Monday, September 30, 2013

DeBelle Rings With Hollow Threats

Morning y'all and welcome to the blog...and it seems almost trite to bang on yet again about the endemic and epidemic corruption within South Australia and the Mt Gambier City Council, etc, compared to what's happening around the, a 'terrorist' attack in the Kenyan capital Nairobi...(is it the Kenyan Deputy President on trial in the International Criminal Court for instigating post election violence...and the Police Chief who recently received a human head and a pair of hands in the mail, apparently in response to his efforts to pursue issues of corruption?-Ed)...yes, I think so...

And another massive bombing at a church in Pakistan, and yet another car-bombing in Iraq where these attacks on civilians, markets, etc, are an almost daily event killing thousands already this year...

I'm not being at all facetious to suggest how trivial this renders the insider-trading, nepotism, corruption of appropriate process, etc, committed by the constituent members of Mt Gambier City Council in collusion with a handful of their mates, that has had/is having/will continue to have a devastating effect on the financial viability of the City...

Time Lurch: it's now evening a week into the future since I started this draft and it was overtaken by 6 or 7 other posts, and there have been two more 'terrorist bombings' in Pakistan (and I use ' ' to denote a common description, but I consider that they are mass murders committed not by soldiers but by murderers)...147 people killed and hundreds injured with more likely to die...and several more bombings across Iraq...and 'Muslim Extremists' have attacked a Nigerian college/education facility killing 41 people...unarmed people...some in their sleep...

It is just crass to mark this obscenity, any of these obscenities with a few passing lines but I don't know what else to do...I can't ignore these things but I find myself lost and drifting, completely unable to rationalise these acts...other than to see them as mostly political murders...and I can imagine myself well capable of anything in self-defense against an aggressor, but to blow up a market place or a church?...

Lord knows that I pretty much loath organised Religion as being a structure of matriarchal dominance and institutionalised hypocrisy largely controlled by paedophiles...(wow, way to make friends across the globe-Ed)...but there's just no way I'd blow up a church full of people... 

But clearly there are those whom through whatever process, have convinced themselves and/or others that this is ok...and it's not unfair to point the finger squarely at people doing these things in the name of much as the 'Western Invasions' of Iraq and Afghanistan...(and influence in other conflicts across North Africa-Ed)...are said by some to be part of a modern revival of the Christian fast as we move forward, we appear to be going backward...swimming in quicksand...

There is no appropriate way to jokingly segue from these deaths and this conflict, but it genuinely does make me happy to bring the post back to my relatively peaceful existence in my little town in my little state in my little country...back to the Mt Gambier City Council and to the McMahons Demolition Contract; back to Rann/Weatherill Labor state government and the DeBelle Inquiry; back to the Reserve Bank of Australia and it's subsidiary's dodgy bank note dealings with Saddam Hussein...following on from the Australian Wheat Board corruption...ah yay...

(So you're making a connection between all these things, and thus identifying a pattern of behaviour where the most senior, those most responsible, remain virtually un-investigated and unsanctioned, and a few "low hanging fruit" get the chop-Ed)...well put Ed, that is exactly what I'm saying, and it's a mark of how undemocratic our social structure really is...

And the same people telling everyone else how to behave, eg, what the heck is the Australian Securities and Investment Commission doing...apart from having high tea with their mates instead of prosecuting them...and Labor politicians pontificating about Child Abuse issues...for shrek sake...

Last Friday 27th September 2013, only minutes before it was due to open for it's first hearing, Labor's Attorney General John Rau delivered a letter to the Upper House Select Committee 'reviewing' aspects of the DeBelle Inquiry...(take a breath big fella-Ed)...a letter threatening the Committee's members and anybody who is involved, including witnesses, with a law from 1917 making it unlawful/illegal (?) to question the veracity and/or decisions of, and/or otherwise criticise and/or contradict a Royal Commission...

Which reminds me that I must submit my submission and request to appear before the Committee re the many Inquiries that I have been involved with (previous posts).

I'll see your threats from 1917, sir, and raise you a St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up you f...(whoa...and you'd been doing so well too-Ed)...and that f...(whoa, slow down, take a breath-Ed)...Micheal Atkinson, former AG now Speaker (Lower House), running off at the mouth about a 'Constitutional Crisis' relative to the Select Committee requesting that Jay Weatherill, Jennifer Rankine, and former Education Minister Grace Portolesi appear to give evidence...

Just for the record, Micheal Atkinson as Attorney General was (still is) at the heart of the St Martins Cover-up, and his sanctimonious soliloquies of hollow hypocrisy and insatiably self-satisfied insanity know no bounds...(bit like this blog-Ed)...fair enough...but I'm just a mad, bad, dad, not the Attorney General or the Speaker...(fair enough-Ed)...

And Premier Weatherill is apparently appalled about the case just surfacing of the 2010 abuse of a 13 year old girl by an 18 year old at her school, which the girl reported to school authorities at the time but the school chose to do nothing about...and the parents didn't find out until told by their daughter in March 2013...

Naturally the parents were furious, and have then repeatedly emailed Education Minister Jennifer Rankine 2013, but have apparently been ignored...and Jennifer's on holidays and Jay Weatherill's excuse is that 'the attachment in the mother's email wasn't opened so nobody knew' that's just fine then...and the Liberal's are stamping their little feet and going harumpff...shrek me...

And a finding followed by some 'political accusationing' that a litany of failures by SAPol, and the failures of Labor to introduce a Domestic Violence Register, contributed to the murder of a woman by her husband at a public function in Adelaide several years ago...I chose to not include names because this lady deserves more than a brief reference in my blog...particularly in making a political statement...

(Still glad you bought the blog closer to home?-Ed)...I just don't know anymore...but I think so...perhaps a consideration for the morrow...

Tomorrow: No Idea Really

Probably more stuff about Turbines, Council and McMahons, the ICAC, and what the heck and why the shrek and everything else in between...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...laters...

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