Thursday, October 3, 2013

More Confusion About The Things

Hello and welcome to the blog...howdy to Poland, Thailand, France, and the UK...couldn't get my fat head down the rabbit hole appears to be I found this here wombat hole...and if you think things get confusing when you go down a rabbit hole, man that's nothing...

I'd like to talk about an apparently highly corrupted Contract and apparent collusion between the parties involved and the status of my official complaints, but I firstly am not sure what is happening exactly, or whether I'm even allowed to talk about it...although I have already repeatedly...(oh boy, this doesn't look good...I have enough trouble keeping up with you when you're trying to openly explain you're goin' all Secret Squirrel on me...dude-Ed)...

Apologies Ed but I genuinely ain't got no idea what is happening and/or what can and/or cannot be said about it even if I did...and I'd let those involved explain, but I'm not even sure if I can attach to this post the information sheet I've been provided at the request of an 'organisation' (via a third party I'm not sure I'm allowed to name)...(oh dear-Ed)...about that 'organisation's' processes and procedures, because that would then identify that the issue is with that 'organisation' which in itself might be contradicting the information/guidelines/thingy...(oh, dear god, stop, please stop, my head hurts-Ed)...oh, I'm just getting started...

The info sheet, from the 'organisation' that I think I can't show you because that's what the info sheet seems to say, does make repeated references to confidentiality and publishing, etc, "under this Act", but very concerningly, when you read it through it says...
     "A person must not, except as authorised......publish or cause to be published......(f) any other
       information or evidence publication of which is prohibited by the (the organisation)."

No mention of "the Act" in point (f)...I am not a Lawyer, but this appears to be the legislated power to completely censor anything, anyone and anytime at the whim of (the 'organisation') whether that particular issue is before (the 'organisation') or not, effectively at the whim of (the 'organisation')...and points (a) through (e) keep talking about stuff that might be about to happen and/or that I've already done, etc...(aaahhhhh-Ed)...deadset...I've been over it several times and I'm just getting more confused... 

All I can say with any certainty is that the complaint that I lodged with our local member Don Pegler, as per previous posts, appears to have been processed by Mr Pegler in the correct manner as he is required to do by (the organisation's) legislation...

Given that I have been so critical of Mr Pegler on this blog, and particularly when I approached Mr Pegler and requested his involvement (previous post), it is absolutely encumbent of me to acknowledge when I am aware he has acted correctly, as legislatively directed...

All I can say is that I have made appropriate approaches/complaints to the relevant person, Mr Pegler, and 'organisations' requesting that they act immediately because the work is due to commence literally within days...I have no idea what is happening with that specific request...or if I am allowed to  tell anyone even if I did know...I guess we'll find out when and if the 'contract' starts...

"...caused to be published..."...does that include saying something to someone else and then that idiot puts it on their stupid blog because they're a self-righteous pontificator who knows better than everyone else and...(you write a blog-Ed)...oh...ummmm...or speaking to a reporter?...

Before you read the next bit, I ask that readers pause to consider some of my previous posts about St Martins Lutheran School and the ABC's Stuart Stansfield, eg, the post re the extraordinary interview Stuart ran late last year with his mate former MP Rory McEwen praising up St Martins...(egads, the triple threat-Ed)...perhaps more like a 'perfect storm'...

I know exactly how cynical I am when it comes to St Martins Lutheran School, and Stuart Stansfield, so when the two coincide I know I'm in trouble...I know just how petty and purile and possibly even broken it is that I find it so incredibly annoying when Stuart this morning awarded 'his special prize' to St Martins Lutheran School for the ABC book competition...(yes, you're being a little ridiculous, if somewhat understandably-Ed)...yes, I know, but at least I'm aware that it is a problem...

But get me started on bloody religious organisations...and I immediately lurch to Kingston South East...(there is a Kingston on Murray, near the Murray River, some thin', whatevs-Ed)......and a recent ABC Local Radio report that damage carved through town by the mini tornado two months ago, remains largely un-repaired...

The Council's explanation is that they are mostly privately owned properties with individual insurances, etc...(what has this got to do with religion?...are you saying it was an act of God?...are you suggesting it was devine retribution for some perceived slight?-Ed) who's being ridiculous...

I am of course making the comparison between this 'tornado event' and the one that hit Penola a couple of years ago, and the action taken by the then Premier and rabid Catholic sycophant Mike Rann, who immediately climbed off the parliamentary canteen lady...(ooo, ouch...don't post angry now, you know what happens-Ed)...forget that...he literally dropped everything and flew down to chuck a lazy $200,000 at the Catholics for their damaged buildings...or was it more?...

Here's the things: Mt Gambier Airport is as close as Mike Rann actually got to the City (10kms South) in his last 6 years as Premier, and every time it was for the Catholics, including the above trip to lob taxpayers cash at the largest land-holder on the freakin' planet...(yep, that's some things alright-Ed)...what you need to do Kingston is push your Church over and they'll be swarming to throw cash at you...(and yes, sorry, that is a joke...please don't push any churches over-NF)...

I apologise for the scatter gun approach to the last few posts, but I'm completely preoccupied with and altogether over this whole 'Secret Squirrel' nonsense...(more like 'Secret Wombat'-Ed)...indeed...

I've had 11 years of being politely herded and sincerely pushed into rooms full of cynical promises and told to just wait there quietly and not worry my pretty little head, and when that fails, repeatedly, legislatively bullied and politically threatened...11 shrekin' years of it...and hence the blog...and thus we come full circle assgroper...I mean grasshopper...(hilarious, not-Ed)

And I'm not trying to be cute or clever about this nonsense...there's a bunch of people who would like to see me go awry amidships and/or blame me for a failed investigation...lord knows it's happened often enough I have to tip-toe around a whole bunch of stuff I don't really understand.

Tomorrow: Not A Shrekin' Clue

I make no apology for getting to the end of another post and being annoyed at myself for not covering so many things I had intended tomorrow is likely a list of unrelated paragraphs...(so not like today's classically structured masterpiece?-Ed)...indeed, indeed...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...laters...

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