Tuesday, October 22, 2013

A Little Light DeBelle and Other Stuff

Hello and welcome to the blog...and yet another day of ranting the way that is how I say that enough is enough is enough...and it's quite surreal watching the latest on the New South Wales bushfires, whilst here in Mt Gambier it is pouring with rain and 15C...and off the back of the latest Child Abuse cover-up re a teacher in 2004 accessing pornography at school and a student getting blamed... 

Another teacher from the same South East school was charged with trying to lure students (a student?) into being 'sexually agreeable'...(whaaa?-Ed)...I think it's a politically legalistic way of saying 'Grooming' without using the the 'G' word...and the teacher was charged in July and is suspended without pay...and apparently the parents and students were told by letter immediately...  

And this weeks Labor Education Minister Jennifer Rankine...(you know, with the March 2014 election so close, she could well be their last for quite some time-Ed)...indeed...stating that the teacher was stood down in July 2013 and parents "those who needed to know" were notified "according to the recommendations of the DeBelle Inquiry"...and kazaam, which gifted seer predicted that all will be referred to DeBelle, all deferred to DeBelle?...come on, who was it?...let me hear you say it...

(Alright, alright, yes you did say this would happen, but it's hardly 'visionary'...and as far as you know they have exactly followed the DeBelle Recommendations in this particular case...the gifted seer, indeed...more like steer fed git-Ed)...sorry, what, I was just reading this hilarious article about MP Chloe Fox, what did you say?...(nothing...but I will agree with your observation that the Weatherill Labor government are using DeBelle to screen a decade of inaction re the Layton Report from 2003...and of course back we go to 2002 and the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up-Ed)...

Indeed, but we digress...and it was falling off the chair time when Minister Rankine accused Liberal Education 'person' David Pisoni of playing politics with the latest issue...i) she is a politician, 2) all her government has done is play politics of denial and disassociation, eg, Attorney General John Rau  showing up at the first hearing of the Select Committee Inquiry with a letter to threaten them with defamation re a 1917 law, and Premier Weatherill the next week with a letter saying 'my peeps and homies won't front this "circus" to testify, dawgs'...

(But aren't  Labor MLCs Russell Wortley and Kyam Maher on that Upper House Parliamentary Inquiry that Premier Weatherill has repeatedly called a "circus"?-Ed)...indeed they are, indeed they are...and indeed he has my friend, indeed he has...(so a Parliamentary Inquiry is a Circus, where his colleagues are what?...the clowns?-Ed)...I guess so...

Rrrroll up, roll up, to see the Most Very Average Show On Earth...staring a cavalcade of clowns...and including the Illusionary Machinations of Weatherill staffer Mr Simon Blewitt who can magically make emails just disappear and even he doesn't know where they've gone...(wunderva, wunderva, tell me more-Ed)...

Well, there's the Premier himself playing DeBelles...(ohhh, lovely, I do love a good bit of Bell work, particularly that bit at the end-Ed)...yes, Ringmaster J and his amazing performing Royal Commission will precariously negotiate all of the gaping holes in evidence and factual pitfalls to arrive safely at exactly what it was instigated to do, to clear the Premier and his peeps and/or homies...dawg...to make Premier Weatherill's accountability magically disappear...(maybe his accountability's gone looking for that email?-Ed)...possibly...

And a lovely little piece on ABC Local Radio this morning about 'lawyers representing people they  know are guilty'...and lawyer (QC? sorry) David Quick stating that every person has a right to stay silent and challenge/test the case against them...(how's that done then?...hand signals?-Ed)...indeed...and the broader discussion was about the case of Eugene Magee, the lawyer who drunkenly ran down a cyclist, left the scene, then was driven back through it by his brother on their way to the police station where their mate was stationed...

And when they were stopped by police at the scene?...not one word...and this critical incident left out of the ABCs Australian Story coverage in February 2012...and then off to see their SAPol mate...and no breath testing of Mr Magee when he got to the station, but the cyclist Mr Ian Humphrey, now deceased, had a blood sample taken for testing...

And all about the Court case where the eyewitnesses to Magee's driving weren't called to give evidence (not mentioned in today's interview?), and how public opinion led to 'government involvement' and a Royal Commission and a 'review' by the Legal Practitioners Conduct Board and the Legal Practitioners Act and waffle about 'unfit conduct'...and 'lawyers make 2 oaths, one to the Crown and the other to the  profession', etc...but 'no' to higher standards for lawyers when it comes to giving evidence, etc...

Pardon my cynicism, but the whole thing sounded like parts of the 'Legal Fraternity' trying to distance themselves from the current furore about paedophilia and representation and minimal sentencing and the 'rights of paedophiles', etc...remember the main subtext for Magee's apparent 'Untouchableness' was directly related to his close personal and professional relationships with convicted paedophile Magistrate Peter Liddy and other associated individuals like Bill Morris, now a Magistrate himself...

And it's just gone 1500hrs (that's 3pm ACDST - Australian Central Daylight Saving Time- I think?) and a small but punchy thunderstorm has just passed right over and a huge strike, thick as a pencil, straight down, so close I only got to the 'w' in 'one and two and'...bang, then a gentle slap on the chest, you could actually feel the pressure wave...and another rumbling across behind the grey veil, like a heavy wooden table being dragged across a slate floor...and then the drizzle to heavy, soaking rain...just passing...

We are bugs, man...we are shrekin bugs...bugs in the eye of the storm wallowing about in the filth and insanity of our own self-realisation...(orrr dude, come back to us-Ed)...relax, I was just being melodramatic for effect...although many a true word spoken in jest...(indeed-Ed)...and it does literally shake you up a bit to be that close to a strike...and I digress...

Gobsmacked: that The Advertiser newspaper had on it's front page yesterday that it takes 5 minutes to get a taxi at the Stirling Hotel (Adelaide Hills), and a big article again today about 'taxi waiting times'...and then today on page 25 right at the bottom, couple of paragraphs, 'worst day of violence in Iraq in 5 years'...half a dozen bombings and over 40 people killed and hundreds badly injured...surely there are some very confused priorities here...

Never forget who it was, the 'Coalition of Compliance' or the 'Crusaders of Democratic Conscience' or whatevs, but we were part (albeit a small one) of a grouping of countries who went into Iraq and opened this Pandora's Box of extraordinary violence...but who's to say whether it wouldn't have inevitably happened anyway in a country subject to a long history of cultural conflict and sectarianism...it literally does my head in...

And another post gone and not sure I've actually covered anything...oh yeah, the hilarious Chloe Fox story...after a cartoonist lampooned her for having publicly owned art in her office, and she was mildly lambasted by the reportage, Ms Fox is going to sue for the slight on her character, blah, blah, blah...deadset...I'd tell her to build a bridge but god knows they don't need anymore lunatic ideas...

Tomorrow: Deconstructing Demolition Disinformation

A subsidiary of Things That Shall Not Pass Productions presents a witty dissertation on the structural dislocation of the old hospital...yay...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...laters...  

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