Saturday, September 21, 2013

DeBelle Ends: Jay Weatherill and Simon Royal

Hello Belgium, Romania, Poland, and the UK...welcome Europeans to this here blog what is being written by me Nick Fletcher, self-declared, and I can't believe I'm saying it...(neither can I quite frankly-Ed)...politician...and very large, very angry, very hippy...and regular readers, you'll be surprised to learn that today we're going for an angry stroll down a crooked road into the realms of institutionalised pro-paedophile corruption that defines South Australian politics...

And when it comes to the institutionalised pro-paedophile corruption that defines South Australian politics, I don't need to maintain the rage, because it gets hammered into me everyday I tune in to the world...and so another post that is more venting than reporting, but I stand absolutely by my repeated claims of "corrupt" behaviour because there is no other way to describe what is happening...(and here's me thinking it was all one big, unfortunate accident, not a decade long Child Abuse Cover-up...silly me-Ed)...

Last evening the ABC TV 7.30 State Edition (South Australia) hit the nail on the head and drove it clean through the plank, with a Simon Royal interview with Premier Jay Weatherill about the DeBelle Inquiry and associated issues...(I've got three words to describe that interview-Ed)...please...(pathetic, pathetic, pathetic-Ed)...couldn't have said it better myself...

And I make no apology for changing topic again or for the rancid anger surging furiously through this post...nor do I apologise for trawling over the same old ground about the complicit Australian Broadcasting Corporation and pro-paedophile Rann/Weatherill Labor state government, etc, because here is where the battle is being fought and against whom...against a corrupt Labor government and via a corrupted, complicit ABC...amongst others...

I ask readers to review any of the many posts re the ABC and St Martins and how my relationship with the ABC has played out accordingly...and what I have been subjected to, what I have endured, and what I have gone past again and again and again to try and maintain a 'working relationship'...only to ultimately fail...and not because of me but because of the unpleasant, undeniable, unwanted truth in what I say...

And I've said it before, I'm sick of being the convenient whipping boy for these people's collective guilt, and duly abused and taunted and denigrated and discriminated against as they see fit...I have problems, many problems, but I am not The Problem...

I do not exaggerate in calling it a battle because that is exactly what it is...a relentless war of attrition waged by the Lutheran Church and the Rann/Weatherill Labor government against a handful of parents...a war of abuse and lies and bullying and harassment and Pariahtisation (previous post) and legal betrayal and official denial and official cover-up...a war to protect a "textbook grooming paedophile" who abused a class of 7 year old children...

What does it say of South Australia that when this abuse occurs it is parents who are left to organise any investigation and pursuit of action against teacher Glyn Dorling...and as a result end up in direct and ugly conflict with the Lutherans and the Labor government and SAPol (police) and the Teachers Registration Board and the ABC and literally everyone else in the state...what the shrek is that? 

I watched this interview, but unfortunately had the sound turned down when I taped it, so I don't have a specific quote...(but it should be available on the ABC's website, and the program is repeated today at 11.30am-Ed)...ok, so I'll watch that again and try to grab some of the golden words of wisdom from our illustrious leader as they dribble from his putrid maw into the vacuous gaps left by a pathetically complicit interviewer in this grossly orchestrated pantomime that was all vehicle for slavering self-excusing and entirely without accountability...(my, what an abusive but coherent rant-Ed)...ta...

You, Premier Jay Weatherill, and you, Simon Royal are the Bell witty word play or amusing euphemisms today I'm afraid...I may well be a prize tool, but you two are a right pair of Premier are a paedophile protecting liar...and you Simon Royal are an abjectly incompetent and compliant joke...

Think I'm Being Harsh: I remind readers that I have repeatedly spoken to and provided documents to Simon Royal (and multiple other ABC staff in both Mt Gambier and Adelaide, and even in Sydney) re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and that he has repeatedly failed to respond as promised, and then when 'pursued' by me, has flatly refused to address it...and instead we get this pathetic piece of dross about DeBelle...(How dare you speak to me of DeBelle?...what do you know of DeBelle?'ve never even been to DeBelle-Ed)...

I also remind readers that Stan Thompson, Stuart Stansfield, Alan Richardson, et al, at the Mt Gambier ABC know exactly what has happened re St Martins...and yet I'm the problem...

I also remind readers that The Border Watch, it's Editor Jason Wallace, previous Editor Frank "The Ghost" Morello, et al, know exactly what has happened re St Martins...and yet I'm the problem...

I also remind readers that Mayor Steve Perryman, dual CEO Greg Muller, et al on Mt Gambier City Council, the Wattle Range Mayor Peter Gandolfi, Grant District Council Mayor Richard Sage, etc, know exactly what has happened re St Martins...

And of course there's local MP Don Pegler, former local member and Rann government Minister Rory McEwen, former Premier Mike Rann, current Premier Jay Weatherill, head of Schools Gary Costello, etc, etc, etc...and yet I'm the problem...

Simon Royal is a joke amongst jokes...the entire ABC hierarchy in South Australia are a pathetic, self-serving pack of self-congratulating sycophants whom relentlessly big-note themselves about how insightful and critical they are of government, but when it really comes down to the hard yards...(dare I say it, down to The Crunch-Ed)...they flee in the opposite direction, clearly far more interested in their own precious positions on the well payed moral high ground that they so relentlessly claim...pathetic, complicit, compliant, corrupt...  

And please review my multiple posts re Premier Jay Weatherill...about his great work in officially blocking
Commissioner Ted Mullighan (deceased) from officially investigating St Martins as part of the Children in State Care Inquiry...his top effort of ignoring repeated written requests for an explanation and/or meeting...his fervent commitment to accountability demonstrated by handing my letters written to him, about his actions, to MP Grace Portolesi to answer...pathetic, complicit, corrupt...

I've just sat through that interview again, and it is available apparently in full on their website, but I'm not going through it again today...pathetic...but don't take my word for it, watch for yourself...and I ask that you do so keeping in mind what it is that is going on behind the scenes, eg, St Martins.

When Mr Weatherill states..."I'm interested in Child Protection, not the politics of Child Protection."...that it is a screaming hypocrisy and they both know it... 

Tomorrow: The Rort Report Part III

And yes I promise...again...(and you promised not to do that-Ed)...what?...(promise again-Ed)...fine, I assure you that tomorrow will be TRR III...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog and I need a Bex and a good lie down...laters...

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