Sunday, September 8, 2013

Brief Post Election De-Briefing: Liberals Win Pants Down

I mean hands down...although Labor did get somewhat 'pantsed' if not spanked quite as badly as some predicted...(and there's just got to be a 'budgie smugglers' joke in there somewhere-Ed) about: Tony Abbott - The tool behind the tool behind the budgie smugglers...

Good morning world and welcome to post-Election Australia...(which locally is pronounced 'Straya'...say it with me, Straya-Ed)...I live in Sow Straya...and where the Labor Party is celebrating not losing as many seats as predicted...yay...(was listening earlier to Channel 9's weather lady say 'twenny' over and over and over again-Ed)'s got 2 ts, not 2ns...

And the difference for South East SA is..........(don't look at me, I got nuthin'-Ed)...neither have can only hope that the new Liberal Member for Barker Tony Pasin can affect some national concessions that will flow through to the region...(with the support of the Nationals and maybe Nick Xenophon-Ed)...indeed...

It is being 'officially' denied, but I feel that the actions of the Rann/Weatherill Labor government have contributed markedly to the result in SA where I believe the swing against Labor is bigger than in other states, eg, despite predictions, in Queensland Labor look set to hold all of their seats and a good part of that is being credited to 'the Rudd Factor'...

But in SA, Penny Wong looks to be the only SA Labor Senator to be returned...(thus far along with Liberal Cory Bernardi and Nick Xenophon-Ed)...and just watching Labor Senator Don Farrell conceeding that "it would take a miracle" for him to be returned...and Mr Xenophon stating that he believes Green Sarah Hanson-Young can win another term.

Despite the bizarre preference structures that, for example, saw the Greens preferencing the Climate Sceptics Party ahead of Nick Xenophon...(politics breeds such strange bed-fellows-Ed) appears that the CS Party may not win a Senate seat...but it could still happen...

Credit Where Credit's Due: I spent nearly 7 hours at a polling booth yesterday politely accosting soon-to-be voters on behalf of Nick Xenophon, along with a number of other people on behalf of their candidates, and not one cross word to be heard and only the occasional dirty look from voters not appreciating our collective accostationings...(whaaa?-Ed)...we were stationed the requisite 6 metres outside the booth to accost them with our 'How to Vote' flyers...

One person even thanked me for being there for Mr Xenophon; others took the time to return the flyers to us to use again; and I spent an hour with Mr Pasin discussing all manner of issues, and all day with Family First candidate Kristin Lambert's mum...and there was no Labor person there so if a voter asked, we directed them to the box of Labor flyers on the table...that's a true democratic process to be celebrated...that's the Straya I want to be part of...

And all credit and due congratulations to Mr Pasin both for winning the seat of Barker, and for engaging with me even though I have been so critical and even abusive of him on this blog.

More CWCD: The Border Watch newspaper received praise from my accostationing compadres for it's extensive and "balanced" coverage of all Barker candidates...but I managed to rain on that particular parade by explaining my last conversation with Editor Jason Wallace from several months ago when he stated to me that TBW would not be running anything on my behalf, even if I was a candidate...

And just watching SA Labor's Mark Butler (Meet The Press-Channel 10) stating that, yes his parties position on the Carbon Tax is so conflicted with the plans the Liberals took to this election that there will be further resistance...(but he hasn't actually used the magic word 'Double Dissolution'-Ed)...ah, that's actually 2 words...(pedantic, much?-Ed)...

It is a genuine possibility that we could all be doing it all the very near future if not this side of Christmas 2013...yay...and that would give Mr Abbott the opportunity to try and break the deadlock in the Senate by forcing all Senators to face re-election...yay...

My child...(rabid bloody Socialist-Ed)...was not happy with the result, but took some solace from my observation that with the 'centralising' of both parties, is it not better to have a right wing Liberal government than a right wing Labor government that attempts to straddle and encompass right wing ideologies?...and clearly fails to deliver Left or Right with any clarity...

And that's enough of that for a short while, and so enjoy what's left of your weekend...and Tomorrow back into it with the repeatedly promised Heywood Interconnecter post...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog and I have a bad case of Accostaineers Shoulder and associated face-ache from 7 hours of smiling broadly whilst holding out 'flyers'...cheers and laters...

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