Sunday, September 22, 2013

A Brief Revision: Waiting For Gord Knows

Hello and welcome to the blog...and just another day of waiting for a response from, well, from anyone really...(does being officially, systematically ignored make you special?...or just ignored?-Ed)...I really don't know...(and just another day of not doing the advertised post re The Rort Report-Ed)...yeah, sorry about that, but I wanted to do a 'lighter' post that was still vaguely relevant...Tomorrow...I promise...sort of...

Thank you for feedback as always and hence a shorter, lighter post if not actually day off for both writer and reader.

And further to yesterday's rabid rant re the "pathetic" Jay Weatherill/Simon Royal interview about the DeBelle Inquiry, etc, I offer as further proof of just how weak that interview was, the statements by Premier Weatherill that Labor had come into government in 2002 inheriting a 'dysfunctional Child Protection system' and had 'immediately instituted the Layton Report, tripled expenditure on Child Protection, held the Mullighan Inquiry that "shone a light" on abuse', etc...

Unless it's in the extended on-line version On the ABC's website, Simon Royal is completely silent on the fact that Labor took over 10 years to act on Recommendation no.1 of the Layton Report, being the creation of a Children's Commissioner...has cut funding to Child Protection and associated services...and the Mullighan Inquiry covered-up more than it exposed, eg, the institutionalised problems defined by the St Martins Cover-up Issue... 

And following the Christmas 2011 dropping of child abuse charges against a bus driver because the Courts in our enlightened state simply don't cater to/support the disabled children he abused...not because the crime wasn't committed but because the Courts are fundamentally biased against disabled people...Labor's response is a half-arsed Public Consultation about Disability Court Access and massive cuts to funding for Court services, completely axing some regional Court circuits and/or other services... 

And not one mention of the 3 year long Statutory Authorities Review Committee Inquiry into the Teachers Registration Board and their SARC Report no.54 that supposedly dealt with all of the issues/problems re departmental notification procedures and information sharing, etc...problems that formed the basis for the DeBelle Inquiry...

The most obvious point of all: the whole reason they are sitting there is to discuss the latest Inquiry into the latest Inquiry...(whaaa?-Ed)...the Upper House Select Committee Inquiry (that Premier Weatherill refuses to appear before) is in effect looking into as much as extending the preceding DeBelle Inquiry...(oh right, yes, that was looking into the gross failures of the Education/Child Protection System re abuse-Ed)...indeed...but I digress...

I am currently awaiting a response from Premier Jay Weatherill or his office re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Issue, as promised 2 months ago...not quite sure what it is that Mr Weatherill can say re the critical and repeated role that he has played in helping the Lutheran Church cover-up the abuses committed by teacher Glyn Dorling at St Martins...(can't wait-Ed)...well apparently you're going to have to...

Also awaiting any response from the Electoral Commission re my complaint about the bias and discrimination of Nomination Criteria for the September 2013 Federal Election...(don't hold your breath-Ed)...indeed...

Nor am I expecting a response from SAPol (police) or the Electoral Commission re my complaints about the clearly defamatory and cowardly anonymous 'Comments' deliberately placed on this blog to impugn not just myself, but all of the families involved in trying to get something done about the teacher who abused our children...

Nor have I received a response from the Ombudsman as promised 'within 14 days' of my original complaint on September 2nd 2013 re the gross corruption of appropriate process that is everyday business with the Mt Gambier City Council...

However, this could well be due to the bizarre Independent Commission Against Corruption legislation that makes anything the ICAC is considering subject to 'secrecy rules' that, if I'm reading it correctly, say that if the Ombudsman refers my complaint re Council to the ICAC, then, if the ICAC decrees it, the Ombudsman cannot tell me (the complainant) that this transfer has happened...

(There's only one rule of ICAC, and that's that you can't talk about ICAC-Ed)...and you just broke that rule by mentioning ICAC...(and so did you just then-Ed)...damn...

Also awaiting responses from the Federal Election candidates re my letter about their position re Child Protection and particularly how that relates to the St Martins issue...Greens candidate Mr Mark Keough is the only respondent thus far...again thank you Mr Keough...(wasn't the election a fortnight ago?...I wouldn't be holding my breath on that one either-Ed)...indeed...

And I still don't know why the 'Removed Posts' were pulled down because there is no information on the referred sight, nor have I received any response/explanation from Google as to what it is that I've been doing wrong...

I offer this litany of ignoring as proof positive that I at least try to engage appropriately with these issues and those involved by writing to them...and often the response I get is none...(well that's if you don't count the denigration and abuse, defamation threats, secret Council reports about you, etc-Ed)...well yes, besides that...

(Which reminds me, what happened to the repeated 'Defamation Threats' from lawyer Bill DeGaris re the very dodgy sale to him of the SERDE Penola Rd building?...was it 11 defamatory points or something?-Ed)...don't know, don't care...just more empty threats from someone who really doesn't want that issue going anywhere near a Court...even in South with his extraordinary conduct whilst allegedly representing me and others re St Martins and the Lutherans.

So how's that for a 'lighter post' then?

Tomorrow: That Rort Report Thing

I note that 'Spell Check' keeps telling me to correct 'Rort' to 'Rory'...deadset...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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