Sunday, October 13, 2013

Things That Shall Not Pass

Morning Australia and welcome to the blog...and hello rest of world also...and I do genuinely try to be accurate, relevant and not quite purile, but there are things I hear and see that just make me see red...(Communism, for example?-Ed)...indeed, ripe tomatoes are another...but more often than not its the tripe being offered as considered opinion in the local press...

For example, it strikes me as being no coincidence what-so-ever that when the ABC Local Radio Morning program was being broadcast across the state a fortnight ago, the first interview for the week was Labor Minister Tom Kenyon spruiking the great and wondrous things that are happening with South East Forestry and all the marvelous innovations and 'opportunities'...and a completely compliant interviewer who sounded like they were reading from a government prepared question list.

And what Minister Kenyon was really saying but was never once held to account for by a disinterested interviewer, was that we were finding new and exciting ways to pay 141 Plantations for their waste product after they've felled and exported via Portland the entire South East Forest log reserve they payed a pittance for in the 'Rotation Lease' organised by an illegitimate Labor Rann/Weatherill state government...ahhhhhh...(there big fella, come on, chin up-Ed)

Paraphrase of the Week: motorcyclists in Queensland, including former Labor politician Bob Gibbs, are rallying to oppose new laws 'targeting' bikie gangs and associated criminality, because chances are that enthusiasts and average riders will get caught up in the net...

And one blokes line...'If you're going to drag in all motorcyclists, then why not lock up all priests?' (paraphrase)...well said that man...and a former New South Wales senior police officer very correctly stated that there's no need for the development and implementation of 'tough new laws', eg, Laws of Association, because laws already exist that can be appropriately but relentlessly applied to address many issues with 'gangs', and in ways that don't drastically affect other riders (paraphrase).

I am not a rider and I don't have a bike...never owned one...but I do have concerns with any legislation such as here in South Australia that can stop people seeing each other, that combined with legislation attached to the Independent Commission Against Corruption, offer extraordinary control over the rights of individual citizens...I've covered some of this in previous posts...but I digress...

Other than to mention the Fascism of the 'Development Plan Amendment' Wind Turbine legislation in SA, eg, removing the ability to oppose; denying access to the know the drill...and if not, please see previous posts...

I have previously written about the bias and agenda of The Border Watch and the ABC, and both of these fine, upstanding institutions have been in a rich vein of me a cynic for I surely am, but I'm well sick and tired of being blamed by these people/organisations for just trying to do what I genuinely consider to be 'the right thing' and 'what is good' for the community I live in...and as per previous posts, even I'm not entirely sure why I do it, but I'm quietly confident that I'm the only shrekin' one who is...

And having said that I'm forced to admit this...whatever his motivations, I am aware that endorsed Liberal candidate Troy Bell has been doing a lot of work about/for his community, eg, his work on the Patient Assistance Transport Scheme Review...(it's almost like it pains you to say something even vaguely nice about someone, and even then it's heavily qualified-Ed)...

Yes, and I reserve that right...because every time I've dealt with the Liberal party, they have been an abject failure, and are to my experience just as complicit in the St Martins Cover-up as the Rann/Weatherill Labor it the compliant, complicit silence of former Liberal aspirants Don Pegler, Peter Gandolfi, and Steve Perryman...or by way of the parliamentary Statutory Authority Review Committee and their corrupted Report no.54...(fair enough-Ed)...

And of course that darling of Conservative politics, former Liberal, alleged Independent, and actual Rann Labor front bench minister, and arguably the key conspirator in the Cabal of thieves and liars  
that are responsible for covering up the abuse of a class of 7 year old children at St Martins, my good friend Rory McEwen...(and if there's any confusion at all, that last bit is unfettered rage disguised as attempted sarcasm-Ed)...damn straight...ain't no friend of mine...

But what really pisses me off is that when my attempts to negotiate around and deal with the quite extraordinary conduct of some of these alleged professionals, both media and politicians...when I do that for years...and when they seem to have officially 'shut-down' on the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...and by definition become complicit...then rather than engage in the robust debate and thorough exploration of the issues that is required...(and failing that accept responsibility for it-Ed)...indeed...instead, they blame me...

And to those who know I don't mean them, well you know that I don't mean you so I don't need to tell you...(but you just did-Ed)...yes I know, but I want to highlight it for those of you that do know that I'm talking about you...talking to are to are to blame for the St Martins Child Abuse are responsible for a dying economy and a dying town...and if it wasn't for my Jesus complex, I'd wash my hands of all of you...(ahaha...multiple Biblical references...witty Wilde, witty-Ed)...why thank you...

And yes I know I'm tangentially venting, but today I ain't gonna' apologise for it because my upsetnitude has overtaken me once more and I just don't have the energy or enthusiasm to be 'more appropriate'...and so a post ended that didn't really get anywhere near what was intended...(and that's probably for the best today-Ed)...fair enough...

Oh, but one last thing...on Thursday 10th October 2013 I rang the local ABC to comment on the glaring contradictions in their interview with Corrections Minister Michael O'Brien, and I was informed that I 'couldn't be put to air' due to 'an email from Adelaide', something about 'defamation'...

So apparently banned of the ABC officially, and The Border Watch isn't going to print anything on my behalf...because it is about me and about what I'm's about me saying it at all...
That afternoon I faxed the ABC for a copy of that email so that I could address it, but I have not received any response...(could be in the mail-Ed)...I specifically asked for it to be emailed to

Tomorrow: TTSNP Part II

And the ABC email and yet another quick review of the various people/organisations I'm still waiting for a response from, eg, the Electoral Commission...hooray for democracy...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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