Friday, September 27, 2013

DeBelle Goes Ballistic...Almost

Hello and welcome to a slightly re-formatted blog and hence no apology for what is by re-definition no longer a late post...(wahhh?-Ed) address the problems I was having with losing whole days to some posts, and getting anxious and distracted if I hadn't posted by mid-afternoon...(with you thus far-Ed)...t'riffic...I've allowed myself to post everyday still, but when I've done other stuff and shizzle...

(No, don't get it-Ed)...well, instead of reacting to the stress and anger and frustration, etc, generated when doing some of these posts and being literally driven away...(yeah, that bit I get-Ed)...well instead I allow myself to do the post when I decide's no longer walking away in self-preservation but more 'I've got better things to do than this post, and quite frankly it can wait'...

So, I will continue to treat this blog as seriously and as responsibly as I already try to do...and at least I'm trying, on both counts...but it may get posted at 11am, it may be at may be somewhere in between...(or not even-Ed)...indeed...I think...and I'm also working on being a little less consumed by the need to monitor the media...but we'll see how that goes...

And part of trying to be responsible is to try to be accurate not just angry, and then if you still cock it up...(and you will-Ed)...thank you...and well yes I will...(probably already have-Ed)...ah, look, thank you...and I probably have already...well then admit when you're wrong, rectify, and get on with it...

I have a delicious feeling that I may soon be offered many opportunities to embrace how wrong I am about a certain very recent series of posts...(nahah, spoilers...and what do you mean when you say  delicious?-Ed)...well because as always the facts are the facts and I really can't wait to sink my teeth into this particular issue...but as you say Ed, spoilers...

And I would appear that I am also wrong about the Debelle Inquiry in wittily describing it as an 'Inquiry Without Consequence', 'DeBelle Toll Nil'...and so forth...but I was wrong, wrong, wrong (Joe Bjelke Pietersen)...and it's absolute carnage (Tony Greig)...

(And just listening to something on ABC about the Parliamentary Select Committee and the Chief Information Officer of the Office of Premier and Cabinet, Mr A Mills, saying that they could actually retrieve the infamous 'erased email' that the sender, Mr Weatherill's Chief Advisor Mr Blewett, allegedly cannot remember who he sent it to...(but he remembers that it definitely wasn't Mr Weatherill-Ed)...indeed...but that the 'retrieval' would cost a lot of money...)

The media is full of reports about tough new legislation for paroling and monitoring released paedophile offenders, and reporting criteria, etc, but the underlying fact of all of these articles/legislative measures is that they are to address issues with people being released who are still a danger to children...all these measures/rules are being instigated in the hope that they might stop problematic sexual offenders, and that means recidivists (repeat offenders) and that means children are at risk the moment the offender is released...

And I don't believe a word of this nonsense about "Harsh lessons as school abuse scandal toll grows" in today's The Advertiser...I'm looking at a couple of upper/mid level executives where one resigned, Deputy CEO Gino DeGennaro, and the other didn't have their contract renewed, Non-Governmental Schools Office CEO Jan Andrews...(what does the NGSC have to do with it? was a government school I thought-Ed) idea, sorry...

And the former Education Dept CEO Keith Bartley was going to fight it all the way and then quit and bolted out of the country...(I hear former Premier Mike Rann met him at the airport in London-Ed)...really...(no, that was actually just a joke-Ed)...hilarious...bolted with all of his entitlements...and I'm not seeing anyone charged with Covering-up Child Abuse...and where's Chief Education Officer Gary Costello who was a key player in the 'Western Suburbs School Cover-up'...(previous posts)

I completely reject the description being used that;
     "Employment of two high-level education bureaucrats has been terminated..."   The Advertiser
...these people were not 'terminated', they either quit or weren't re-employed...(pedantic much?-Ed)...not really...there can be a huge difference in remuneration, future 'employability', etc...(fair enough-Ed)...

And currently on Today Tonight (27/09/2013), an interview with Danyse Soester (of the Western Suburbs School Council re DeBelle Inquiry) about the role that she has played...and her saying that not one senior person has lost their job and one has actually been promoted...and the issue of Premier Weatherill and Ministers Rankine and Portolesi stating that they won't appear before the Select Committee to give evidence...Ms Soester stated that anybody who doesn't show has something to hide...well said...

Ms Soester also makes the excellent point that DeBelle only started looking at one Abuse incident and found 75, and that we need to address this all correctly now so as to not be doing it again in 10-15 years, and renewing her calls for an Education Ombudsman...(wasn't that the no.1 Recommendation from the voluminous Layton report in 2003?-Ed)...exactly...and recently promised by the Weatherill Labor government...still waiting...

Ms Soester said that Justice DeBelle left many openings but no plan and it all needs to be addressed and worked through, but "not my answers", it needs to be done by professionals with the truth in mind and concentrating on children not politics, and resolving not blaming (paraphrase)...I am very impressed with how well Ms Soester explains herself and with what she has achieved thus far...hoorah...

The allegedly Independent review by 'Education Expert' Peter Allen from Victoria, unveiled a litany of failures about a lack of accountability and culture of denial and blame-shifting, etc, (paraphrase)...and there's the new Education CEO...(Tony-TH)...Tony...(nnnHarrison-TH)...Tony Harrison banging on about tough new measures and 'I'm not happy', or something...blah,blah,blah (paraphrase)...

Current Education Minister Jennifer Rankine reckons that Labour will move, with great haste, to adopt and implement the 14 Recommendations from Mr Allens Inquiry...(how long to implement Layton Rec No.1?-Ed)...10 years...(yes, doesn't want to rush into these things-Ed)...quite...

And the Ombudsman Report, based on a complaint from Ms Soester, is equally damning, but still there won't be any actual sackings, no charges, not nuffin'...and even with all of this happening, yet another Abuse Cover-up is unraveling through the media...shrek me...

So I'll leave it to you to decide whether I'm an errant, angry old cynic...or just angry, old, and incredibly cynical...and always remember...a cynic is what an optimist calls a realist...

I'll cover this again in another post soon, so to close I'll quote Ms Soester re the Education Department;
          "I can't believe the degree to which you have to fail in your job to be fired."
...well said that woman.

Tomorrow: Climate Change 

Climate that what you get left over from the 'Bang For Your Buck' that Wind Turbines  supposedly offer...(nice-Ed)...but seriously...who are these people who say, indeed believe, that there is no human impact on climactic conditions, weather patterns, etc... 

I can't see how we cannot be affecting the natural progression of climactic change...and here's why...tomorrow...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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