Wednesday, September 4, 2013

250th Post - Yay

Hello Indonesia, South Korea, USofA, and Aotearoa (New Zealand)...welcome to what is, give or take, the 250th post in this here my blog...(give or take?-Ed)...well there are a couple of 'No posts' and 'Comments on Comments', etc, but a total of 250 all please enjoy as I magnificently indulgify this here celebratory post...(wahhh?-Ed)...please excuse the indulgence that follows...

                                                                  Whatta Rush 

I knew something was comin' know?...the way you always do...but I hadn't expected such a spectacular assault on the senses as bellowed before me...every sense challenged, every thought buffeted...such a totally consuming experience.

Synchronised Belgian House...I think...surges behind the pulsing lights...with just a hint of siren...

Distinct but anonymous voices rumble and flow, coming and going, entwined with one another, twisting away and upward into the darkened sky...sparks of conversation swirling into indifferent oblivion...

A yell, a curse, a surge of activity, the lights flare but momentarily, and more conversations swirl heavenly.

So glad I made copies of everything...well, almost everything...the ones that really counted...and as for the rest?...que cera, cera...

Little more drum and base now. You know...faster but sparser...less ethereal, more primordial...I can see now why everyone's sweating, glowing strangely in the red, orange, and blue...dancing lights reflected in pupils fused wide by the adrenalin, the rush...

I probably look the same, just lacking the groovy outfits...but that's me heh, never really driven by conventions of fashion.

The subtle, omnipresent roar behind all the glitz seems determined to be noticed, slowly rising to it's much loved crescendo...

She comes up to me and says, "Hey, you ok? look a little, drink this."

Her sparkling eyes reflecting the million points of light, blurring my vision into a hazy golden much light...Blue, orange, red, orange, blue, red, blue, red,

And why is everything wet? Why is absolutely everything wet? She's wet...I'm wet...the ground 's wet...the walls...everyone else...How can it be so hot and yet so wet?

Hey, I mean, I'm sweating, sure...and so's she...and them...but everyone and everything is soaked...absolutely through to the skin soaked...And the reflections...

I'm floating in a Universe of golden stars...and all the light's focused on meeeee...oh, and her of course...

The conflagration leaps before me with an exalted howl, and collapses upon the pale faces and the lurid glare I saw Dresden and I knew that dreadful howl a thousand times louder...and with such a hunger...and how lucky I was...

"Still" she says, "If you gotta watch your own house burn down, this is the one place to do it."

I looked at her blankly.

"Outside"she said.

I clutched the satchel to my least I had copies...waterproof, water-tight copies...

You know what they say..."Just 'cos ya' ain't paranoid, don't mean they ain't talkin' 'bout ya'."

The Beginning

We now return you to our normal scheduled programming...and boy, what a's The Border Watch has another long, ludicrous Sandra Morello pro-Council propaganda piece about a Ms Alex Hammett from KESAB Sustainable Communities and her allegedly gushing comments about Council and the Main Corner and the Lady Nelson Bus Shelter and how fantastic it all is according to, well, her...

On the Bus Shelter, "I have never seen anything like it..."...sums it all up really...and I wonder how she would have felt standing there waiting for a bus at 7am on a winter's morning in the pissing rain and howling wind, or if she had got off the bus and had to wonder in to town in the baking heat...and Sandra says 'conceding the structure had triggered some controversy...'

And then Ms Hammett makes the extraordinary observation that it's great to see Council re-using the pavers that are being ripped up from the Main St..."...why spend money that doesn't need to be spent?"...the whole repaving fiasco is spending money that didn't need to be spent!

I note that Ms Hammett was taken to the handful of places that Council wanted her to see, and Sandra Morello's article makes no mention of the Rail Lands, the closed pool and deteriorating tennis courts, lack of public transport, etc, etc...please review my previous posts on these issues.

It is grossly manipulative and inappropriate for Council, Sandra Morello, and The Border Watch to use Ms Hammett to pursue their own pro-Council propaganda agenda...she was taken to see the things Council wanted to promote and kept away from everything else...

And on top of that, Ms Hammett is hardly going to rock up to Mt Gambier and say 'what a retrograde, small town, 1950's mentality, shit-hole'...of course she's going to say 'nice' things...

No offence to you Ms Hammett, honestly, but your opinion is effectively worthless because you have no idea of the actual politics and the malfeasance and the nepotism and the damage and the cost to the entire community at the hands of a selfish, incompetent Council...but Sandra Morello and TBW do.. 

And this is exactly the sort of manipulation and deceit that TBW continues to can only assume that there is something in it for them.

Tomorrow: That Planning Panning as promised.

Deserves a whole post all it's own and so until tomorrow...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...250 posts young...

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