Monday, September 23, 2013

Important Wind Turbine Letters from The Border Watch

Hello and welcome to a short, late, filler post, but still important stuff re the whole Turbine looks like things are starting to unravel for the Wind Turbine Industry...I urge readers to access the 'Stop These Things' and 'Wind Watch' websites...they offer excellent resource material, albeit from a position of 'Turbine opposing'...a lot of their stuff comes from mainstream media and is usually referenced...

I actually got halfway through The Rort Report Part III this morning and foolishly stopped to listen to some Child Abuse Royal Commission stuff, and then a long interview with journalist and ABC TV regular David Maher re his latest essay about Catholic Archbishop George Pell, that seemed to me very much in the vein of the Jay Weatherill and Simon Royal interview I recently canned...

Mr Maher happily exonerated George Pell of all manner of accusations/actions, whilst simultaneously criticising the Catholic Church for the alleged $100million they have paid out on Abuse compensation with almost none of those cases going through the Courts, etc,...I remain unconvinced as to what exactly it was that Mr Maher was saying overall... 

It very quickly became another 'walk away and come back later' day...yay...again I can only apologise that I just didn't have it in me by the time I got home again, to sit down and trawl through a pile of Council's bullshit...

But also I read through again this attached letter from Turbine host Mr David Mortimer of Millicent from The Border Watch Friday 20th September, and it reminded me that I had failed to mention an article from TBW Wednesday 28th August (also attached) in my recent post Breaking Wind News...

I apologise for this critical omission because I believe the letter 28/08/13 relates specifically to the upcoming meetings to be held on October 11th at 6pm and the 12th at 10am-3pm, venue to be announced, and identifies some of the 'market force' issues that I believe are one of the fundamental failings of turbines...without subsidies they are simply uneconomical...

And because it's mentioned, I am not "vested interests in the fossil fuel generation sector", nor do I "lobby" for them or anyone opinion is my opinion and hopefully I have explained myself sufficiently and accurately in the blog...

Mr Mortimer's letter is extremely powerful coming as it does from a host...and I can't add to it other than to offer my previous posts as having the answers to many of Mr Mortimer's questions and some more specific details, eg, the "trough" he refers to is the whole subsidies thing with Renewable Targets and Certificates, etc... 

Tomorrow: The Rort Report Part III

Honest...and 'spoilers' alert...what the heck is going on with South East Councils and legal actions costing ratepayers $10,000s...and it's not just Mt Gambier City Council...they're all at it...a soon to be post...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...laters...

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