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and all of the corruption and collusion and resultant abuse...I am avowed of reclaiming this state from the professional shrekin' paedophiles that have run it for decades...

I know that I can never hope to reverse or repair anything about the human species that will bring an end to paedophilia, but I'll be damned if I'll live in a state that I know is run by paedophiles...and I ain't movin'...      

In Melbourne, police have shifted their 'Missing Person' investigation into the disappearance 2 years ago of 13 year old schoolgirl Siriyakorn 'Bung' Siraboon back to the Homicide investigation, and Portuguese police are 're-opening' their investigation into the disappearance of British girl Maddie McCann...again, I cannot understand, I cannot begin to imagine the haunting uncertainty and suffering.

Finnigan Begins Again But Probably Never: top bloke, unelected Labor Member of the Legislative Council, and Acting Police Minister at the time of his arrest in April(?) 2011 on nearly 2 dozen Child Pornography charges, come on down the Right Honourable Bernard Finnigan for your 25th Court appearance in the 900+ days since SAPol officers came to your home seizing computers, etc, and taking you away in the back of the car...(you're making up those numbers...I saw only 2 charges-Ed)...

Precisely...from 20+ charges chopped back to 14, then to 6, to 2, then back up to 6, and down again to 2, and in and out of different Courts and/or jurisdictions for a total of 25 hearings over the 2 1/2 years...and every change offers the potential for a failure of procedure that undermines and even scuppers the case...and now he's gone for another complete 'stay' on the 2 remaining charges, with all the usual 'defense' about how you can't tell the children in the images are "under 14" and/or the "search terms don't indicate child pornography"...

Any hearing will now not happen until after the March 2014 state election, which is fantastically fortunate for the Labor Party who just don't need their Paedophile Police Minister on trial during an election campaign, and I'm sure a complete coincidence...incidentally, Bernard has earned just over $400,000 in wages in the time since his arrest...shrekin' unbelievable...

Gary Costello Retires: Yesterday I had a long and heated 'conversation' with someone who effectively defended the Education Departments Head of Schools Gary Costello, following the news that he is retiring for 'family reasons'...and I readily admit that this 'defense' butts up hard against my cynicism about and personal animosity toward Mr Costello, but I accept that this 'family' excuse is likely to be that context it is a genuine reason not a convenient excuse...and there is a world of difference.

I will not say more about the specific reasons, but in my weaker moments...(you mean more balanced, compassionate, and objective moments-Ed) those moments I have empathy even sympathy...but it continues to exist in parallel with my personal criticism of Mr Costello that results from my very limited interactions with him...these are not parallel universes just concurrent realities...

Ultimately it was put to me that Garry Costello is a weak person not a corrupt person, and even if 'corrupted', it was more by circumstance then design or desire...and that this is far removed from the behaviour of career 'corrupt bastards' like former local Member Rory McEwen...or my new best mate...

West Australian Liberal Don Randall, having claimed $5259 for flying to Cairns to buy an investment property, continues to argue that it was all about parliamentary business because he had to have a chat with a colleague, but has re-payed the money anyway...(so he says nothing wrong but repays the money?..that just smacks of untruthfulness-Ed)...indeed, but it gets better, because he is now being accused of having claimed for a trip to watch AFL football in Melbourne...I'm sure the poor fella is getting tired of having to explain the indefensible to us bloody plebs. 

Here's my tip, and tell 'em I sent you...when you do your taxes and you're doing your expenses, etc, remember that every trip to the footy, every drive whilst house hunting, indeed all associated food costs, etc, might possibly be a genuine deduction so apply the Randall Sanction and claim every bloody cent and then a whole lot of other shit to boot... and if called to account, deny, lie, and ignore, then finally begrudgingly throw your hands up and say I did nothing wrong but I'll repay it...and you're golden...even the Australian Tax Office is going to struggle to prosecute this crass hypocrisy.

Tomorrow: Post 299 comes 300...the Spartan post...the post that hurts the most...or possibly just some more self indulgent dross...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers big ears and laters alligators...

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